Navigation: The New King Of The Whitebeard Group, Copying The Phoenix At The Beginning

Chapter 22 The Green Flame Of 600 Degrees Celsius Is Ready To Attack Marco

Hearing this, Jozi, Bista and others were also stunned.


They all know the temperature of Qing Yan.

The overall temperature is only about 200 degrees Celsius, and its destructive power is not strong.

Although the Phoenix Fruit is a top-level Zoan and phantom beast species, its focus is on healing rather than attacking.

But now?

The temperature of the blue flames of the Phoenix Fruit that Ron copied from the past suddenly increased several times, which greatly improved and improved its shortcomings of insufficient attack.

When they thought of this, Bista and others also looked puzzled and asked: "Why is this happening?"

"Can Qing Yan be improved?"

"But why can't Marco, but Ron can?"

"It's my Mera-mera Fruit!"

At this time, Ace on the side came back to his senses and said thoughtfully: "Ron just told me that he wanted to use the power of Mera-mera Fruit to increase the temperature of Qing Yan."

"Because of this, I activated the power of Mera-mera Fruit on him. Unexpectedly, he not only unlocked the beastman transformation, but also completed the increase in flame temperature."


That’s okay!

Hearing this, Marco was dumbfounded, glanced at Ron in disbelief, and then looked at Ace with piercing eyes.

After all, Ron's successful case is happening right in front of him, does that mean that he can also use the power of Mera-mera Fruit to improve his own strength?

Marco's breathing quickened when he thought of this.

He is also the deputy of the emperor, and his own strength is absolutely beyond doubt.

But Marco himself still has a flaw, that is, Devil Fruit's insufficient attack power.

Although he also masters the two-color Haki, Phoenix is ​​a species of phantom beast, and its essence is still based on fruit abilities.

The Phoenix Fruit has good abilities in all aspects, except its destructive power.

But if Qing Yan can increase the temperature several times, the benefits will be extremely huge, even...


At this time, Ron's low roar sounded in the air.

It can be seen that the green inflammation all over his body converged at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he exited the beast-like state in a short period of time.

The whole person landed on the deck from the sky and said with excitement: "Success!"

"Not only has the orc transformation been unlocked, but all attributes can be increased five times in the orc transformation. Qingyan's temperature has even increased three times after absorbing the Mera-mera Fruit."

"Although the temperature of only 600 degrees Celsius cannot be compared with the 800 degrees Celsius of Mera-mera Fruit, its power has been increased three times, and its destructive power and scope have also been greatly improved."

At this moment, the joy on Ron's face could not be suppressed.

He already had a brand new idea in his mind at this moment.

Since the power of the Mera-mera Fruit can be combined to increase the temperature of the blue flame when activating the beast transformation, will it be able to increase it again when the beast transformation is completed in the future?

Mera-mera Fruit is no longer enough, but the temperature of Molten Fruit and Hot Fruit can be very high. If it can be compatible with their temperatures, the destructive power of its own blue flame will reach a more terrifying and terrifying level.

By then, Phoenix will be an all-round Devil Fruit that can attack, defend, assist, and heal. Excellent in all aspects, it will truly become the top-tier Zoan·phantom beast species.



At this time, Marco hurriedly walked forward and asked: "How is it? How much has the temperature of your flame increased?"

"Can Qingyan really use Mera-mera Fruit to raise the temperature?"

As soon as these words came out, Sachi, Bista and others looked directly at Ron.

They also all know that if such a thing is true, it will be a huge improvement for Marco, and even the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates will be greatly improved.

After all, Marco is a genuine emperor and deputy-level combatant. If he increases the temperature of his Qing Yan, then Marco's strength will definitely become more powerful.

"it is true!"

Nodding, Ron came back to his senses.

He glanced at Marco, who had piercing eyes, and then said, "But I don't know if Captain Marco can complete it."

"The power of the Mera-mera Fruit itself surpasses that of the Phoenix Blue Flame. Just now, when I came into contact with the Mera-mera Fruit flame, I was suppressed and even burned my body."

"At that time, I was in so much pain that I couldn't even resist. It was the awakening of the beastman form that changed everything."

"When I transform into a beast, the power of the phoenix appears in my body. After it appears, it begins to absorb the flames of the Mera-mera Fruit. This causes the temperature of the blue flames to triple when I complete the transformation into a beast, reaching 600 degrees Celsius. .”

"Captain Marco has already completed his transformation into a beastman and a beast. I'm not sure if I can absorb the power of the Mera-mera Fruit to improve the overall quality of Qing Yan!"

Like this?

Hearing this, Marco frowned.

According to Ron's story, this matter is not simple, and even the dangers involved are huge.

Even he could not ensure his own safety after being burned by the power of Mera-mera Fruit.

"Marco, let's try this after this matter is over."

At this time, Sachi stepped forward and said.


"I'll try it later!"

"We will soon reach the G5 base. If you are injured, the consequences will be disastrous."

"After we return, it is safest to try to improve while ensuring safety."


Bista, Jozi and others also spoke one after another.

Marco, who was deeply afraid of this moment, desperately chose to try to increase the temperature of Qingyan.

That's all if it goes well.

But if it fails, it will definitely cause huge damage to it.

"I see."

Nodding, Marco calmed down and said, "I will not take risks at this time."

"I'll try it with Ace for help when I get back."

Having said this, Marco seemed to have thought of something and looked at Ron with piercing eyes: "Ron, release your blue flame and let me see it."

"The Qing Yan at 600 degrees Celsius is three times as hot as mine. I really want to see it~"

'good! ’

Not taking no for an answer, Ron extended his hand.

In an instant, dark blue flames appeared in his hands.

This is the green flame after the ascension. Different from the blue before, the flame at this moment is dark blue and deep. Rather than calling it green flame, it is better to call it blue flame!

"So strong!"

"It's not as good as Ace's Mera-mera Fruit, but it's Logia."

"The temperature of this Qingyan has increased so much, it's really enviable."


For a moment, Marco's eyes were eager.

Looking at the dark blue Qingyan's eyes were full of desire and yearning.


Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound.

Following the sound, it could be seen that a huge pirate ship appeared in the sea not far away, and it was heading towards the Moby Dick at an extremely fast speed, and it seemed that it was about to collide.

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