Navigation: The New King Of The Whitebeard Group, Copying The Phoenix At The Beginning

Chapter 29 Whitebeard Talks About Haki, Marine’S Alertness

Hearing this, Ron also looked at Whitebeard.


This is definitely one of the abilities he cares about most besides Devil Fruit.

Especially since he now possesses the top-level Devil Fruit and has also learned the Six Forms of World Government, which will always have a solid foundation in both physical skills and fruits.

What needs to be done next is to continuously accumulate the foundation of all these, become stronger, and finally evolve to the ultimate level.

But Haki is different too.

Even if Conqueror's is already awakened.

But like Ace, he was completely unable to use Conqueror's on his own, let alone the unawakened Sensing Color and Armament Haki.

Ace's inquiry now seems to him to be a good learning opportunity for him, just in time to find out the situation about Conqueror's Haki.

"Yes, Dad."

"My Haki is also stuck at the intermediate level and can't move up."

"That's right, Dad, my two-color Haki is only at the level of Xiaocheng, not even the intermediate level."

Dad, is Haki’s subsequent training due to qualification issues or some other issue?


At the same time, Marco and others also spoke one after another at this moment.

Almost all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates master the two-color Haki, and even have Devil Fruit and strong physical and sword skills.

But their situations are similar to Ace's.

Almost all of Haki's training has been slowed down, and he is completely unable to rise to a higher level, as if something is hindering something.

"You guys."

"I ask you to train more on weekdays, but you don't pay attention to this."

In response, Whitebeard laughed.

After taking a look at Marco and the others, who were obviously very curious about knowledge and even more eager to become stronger, they immediately said without hesitation: "The so-called Haki is actually the manifestation and expression of the three powers of human body, energy, energy and spirit."

"For example, if you see and hear the color, you need to be constantly in crisis, so as to feel the mystery of the sight and hear the color, understand the meaning of it, and turn it into your own instinct. Even after it reaches the Ultimate level, you can be like Linlin. The child Katakuri usually foresees the future.”

"Armament Haki, what is needed is physical training. Only a strong enough body can support the growth of Armament and the strong use of Yamato."

"The last Conqueror's is the spirit of a man."

"Only if your spirit is strong enough and you have the power to control it can you release it."

"As for courage, almost everything is destined by nature. For example, Ace and Ron have their own pride in their hearts, and they even think that they are king-level existences in what they are proud of. "

"Because of this, they were able to awaken the Conqueror's, and if they want to use it in its true sense, those two need uninterrupted practice, and a deep belief in this matter that will not waver."

"Conqueror's practice to the end, that is to compete with each other to determine whether their will is firm or not."

"Many people who awakened the existence of Conqueror's in the past, but because they encountered countless suppressions in the later period, and their proud side was completely suppressed, their Conqueror's will be weak, and even when they are completely defeated, their Conqueror's will It will be completely lost and cannot be used."

"For example, when he challenged me as the Crocodile brat, he was a supernova and high-spirited. However, after he failed in the battle with me, he suffered a huge blow. This also led to the fact that even though he became a Shichibukai, his own Conqueror's It has been completely broken..."

As Whitebeard narrated, Ron and others suddenly realized.

There is also some clear knowledge and understanding of the situation of Conqueror's Haki.

Involuntarily, Marco and the others lowered their heads and said, "I'm sorry, dad, we let you down."

"It's because we were too lax, which resulted in our own strength not improving much in so many years."

"Dad, after we go back, we will definitely work hard to become stronger, and we will not continue to be so lax and bad."


At this moment, Marco and other division captains were all blushing.

Although Whitebeard didn't blame anything, his previous words had already made it clear.

That is, this matter is due to one's own laxity, one's own laziness, which has led to the current situation, and even the inability of one's own two-color Haki to improve.

This is true even for Ace.

After joining the Whitebeard Pirates, he really relaxed. In fact, he basically only spent time eating, drinking and having fun, but he had very little time for training.

"I see."

Ron suddenly understood.

No wonder the Whitebeard Pirates in the original work were defeated directly after Whitebeard died in battle.

Even though the Blackbeard Pirates were very powerful at that time, they were still one of the Four Emperors pirates in the past. How could they be completely defeated, collapsed, and even have many captains die in a short period of time?

The reason for the co-authorship is that each of them is too lax, and almost all of them have no improvement in their own strength.

The only highlight moment in the later period was Marco, who single-handedly suppressed Jhin and Quinn, which proved the strength of his deputy.

Unfortunately, Marco's Phoenix Fruit ability was not destructive enough, and his two-color Haki was not strong enough, which also resulted in him only suppressing the opponent but not being able to completely defeat the opponent.


It is self-improvement that requires long-term struggle and hard work to continue to become stronger, rather than being complacent after achieving some achievements.

When he thought of this, the pride that originally surged in Ron's heart stabilized.

Although he has indeed surpassed most people in reaching such a point in a short period of time, he is still extremely weak.

Under such circumstances, what he needs to do is to continue to become stronger and work hard to maintain his original intention instead of falling into comfort prematurely.


Suddenly, a sound from the captain's horn sounded.

Looking around, you can see that the fleet is approaching the G5 base.

At this moment, the Marines were also aware of the arrival of the Beasts Pirates ships. Huge Marine warships had also sailed out of the base, aiming directly at the area where the Beasts Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates were located.


"The Marine people finally came out."

"I thought they wouldn't notice it, but it seems they have some tricks up their sleeves!"

Seeing this situation, Marco and others also came to their senses.

Without worrying about what happened before, everyone looked at the Marine warships that were speeding in the distance. Everyone's eyes were full of ridicule and disdain.

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