Navigation: The New King Of The Whitebeard Group, Copying The Phoenix At The Beginning

Chapter 63 Insight Into Teach Plan, Paramecia·Amplification Fruit

what's the situation?

Not inferior to the power of Shock Fruit?

With a raised brow, Ron looked at Teach in surprise, frowned and said, "Are you sure?"

"Is there really something as good as Shock Fruit?"

"But I have generally seen the battles in the field. Whether it is the people of our Whitebeard Pirates or the people of the Ochoku Pirates, their Devil Fruit abilities are not comparable to Shock Fruit.

At the same time, Ron had a vague suspicion in his heart.

Raise Gu!

Teach is raising gu.

And this Gu is himself, his own copied fruit.

Although I don’t know the specific rules and circumstances for Dark Fruit to seize Devil Fruit, judging from Teach’s behavior, I am afraid that it can directly seize the powers obtained by ability users.

Otherwise, during the Summit War in the original book, Blackbeard launched Air Shock directly after seizing the Shock Fruit. That was Shock Fruit's ultimate move.


Nodding, Teach said without any nonsense, even a little eagerly: "I noticed before, that guy is still weak, only at the Vice Admiral level.

"He also didn't really use his Devil Fruit power, which also resulted in him not being considered a senior cadre within the Ochoku Pirates."

"If you can get it, your strength will be greatly improved by then, and even more powerful when combined with the power of Shock Fruit in the future."


This guy is eyeing some Devil Fruit ability.

He didn't dare to reveal his ability to directly seize the Devil Fruit, so he wanted me to get it. If he gets the Dark Fruit in the future, he would attack me and seize it directly.

Thinking of this, Ron felt depressed in his heart, but on the surface he asked calmly: "What kind of fruit ability is it?"

"What special abilities do you have?"

"Paramecia·Amplification Fruit!"

Without giving away, Teach said with piercing eyes: "Once you master the power of this fruit, you can increase yourself in all directions. Every time you develop 10% of yourself, you will get ten times the full range. By analogy, you can increase it before reaching awakening. The point where you can improve your own all-roundness by 90 times.々.

"Although it is not very strong in the early stage, the power of this fruit will become stronger in the later stage, and it will be of great use and value to you in the future."

"If you copy Shock Fruit, when you reach Marco's stage, you can even explode with power that is not inferior to Dad."

"How about it, are you interested?"

After saying that, Leitch looked at Gu Ron.

He wanted this Devil Fruit himself, but unfortunately, without the Dark Fruit, he couldn't guarantee 100% capture, so he had to settle for the next best thing and let Ron copy it first.

If you find it in the future, that's fine, but if you don't find it, then...

"Paramecia·Amplification Fruit!"

"Hasn't it been developed to increase all attributes by 10% by 10 times?"

"There is such a magical Devil Fruit in this world?"

Shocked in his heart, Ron had to admit that his heart was moved.

Although he knew that all this was Teach's plan, he couldn't resist the temptation.

Compared to those with the amplification fruit ability who are destined to die, Whitebeard will definitely be able to persist for a while.

The most important thing is that Morgans and Whitebeard reached a deal before and have obtained the whereabouts and information of the pure gold.

Teach doesn't know this.

If pure gold can be obtained and given to Whitebeard, then Whitebeard can stop decay and aging, and his own strength will quickly return to its peak.

As a result, nothing can happen to Whitebeard in a short period of time. Even if he really follows the original route, he still has nearly two years to prepare. It is not difficult to complete 60% of the development rate.

"I see."

Taking a deep breath, Ron looked at Teach and said, "I promise!"

"But are you sure you can succeed in helping me awaken my knowledge?"

"And if I awaken to see the color, my Devil Fruit development level can reach 30%?"


Seeing Ron's heartbeat, Teach smiled.

Although helping him develop Haki is to help the enemy, and may even cause trouble by raising a tiger.

But for his own plan, Teach no longer cares so much, and he even doesn't think Ron can threaten him in the future.

After all, the limit of the copied fruit is there, and the copied ability cannot be awakened, which means that his limit will be locked and he will not be able to reach the ultimate in the true sense.

On the other hand, if he succeeds by then, everything about Ron will belong to him, and there is no need to worry about anything.

Thinking of this, Teach suddenly said: "Although it takes some energy and may even make me weak for a period of time, it is enough to be able to help you."

"As I said before, I will help you quickly become stronger and become a qualified heir."

Hearing this, Ron smiled.

Already aware of Teach's plan, he was not panicked at all at this moment.

You have a good plan and I have a wall ladder. It is still unclear who will win when the time comes.

When he thought of this, Ron immediately said: "...'If so, then I'll trouble you, Teach!"

"That guy probably won't last long. I hope we can finish it as soon as possible!"


Hearing this, Teach also nodded.

At this point, he didn't care what he was pretending to do. After all, as Ron said, the situation of the person with the ability to increase the fruit was not good at the moment.

Although he is at the Vice Admiral level, his degree of development of the fruit is obviously not high, which also means that he is clearly no match for the squad leader at the moment. If he delays, he will probably die and be unable to copy the opponent's ability.

Thinking of this, Teach stepped forward again and grabbed Ron's shoulders and said, "Then I'll start.

"Ron, hold on!"

"This time, I'm stimulating your head!"

(Zhao got it) The next second, Ron felt that irresistible force sweeping over him again, aiming directly at his head.


For a moment, the severe pain made Ron extremely uncomfortable. While his whole body was shaking violently, Conqueror's Haki began to gradually spread.

"Suppress me!"

Seeing this, Teach frowned and without hesitation mobilized his Conqueror's to suppress this force.

This time he wanted to open up Ron's knowledge. If this failed due to Conqueror's participation, it would be a real loss.

Under such circumstances, he didn't care about exposing anything. After all, he and Ron had reached an agreement, and he also believed that after this incident, Ron would not reveal too much information about himself.

Soon, Ron's Conqueror's was suppressed in a corner area, and then, Haki, who belonged to Teach, continued to attack Ron's mind. .

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