Chapter 155 The shocking power of the nuclear fusion laser cannon, first destroy the red hair, then the white beard! [Please subscribe].

The air was dead silent for a moment, followed by a deafening explosion.


A huge fireball rose into the sky on the deserted island, and the flames rolled, boiled, and continued to rise.

The flames rose to a height of 10,000 meters in less than 1 minute, and the explosion shock wave engulfed the air to form a ring, and finally formed a super-large mushroom cloud. The explosion shock wave spread out in all directions, swallowing up the island inch by inch.

The sea of fire roared out, instantly burning all the forests on the deserted island, and then the land was completely blown away by the shock wave, and then exploded into nothingness.

The deserted island finally disappeared in the sea of fire, and the shock wave rushed out of the island, rolling up billions of tons of seawater, forming a tsunami that covered the sky and the sun, rushing in all directions. With just one shot, a small island was completely destroyed!

This is the power of a super laser cannon equipped with a nuclear fusion reactor.

Although the power of this shot is not as powerful as a hydrogen bomb with an equivalent of 100 million tons, it is definitely far more powerful than an atomic bomb.

You must know that this is only the power exerted by Long Yi after he transformed into a super laser turret, and it is not the maximum power.

If it is the maximum power, the power will be even stronger.

If it is a super laser cannon after twenty Devil Terminators are combined and transformed, the power is even more terrifying.

One shot can instantly destroy a super-large island!

Reynold stood on the dragon head of the steel dragon, and the steel dragon soared into the sky and flew into the distance. Behind it was an expanding mushroom cloud that did not subside for a long time. Im has been solved, and the Red Hair Pirates have also been destroyed. Reynold’s next target should naturally be the Whitebeard Pirates.

By monitoring the swarm drones of the Whitebeard Pirates, Reynold soon knew the sea area where the Whitebeard Pirates were now. He no longer hesitated and rushed towards the Whitebeard Pirates.

The sonic boom in the sky continued, and the steel dragon soon disappeared.

Deep in the New World, a huge whale pirate ship was sailing on the sea. It was the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates.

There were several Moby Dicks, but the one that Whitebeard usually rode was obviously the main ship and the largest in specifications.

The Moby Dick was no longer as lively as it used to be. All the pirates stood on the deck, with gloomy expressions, sadness, anger, and all kinds of emotions intertwined. No one said a word, and the atmosphere was stagnant, like a volcano that could erupt at any time.

Everyone’s eyes were all on the bodies lying on the deck. A dozen of them were ordinary members, and the last one was a fat man named Bramanque, the captain of the sixth team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Bramanque, who was usually fat and huge, was now covered with wounds, his hands and feet were twisted, and he was covered in blood. He looked a little thin and had become a corpse.

Looking at Bramanque’s body, all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates were extremely angry.

As everyone knows, Whitebeard values his family very much and will never forgive anyone who attacks his family.

Killing Whitebeard’s captain-level son is the biggest provocation to Whitebeard.

What’s more, the one who killed Bramanc this time was not an outsider, but one of his own on the ship, Blackbeard Teach.

Killing a companion is a violation of the iron law on the pirate ship.

Because of Reynold, the world’s power has changed drastically, but some things are destined to happen as if they were destined to happen. For example, the Dark Dark Fruit that Blackbeard has been waiting for for more than 20 years finally appeared.

It was as if the Dark Dark Fruit chose Blackbeard, and it appeared in front of Blackbeard.

In order to get that power, Blackbeard killed his companions without hesitation, and then defected from the Whitebeard Pirates.

It’s just that this time it was not Captain Thatch of the Fourth Division who died, but Captain Bramanc of the Sixth Division.

Everything seems to be destined!

“That bastard Teach actually dared to do such a thing, is he crazy?”

Marco gritted his teeth, his body trembling with excessive anger.

“I heard that it was because of a devil fruit. In order to get the devil fruit, Teach attacked Bramank without hesitation!”

Flower Sword Vista said in a low voice.

“Bramank is already a power user, so it is impossible for him to eat a second fruit. If Teach wants it, just say it. Why does he have to kill people?”

Diamond Joz suppressed the anger in his heart, and his voice was a little hoarse.

“That bastard is hiding too deeply. His true nature is probably completely different from what he usually shows!”

Yizang whispered

“After killing a companion, we must not let him go. Teach must pay the price!”

“Not only that, he also damaged my father’s reputation. I will never forgive him!”

Fire Fist Ace was already in a rage, and the Flame-Flame Fruit was almost out of control, with his whole body burning with flames.

If Marco hadn’t pulled Ace in time, Ace would have jumped off the boat and left.

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes and hadn’t heard it confirmed by the survivors, who would have thought that Teach would actually kill his companions?”

“He has been on the ship for more than 20 years.”

“Could it be that all these years of friendship is not as good as a devil fruit?”

“Damn it.”

Some pirates who were usually on good terms with Teach were all crying.

They couldn’t believe that Teach, who was always a good guy, would do such a thing.

He looked at Bramank’s body and tears flowed from his eyes.

All the pirates were extremely angry, and as a parent, Whitebeard felt not anger at first, but sadness.

“Bramanque, my son, your death was in vain.”

“Just one devil fruit actually killed my precious son!”

In Whitebeard’s eyes, the value of one hundred devil fruits is not as much as the life of his son.

“Dad, give the order!”

Ace looked at Whitebeard and said coldly:”We will hunt down Teach immediately and take his head to pay tribute to Bramank’s spirit in heaven!”

“Ace is right, Dad, we must make Teach pay the price!”

“That damn bastard, I must make him feel regret and despair!”

“Those who betrayed the Whitebeard Pirates must not be allowed to live on the sea again!”

Many pirates shared the same hatred and all of them were full of murderous intent towards Teach. All of them wanted to tear Teach’s tendons and skin him alive and cut his body into pieces. Whitebeard stepped forward and held Bramanque’s body in his arms. Then he swept his eyes over the pirates, a trace of ferocity appeared on his expression, and his eyes flashed with coldness.

“Guys, from now on, Teach is no longer my son, and no longer a member of the Whitebeard Pirates.”

“We must find him, kill him, and avenge our dead family members!”

“Pass on my order, all members of the Whitebeard Pirates are dispatched to track down Teach’s whereabouts.”

“Report any discovery immediately!”

“It’s only been two days since the incident, he can’t escape far”

“As the price for killing my precious son, I must twist off Teach’s head with my own hands!”

Whitebeard’s roar resounded through the sky and the sea, and the moment the voice fell, a terrifying domineering aura of domineering burst out, sweeping the world.

Whitebeard, the last of the Four Emperors on the sea, was really angry this time.

And this time he did not stop his men from taking revenge, but chose to lead his men to hunt down Teach with all their strength.

Because the situation on the sea is different now.

In today’s sea, there is no restraint from the navy and the world government, nor is there a four-legged tripod of the Four Emperors Pirate Group.

Except for Reynolds, no one can stop his Whitebeard’s revenge.

So Whitebeard acts without scruples, and there is no need to be timid.

In this case, he naturally has to do his best to avenge his dead son.

And Whitebeard’s order naturally made all the pirates under his command excited and crazy.

“Kill, you must kill Teach and avenge Bramanc!”

“This damn traitor has brought shame to the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates. He must pay the price!”

“How dare you deceive us for so long? That bastard Teach is such a vicious villain!”

Many pirates spoke one after another, venting their hatred and anger.

However, at this moment, a plain voice suddenly exploded in everyone’s ears.

“Revenge for your companions is a good thing, but can you find him?”

As soon as these words came out, the pirates on the deck calmed down instantly, and everyone’s eyes followed the voice to the mast.

At the top of the mast, a tall figure appeared.

He was wearing luxurious robes, with a slender figure, looking down at the many pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates…

The man was none other than Reynold.

And this time Reynold did not wear the alloy armor, and the armor was put under his clothes.

After all, to deal with a mere Whitebeard Pirates, Reynold’s own combat power was enough, and he didn’t need the alloy armor at all.

“”Reynold, it’s you!”

After seeing Reynold’s appearance clearly, all the pirates were on high alert.

The pirates were like cats encountering a threat, with their hair standing on end, and instantly taking a posture of alert to meet the enemy. One by one, the cadres stood in front of Whitebeard. Marco transformed into a phoenix, Diamond Joz half of his body turned into diamonds, Flower Sword Vista drew his two swords, and Fireball Ace was burning with flames.

All the people with special abilities activated their devil fruit abilities in an instant.

This was the threat brought by Reynold, and they dared not be careless at all.

Whitebeard was the only one who could remain calm.

Whitebeard looked up at Reynold and asked expressionlessly:”When did you get on the ship?”

But Whitebeard’s observation Haki is still sharp, but he didn’t notice Reynold’s arrival from beginning to end.

Although his strength has been greatly reduced due to his old age, his domineering has also weakened a little.

This means that if Reynold attacks secretly, he will not have time to dodge.

When Whitebeard thought of this, he felt heavy.

Although he knew that Reynold’s strength was far superior to his, he didn’t expect the gap between the two to be so big.

Reynold smiled slightly, and said lightly:”When you shouted to avenge your companions, it was already here.”

“I think you were too focused on your dead companions, so you relaxed your vigilance against the outside world.”

“This is a fatal flaw, Whitebeard.”

Reynold looked at Whitebeard and sneered.

“If I had wanted to attack you just now, I would have taken your head off by now.”

After these words came out, many captains became more fearful and alert. All of them lowered their bodies slightly, ready to attack at any time.

They would never allow anyone to hurt Whitebeard, even if that person was the world’s strongest man, Reynold.

“Humph, a dignified Reynold would never do a sneak attack.”

Whitebeard snorted coldly and said,”I know this very well.”

“Who knows?”

“To achieve the goal, I will do whatever it takes. That is my nature!”

Masters usually care about their reputation, so they disdain sneak attacks.

But Reynold is different. He doesn’t care about his reputation. He only cares about victory or defeat and life or death. He will use all kinds of sinister means to win, such as sneak attacks and poisoning.

However, he didn’t need to use these means to win against the Whitebeard Pirates, so he didn’t use sneak attacks.

“Okay, enough of the nonsense, what do you want to do by joining the Whitebeard Pirates?”

“Are you here to take my head too?”

Whitebeard looked at Reynold and asked coldly.

While speaking, Whitebeard had already clenched the broadsword Kusukimi.

The muscles in his arms bulged like steel, and the ability of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit had also been activated, forming a transparent halo on the blade.

Although he knew that he was no match for Reynold, Whitebeard would not let himself be slaughtered.

If Reynold made a move, Whitebeard would naturally fight to the death.

Reynold glanced at Whitebeard and said lightly:”The head of an old man who is old and weak and needs intravenous drips to prolong his life all day long is of no use to me.”

“I’m here because I want the Whitebeard Pirates to do something.”

“If you do this, I can let the Whitebeard Pirates go and spare your lives.”

“What if I can’t do it?”

Marco asked in a low voice.


Reynold said expressionlessly,”If you can’t do it, I will destroy the Whitebeard Pirates and let you go to hell like the other Four Emperors Pirates.”

“What nonsense are you talking about?…….”

One pirate wanted to refute Reynold, but halfway through his words, he met Reynold’s cold eyes.

Then the next second, he felt a sharp pain in his head, his eyes went black, and he completely lost consciousness.

This kind of minion couldn’t even withstand a glance from Reynold.

This is the Overlord’s Stare Kill, the power is terrifying!.

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