Chapter 157 Reynold declared to the world, kill all the pirates! [Please subscribe].

Finally, Marco made his move.

Before Blackbeard landed on the ground, Marco’s transformed phoenix had already dropped from the sky, and hit Blackbeard in the face with a”Phoenix Seal”, kicking him heavily out of the sky.


Blackbeard smashed the ground into a big hole, his whole body was covered in blood, and he was seriously injured.

Being besieged by Whitebeard, Marco, Ace and Joz, even the admirals of the navy would find it difficult to bear, let alone a mere Blackbeard.

Although Blackbeard’s strength has greatly increased after obtaining the Dark Dark Fruit, it is obviously too far to fight one against four.

Not to mention Marco, Ace and the other two, just the uninjured Whitebeard is not something Blackbeard can contend with.

“No, Dad, please spare me, please spare me”

“I won’t dare to do it again. I’m your son, Dad. Please let me go this time.”

Blackbeard wailed and begged for mercy, his face was covered with tears and snot, he looked disgusting and miserable.

But this was the true face of Blackbeard.

Blackbeard Teach was originally a coward who was willing to give up all his dignity in order to survive.

The heroes on the sea would rather die than beg for mercy.

But Blackbeard was different. In order to survive, he could kneel down and beg for mercy without hesitation.

He could do anything shameless and despicable.

“That’s ugly, Teach.”

“Is this the only strength you have gained by killing your companions?”

Whitebeard looked down at Blackbeard Teach with a cold and indifferent look.

Then he raised his hand and clenched his fist, and an air shock exploded, hitting Blackbeard Teach’s chest.

The atmosphere was shattered and instantly covered with cracks. A terrifying shock wave exploded in Blackbeard Teach’s chest. Blackbeard vomited blood and an extremely painful expression appeared on his face. Crack! Crack! Crack!

“Dark Water!!!”

Blackbeard used the power of the Dark-Dark Fruit to eliminate the shockwave from the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, but Ace had already attacked from behind. Four flaming spears pierced through Teach’s chest, blowing him away again.


Blackbeard was lying on the ground, his face covered in blood, spitting out blood, and his injuries were very serious.

The Dark-Dark Fruit can render the abilities of other fruits ineffective, but Blackbeard only has two hands, and two hands cannot defeat four hands, let alone facing four masters at the same time: Whitebeard, Ace, Marco, and Joz.

Blackbeard was crushed throughout the whole process, and the battle was over quickly.

The process took less than five minutes, and Ace, Marco, and Joz all stopped.

Blackbeard was seen lying in the ruins, his body stained red with blood.

His two arms and one leg had disappeared, and there were several hideous blood holes in his chest that were constantly bleeding.

Even so, Blackbeard was still alive.

Although his consciousness was almost gone, he still retained the last trace.

It has to be said that Blackbeard’s physique is indeed a monster among monsters, just like an indestructible cockroach.

But no matter how strong the cockroach’s vitality is, there will be a day when it will be completely killed.

“Teach, it’s time to pay for your sins!”

Whitebeard took a step forward, swung Kusugawa Knife from top to bottom, and chopped it straight to Blackbeard’s neck.

Blackbeard’s blurred vision saw Whitebeard’s knife, his eyes widened, revealing endless unwillingness and fear.


The knife flashed, cut Blackbeard’s neck, and cut off his head.

The head flew into the air, blood kept spraying, and Blackbeard Teach’s consciousness fell into darkness.

Just like that, Blackbeard, a despicable villain of a generation, died completely before he became famous!

“Bramanque, we have avenged you.”

“Teach has paid for your death!”

“You can rest in peace in Huangquan】”

Ace, Marco, and Joz looked at Blackbeard’s body, and the anger and murderous intent in their hearts finally got vented.

At this moment, Reynolds came down from the sky, came behind them, and said:”Okay, you have done what you need to do, and now it’s time to fulfill your promise.”

Whitebeard said expressionlessly:”I will definitely do what I say.”

“Just wait, I will disband the Whitebeard Pirates soon”


Ace shouted anxiously, somewhat reluctantly.

But Whitebeard raised his hand to stop Ace from saying anything further, sighed and said:”We are no match for this monster. If we want to protect our family, disbanding the pirate group is the only option.””

“Besides, as long as everyone is still alive, it doesn’t matter whether the Whitebeard Pirates exist or not.”

Whitebeard smiled and said,”I went to sea to find my family. Now my family has been found, and my dream has come true.”

“Compared to you, a mere flag is really insignificant.”

Reynold’s goal has been achieved, and he soon left the sea on the steel dragon.

A day later, the news that the Red Hair Pirates were destroyed and the Whitebeard Pirates were disbanded spread across the sea in an instant under Reynold’s control.

“Hey, have you heard? One of the Four Emperors, the Red Hair Pirates, has been wiped out”

“Of course I heard about it. This is big news. Now the whole world knows about it.”

“Not only was the Red Hair Pirates annihilated, but even the strongest of the Four Emperors, the Whitebeard Pirates, also announced its disbandment.”

“In this way, the Four Emperors and Great Pirates of the New World will be completely ended.”

“As long as Reynold exists, this world belongs to him alone.”

“Yes, times have changed. There is no place for the Four Emperors in the ocean now. Only Reynold is the king of the world.”

“The Four Emperors have been eliminated, so the next ones are the pirates of Paradise and the Four Seas.”

“I have a feeling that Lord Reynold will destroy all the pirates in the world.”

“He will surely bring permanent peace to the world.”

Millions of people around the world are talking about Reynold. For most civilians, the fall of the Four Emperors is the only good news.

But for the pirates, it is an unprecedented and major blow.

“Damn it, why is this happening?”

“The Red Hair Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates were defeated one after another. Aren’t they the Four Emperors? How could they be defeated so easily?”

“This is not surprising, after all, their opponent is Reynolds.”

“Even the Four Emperors could not stand up to Reynolds, an unprecedented super monster.”

“What should we do now? Are we still going to enter the new world?”

“Even the Four Emperors and the Great Pirates have been killed. If we go in, wouldn’t we be courting death?”

“Of course we have to go in. The Four Emperors have fallen, and a large area of the New World has been vacated. This is our chance.”

“Bullshit, the New World is so big, how can Reynold control all the territories by himself?”

“Just wait, I’ll be able to stand out soon”

“Then go ahead, I’ll let it go”

“I have decided to disband the Grizzly Pirates. There is no future in being a pirate. I’d better go home and open a tavern.”

“Humph, you coward, just indulge yourself in depravity.”

There is a three-level differentiation phenomenon among pirates all over the world.

There is one type, who are frightened by Reynold’s reputation and dare not enter the New World again, and even dare not be pirates anymore.

After the news of the fall of the Red Hair Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates came out, they were scared and disbanded their own pirate groups without saying a word.

Some wealthy pirate captains took the robbed funds and decided to secretly return home to start a new business, or find a place where no one knows him to live in seclusion for retirement. The second type, they are still pursuing the illusory treasure of the Pirate King, and they are also eager to stand out and become famous.

They want to take advantage of the opportunity of the fall of the Four Emperors in the New World to rush into the New World and build a career, and they are also fantasizing that they will be the next emperor.

So they are fearless and head towards the New World..

Although this type of pirates are ignorant and fearless, their courage is worthy of recognition.

The last type is the fallen pirates. They dare not enter the new world, but are unwilling to retire.

So they can only bully ordinary people in Paradise or the Four Seas.

There are the most pirates of this type.

Although they are afraid of Reynold’s strength, they do not believe that Reynold can kill all the pirates.

In the final analysis, they all hold a fluke mentality.

However, on this day, Reynold once again started a world live broadcast.

The video phone mushi signals of major kingdoms around the world were invaded, the big screens were controlled, and the swarm drones all over the world fell from the sky, projecting real-time live broadcast images.

Reynold’s figure appeared in the picture. Reynold stood above the red earth continent and smiled at the camera.

“Ladies and gentlemen, hello, I am Reynold Parritt, we meet again.

Reynold greeted the camera with a warm attitude, and then said:”Today, I will start the world live broadcast. I have a message to inform everyone, and also to inform the whole world.”

“From today on, there will be no more pirates in the world.”

“As we all know, pirates burn, kill, rob, and commit all kinds of evil. Their existence is a great destruction to the world and a great disrespect for life.”

“……Evil elements like pirates, just like the Celestial Dragons, should not exist in our world.”

“So I, Reynold Parritt, decided to wipe out all the pirates in the world.”


As soon as these words came out, they instantly caused an uproar around the world.

“He actually wants to destroy all the pirates in the world, you are worthy of being Lord Den Nord!”

“Lord Reynold is indeed the god of justice!”

“I support you, Lord Reynold”

“We must destroy all the pirates in the world and kill them all.”

“My wife and daughter all died at the hands of pirates. Now I finally have hope for revenge.”

“The evil pirates finally get their comeuppance”

“Go to hell, you damn bastards.”

Ordinary people all cheered excitedly, while pirates from all over the world were shaking with fear.

If the navy or the world government announced this news, they would only sneer.

Want to destroy all the pirates in the world, are you kidding? How is it possible?

Not to mention destroying them, just finding all the pirates is impossible.

But Reynold is different, he has such power.

Because the world live broadcast is right in front of them. If the live broadcast can be transmitted to them, they can naturally be killed. So one by one, watching the live broadcast of the swarm drones in front of them, they were all stunned in place, not daring to move. They were afraid that any unusual movement would attract the attention of the swarm drones and be killed directly.

“I know that some people may doubt my decision and even question my ability.”

“So before I slaughter all the pirates in the world, I will give you an appetizer to show the world my determination.”

While speaking, Reynold snapped his fingers.

Then hundreds of millions of people around the world saw the live broadcast screen begin to move backwards, and then a large cross execution platform appeared in everyone’s eyes.

Behind Reynold, there were densely packed crosses.

There was a person tied to each cross.

These people were men and women, and of various races.

The fishmen, the long-armed people, the long-legged people, the humans, the giants, all kinds of races.

Without exception, they were all pirates, and all of them were pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million Baileys.

The few at the front were all famous big men.

Such as Crocodile who escaped in the war, Edward Weeble who became famous in the New World, Black Mamba Bob Tucker, and the king of the underground dark world except Morgans were all here.

As soon as these big men appeared, they were recognized.

“Look, that’s Crocodile, one of the former Shichibukai”

“There is also Edward Weeble. It is said that he once cut off an arm of the former Admiral Zephyr. Unexpectedly, he was also captured by Lord Reynold.”

“The sturdy man who is over five meters tall is Black Mamba Bob Tucker. He likes to chop off the heads of his enemies and hang them on the bow of the ship. He is a butcher who kills without blinking an eye. I remember that his bounty seems to be more than 700 million Baileys.”

“All these big shots were arrested by Lord Reynold.”

“Not only that, the people behind them are not simple, each of them is a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million.”

“Only Lord Reynold has the ability to capture all these pirates.”

“Killing them all would save countless people.”

“Kill them, Lord Reynold!”

“Kill them!!!”

“Don’t leave any behind!”

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