With the actions of Locks and Mitte, the other members of the Rocks Pirates also burst out with momentum.

Sengoku alone could not resist the enemy's attack at all, so he could only keep retreating.

Kaido and Charlotte Lingling saw an opportunity to attack the Sengoku together.

"Thundering gossip!".

Kaido shouted, and slammed a stick into Sengoku's head.

Just as Sengoku was about to eat this move, a figure suddenly rushed out from the side.

With a bang, a sword blocked Kaido's attack.

Sengoku took a few breaths and took the opportunity to hurriedly step back and look at the man in front of him.

"Reilly, are you here too?"

"Haha!" Reilly smiled, swinging his sword away from Kaido's mace.

"It's so lively, how could I not come and join in?".

As soon as he finished speaking, members of the Roger Pirates continued to appear around him.

On the other side, Captain Roger himself appeared in front of Mitt and Locks.

As soon as he appeared, a crescent-shaped sword rushed over.

However, although this sword was fast and murderous, it was easily avoided by Roger.

Roger smiled and shook his head.

"Looks like you're not very welcoming to us. "

"Humph!" a man with a moon hairstyle snorted coldly and walked out of the dust.

He was followed by more than a dozen members of the Knights of the Gods.

These god knights are all masters, and they exude a very powerful momentum.

Locks' eyes narrowed when he saw this.

Not only the Knights of God, but even Roger, a guy, came to join in the fun, and things were difficult.

"Roger, since you have come to the Valley of the Gods, then just cooperate with us. Locks said.

"The Celestial Dragon people have put a lot of treasures here, and I can share them with you. "

As the leader of the pirates, Locks knows the truth of weighing the pros and cons, so he naturally said this to Roger.

After all, the other party is also a third-party force, and it is best to choose cooperation before you are sure.

Sure enough, hearing Locks say this, the moon-headed man suddenly said in a deep voice.

"If you pirates want to unite, then pass us first!"

As he spoke, his whole body burst out, and his eyes flashed with light.

"I, Figarando Gringu, will never allow you to trample on the dignity of the world's nobility!"

In the face of Figarando Greengus's momentum, Mitte showed composure.

His gaze stayed on Roger, and his momentum stirred up.

No matter what the situation, Mitt has only one goal, and that is to make the scene chaotic.

"Huh. Roger sensed Mitter's gaze and a smile appeared on his face.

"Locks, you're so good now, you don't need our help. "

"What do you mean?" Locks frowned.

"Do you want to help the world government?"

"Not true. Roger said.

"It's not you who want to help, it's the civilians here. "

Figarando Gringusage also stood up when he heard Roger say this.

"Roger, the first target of our Knights of God is the people of the Rocks Pirates, and you can do the rest!"

With that, Figarando Gringusage drew his sword and charged at Rocks.

He was fast, like a red bolt of lightning, straight for Rocks.

As soon as Locks was about to make a move, a tall man jumped out behind him and stopped the enemy's attack.

Edward the Whitebeard had been waiting in the rear for a long time, and took advantage of the attack of Figarand Gringusage to suddenly plunge into the battlefield.

Whitebeard moved so quickly that even Mitt himself was a little surprised.

With his hands held high, Edward the Whitebeard looked back and smiled.

"With such a big battle, I'm sure I won't be absent!".

"Whitebeard!" Figarando Gringusaint scolded, and immediately prepared to continue his attack.

The Golden Lion Shiji and John and others also rushed up and engaged the Knights of the Gods.

"Gee, you pirates are really good. Roger laughed.

"In that case, let's help too. "

With that, Roger drew his sword, pointing it at Locks.

"King to king, strike, Locks. "

That's right, Roger just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to challenge Locks and compete with him.

Now there are only two pirates standing at the apex of the pirates on the sea.

After today, the winner will definitely be decided.

Roger is confident that he will continue to beat Rocks with this opportunity today!

Locks was also provoked by Roger, ignoring the navy and the Knights of the Gods, and took a step directly towards the other party.

Mitt shook his head slightly, and then prepared to leave.

Rocks will do the fighting, and Mitte has more important things.

But apparently the other party would not let Mitt leave so easily, and he didn't take a few steps before a shockwave rushed over.

"Mitte !!!


The roar was earth-shattering, and Karp himself suddenly fell into the sky and slammed into the ground.

With a bang, just jumping down, a large crater shook around Karp.

"Karp!" As soon as Karp appeared, Sengoku suddenly looked happy.

"Why the are you so slow?".

"I'm chasing Roger. Karp said loudly with a gloomy face.

"I didn't expect this to happen in the Valley of the Gods,"

he said

Mitt ignored Karp, his hands in his pockets, ready to get past him.

Karp, of course, won't let Mitt pass and stop this guy directly.

"Mitte, my son has been taken care of by you. Karp said in a deep voice.

"Now it's my turn to repay. "

"You're not going to deal with Roger?" Mitt asked.

"Haha! it's yours now, Mit!" Kapuha laughed.

He was full of momentum, and there was a surging battle intent in his eyes.

Roger laughed too.

"Karp, I didn't expect that our two sworn enemies would join forces one day. "

"Shut up, Roger!" Karp clashed his fists.

"I'll deal with you when I'm done with Mitte!"

Locks' gaze swept over Roger and Karp, and he smiled coldly.

"Okay, since you're here to join forces, it's time to solve it in one go!"

As he spoke, Locks swung a knife at Roger, and the dark black blade swept away.

Roger also swung his knife in response and shouted at Karp at the same time.

"Karp, Mitt will be handed over to you!".

Karp didn't respond, but the momentum was already charging towards Mitte.

Mitt also collided with the opponent's momentum, and at the same time, the arc on his body became stronger and stronger.

Locks erupted the domineering aura of the overlord, and the terrifying impact instantly pressed towards the Valley of the Gods.

Roger and Mitte's overlord colors also followed, blasting each other against each other.

Karp roared, although he didn't have the color of an overlord, his momentum was not weak at all.

The onslaught of the four of them swept through the Valley of the Gods at an extremely fast speed.

Everything around that had just stabilized was hit again!

Under the wash of this terrifying impact, the buildings and vegetation were once again torn apart.

In an instant, the mountains shook, and everyone on the scene was affected.

Sengoku palmed back Kaido with palm after palm, and stood with the Knights of the Gods who rushed over to support.

He took a deep breath and subconsciously took a look at the situation on Mitter's side.

This terrifying momentum made even Sengoku feel frightened.

"Keep moving, don't let these guys get out alive!" shouted Figarando Gringus.

Charlotte Lingling grinned and said to Kaido.

"Kaido, let's join forces and find a way to take the baby away. "

Kaido nodded, and then continued to rush towards Sengoku with Charlotte Lingling.

Of course, Charlotte Lingling was ready to break away for a long time.

Her goal is not something that can be obtained by joining forces with Kaido here.

Before Kaido could react, he was shocked to find that Charlotte Lingling had disappeared in place.



The overlord color that destroyed the world bombarded the past, and the two sides were evenly divided.

However, compared to Rocks, Mitt's ability is still slightly weaker.

Mitt didn't care, after all, everyone present was a legend.

Whether it is the later One Piece, the naval hero, or the current king of the sea, they are all people who stand on the top of the world.

As long as you gain enough experience in the battle of the Valley of the Gods, Mitt will naturally rise to the top!

Thinking so, Karp's iron fist had already struck.

Karp's armed domineering spirit has been practiced to the point of reaching the peak, and his strength is in its heyday.

This simple punch alone had already blasted a huge furrow in the ground.

Mitt dodged it with the help of See, but Karp's attack followed.

Karp threw quick punches, and the shadow of the punch rained out like drops in an attempt to block Mitter's back.

Mitt was covered in a surge of electricity and dodged at a blistering speed as he swung his sword at Karp.

The blue-white sword was dazzling, and it came to Karp in an instant.

Karp shouted, and hit it head-on, and the fist wrapped around the armed color domineering struck straight out.

Boom !!

Another bottomless ravine appeared, but it was still dodged by Mitt.

I saw that he was covered with a layer of thunder and lightning armor, and his body was much larger than before.

But compared to the condensed lightning armor in the Advance City, it is already much smaller.

This is because Mitt doesn't want to go toe-to-toe with Karp, and he plans to keep increasing his speed and wait for an opportunity to make a move.

As it turned out to be Mitt's decision, Karp began to struggle with the ever-increasing speed.

Karp is most proud of his top-notch weaponry, but he can't hit Mitte as often.

Mitte's speed was so fast that even if he hit a punch, he would be blocked by the lightning armor on his body.

And Mitt also kept stabbing at Karp, and the knives fell and thundered out in unison, even Karp was difficult to parry.

So after fighting, Karp gave up the offense and went on the defensive.

In this way, Mitte will not be able to deal with Karp in a short period of time.

Of course, Karp did this, and he played into Mitter's hands.

He took advantage of the opportunity to slash at Karp with a sword, and rushed backwards like lightning.

Karp blocked the sword with both arms and immediately wanted to pursue Mitte.

Just then, Locks' attack came from behind, forcing Karp to turn and fend off.

With a thud, Karp took a step back.

In this short moment, Karp had no time to catch up with Mitte.

At this time, Mitt had already turned into thunder and lightning and rushed towards the depths.

"What are you trying to do!?" shouted Karp.

Locks didn't answer, but slashed at Karp.

The overlord color is wrapped around the sword body, and this knife is extremely terrifying, even Karp does not dare to take it lightly.

Karp hurriedly punched to block it, and at the same time Roger jumped over.

In an instant, Rocks was confronted by Roger and Karp at the same time.

Even in the face of this situation, Locks is still full of fighting spirit.

He looked in the direction of Mitt and swung his sword at Roger and Karp.

"It's ridiculous that the Navy and pirates join forces!".

Karp said in a deep voice, "If you don't stop me, why should we join forces?"

"Huh. Locks sneered and slammed into the two of them.

"Then you two will die together!".

Listening to the movement behind him, Mitt did not stop for a moment.

He's done that, and now it's time to capture the Devil Fruit!


In the outer area of the Valley of the Gods, a group of slaves are running frantically outside.

Thanks to Mitte's move just now, most of the garrison in the Valley of the Gods has now been defeated.

So these civilian slaves immediately seized the opportunity and desperately fled out.

The situation at the scene was chaotic, and several children were among them.

"Ivankov, it's too dangerous!" shouted the young bear from behind.

"Now that you've succeeded, don't keep saying that!".

Ivankov turned around and ran outside.

He was holding two Devil Fruits in his arms, which he had taken from the chaos just now.

Ivankov knew the preciousness of the Devil Fruit, so he took the risk to get his hands on it.

The bear saw that Ivankov's speed was getting faster and faster, and in order to keep up with the other party, he could only close his mouth and grit his teeth and rush forward.

"Bear, hurry!" shouted Ginny, too.

"We must get out of here!"

No one thought that the incomparably precious Devil Fruit would actually be in the hands of these children.

Just as the children were desperately trying to escape, a tall figure appeared in front of them.

Instinctively, Ivankov sensed the danger and hurriedly jumped back.

Sure enough, a blazing flame came down and almost hit Ivankov.

"I mean, you seem to have something in your hands. Charlotte Lingling stepped out of the smoke.

She looked down at the children, her eyes full of contempt.

"Damn! Escape!" Ivankov shouted, quickly turning and running away.

But Charlotte Lingling was much faster than they were. All at once appeared in front of them.

With a casual kick, Ivankov's whole body was kicked away, and the Devil Fruit in his arms also flew into the sky.

Charlotte Lingling quickly caught the two Devil Fruits, and couldn't help but smile with joy on her face.

"This is an immortal bird, this is a barrier fruit, they are all good things. "

Her eyes brightened the more she counted, and she didn't hesitate to hold it in her arms.

The others are still fighting to the death, but now she has obtained the all-important Devil Fruit!

Before Charlotte Lingling could be happy, a cold male voice sounded from behind her.

"Give me the Immortal Bird Fruit, Lingling. "

Charlotte Lingling turned her head to look at the man who had just spoken.

None other than Mitt himself!

Mitt came for the Immortal Bird Fruit, but fortunately he didn't have to look for him for long.

Of course, Charlotte Lingling was the first to get there, and Mitt could only stop in front of her.

"Mitter, don't forget Locks' previous orders. Charlotte Lingling said in a deep voice.

"Whoever gets it first is whoever!".

"That's right, so I'm robbing you right now. Mitt said directly.

"Hmph!" Charlotte Lingling's face turned pale.

"Are you ready to do it to your companion?"

"From today onwards, the Rocks Pirates will be gone. Mitt said lightly.

"Besides, you can't stay in the Rocks Pirates forever, Lingling. "

After a few words, Mitt made it clear that he really wanted Charlotte Lingling to hand it over directly.

But Charlotte Lingling was about to burst out after hearing Mitt say this.

She pointed the saber Napoleon at Mitte, and flames kept appearing from her.

Although Charlotte Lingling is not yet the Four Emperors in the future, she is talented and her strength is quite good.

And Charlotte Lingling's strongest is still the terrifying physique known as the steel balloon.

Combined with her ability to use the Soul Fruit, anyone would find it quite tricky.

Mitt didn't continue to talk nonsense, and directly turned into thunder and lightning and attacked the other party.

At this time, Charlotte Lingling did not have Hera and Zeus, only a Homiz saber and a Homiz fireball.

She now relies entirely on fire and physical skills to attack, and her movements are quite rough.

Of course, whether it's the flames from Charlotte Lingling or the knife she wields.

I can't even touch Mitte!

Mitt is much faster than Charlotte Lingling, and dealing with her is like a joke!

Charlotte Lingling became more and more anxious, and unconsciously revealed a big flaw.

Mitt seized on this flaw, dodged in front of the other party, and stabbed his sword at the front door.

Charlotte Lingling hurriedly stepped back, exposing the middle door, and was punched in the chest by Mitter.

She immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, and the two devil fruits in her arms flew into the air.

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