Akainu endured the pain of his body almost being cut in half, and opened his arms for Roy to slash again, which made Uchiha Miyuki directly unable to hold back.

It's so much like those famous scenes!

Roronoa Zoro to Hawkeye: Wounded in the back is a swordsman's shame!

King Liekai to Miyamoto Musashi: Come!

In the "One Piece" and "Blade Fang" manga, these two are popular supporting characters on the protagonist's side, and they naturally have no sense of disobedience when they say this, but they are very handsome.

But Akainu is positioned as a villain in the original book! or the kind of iron-blooded and serious cold-faced villain!

This sense of contrast naturally makes people like Miyuki Uchiha who have read the original book feel very interesting.

On the contrary, it is Estes and Luo Hao, the two queens and female tyrants, the big sisters, so their impression of Akainu is much better.

Estes: "Iron-blooded soldier, no matter who he is, this dedication is respectable enough." "

Luo Hao: "This magma imp has the courage of a strong man! Even many god-killers can't compare to him in this regard, if he is not limited by the world, his achievements may not stop there." "

Estes left it alone.

As a powerful god-killer who has existed for more than 200 years, Luo Hao's evaluation is enough to make Akaiu proud.

And Roy naturally won't disappoint Akainu either.

"Okay, then another sword!".

This time, he didn't liberate the treasure of 'Divine Avoidance', and Roy didn't want to really hack Akainu to death, so he just slashed out with an ordinary sword.


Blood rushed out, and another sword wound more than a meter long appeared on Akainu's body, forming an 'X' shape with the previous injury.

Even if Roy doesn't know how to use the weapon color to dominate at all, the treasure "Divine Avoidance" still successfully breaks the defense.

This may be the effect of Roy's 'divine power'.

It could also be the theory of the Moon World that the mystery will lose its effect in the face of the higher mysteries.


Akainu, who was seriously injured in a row, sat in a pool of blood with a pale face.

He looked up at Roy with a serious face, and said, "Next time, I won't lose so badly!".

"Really? I'm looking forward to it. "

Roy was a little embarrassed in his heart, although he really wanted to say that the next time we met, the gap would probably get bigger.

But he is not a person without emotional intelligence, so naturally he will not hit others.

Looking down and thinking about it, Roy took out a treasure from his "Divine Treasure".

Well, the so-called "God's Treasure" is actually a pirated version of the "King's Treasure", which is a warehouse dedicated to Roy's treasures.

During the previous massacre in the undersea prison, Roy obtained nearly 100 treasures.

Although most of them are useless things, even the blood-drinking sword given to Luo Hao is considered a fine product when placed in it.

But there really is such a treasure that is suitable for Akainu.

"Enhanced Necklace".

Level: 1

Type:To oneself Treasure

It is a fantasy weapon based on the abilities of the superhuman system and the ability of the enhanced fruit, and with the power of the hand of Hermes.

It can strengthen your strength, physical strength, energy, etc., and burst out at a level equivalent to twice that of normal times.


This is the Noble Phantasm that Roy got after killing an unlucky prisoner on the 4th floor of the Undersea Prison.

To put it bluntly, the "Enhancement Necklace" is a prop that makes a person about 1 times stronger.

For Roy, it was really useless.

The enhancement effect is too weak, and it's rubbish compared to the "Hercules' Belt".

But for Akainu, it's a good baby.

Originally, his strength was at most a little stronger than the yellow ape and the green pheasant.

After the increase of the "Enhancement Necklace", it must be at least 5 points stronger!

"This precious necklace is for you, Sakasky!".

Telling Akainu about the effect of the "Enhanced Necklace", Roy raised his hand and handed it over: "It's a reward for you to accompany me to the undersea prison!"

"It's such a precious thing, it's unheard of!".

After receiving the "Strengthening Necklace" and feeling that his strength really began to increase at a speed visible to the naked eye, Akainu was pleasantly surprised.

As a natural ability, it was already extremely difficult for him to improve his strength.

If you want to become 1 times stronger, you may not be able to do it even if it takes 10 years, but now you can achieve it in an instant with Roy's help.

Sure enough, Roy Saint is the one worthy of his Akainu allegiance, and only he can realize his dream!

"Roy St. !".

Holding the "Enhanced Necklace" given to him by Roy in both hands, Akaiu endured the severe pain in his heart and took a position of kneeling on one knee, his eyes extremely fanatical.

"As long as you can always support me in killing those pirate scum, I will always dedicate my allegiance to you ——!!."


Amid Uchiha Miyuki's 'haha' laughter and congratulations from the rest of the group, Roy closes the stream and returns to his luxurious bedroom with Stussy.

As for the Akainu, of course, he went to the ship's doctor to recuperate.

"Roy St. .......".

Hey was soaked in cold sweat, and Stussy knelt in front of Roy nervously, not daring to lift her beautiful head.

In front of her, there was a brazier that had just been burning, and in the brazier there was a hot soldering iron.

"I know you're a clone and loyal to Vegapunk. "

It seems that because he has enough strength, Roy, who is sitting on the bed, is relaxed at this time and takes the initiative to tell Stussy's little secret.

Stussy didn't dare to speak, but his head hung even lower, almost hitting the ground.

"Do you want to speak because you are afraid, or do you regret it?"

Looking at Stussy's beautiful short blonde hair with interest, Roy smiled lightly, "I'll give you one last chance to swear allegiance to me, or I'll cut it in two to feed the fish!"

"I ......


Stussy slowly lifted her beautiful face, her beautiful eyes shining with tears, and she looked pitiful.

But Roy wouldn't sympathize with her even the slightest.

The law of the jungle is the foundation of human beings.

If he is not strong enough, Stussy will definitely betray himself without hesitation in the future.

Therefore, he naturally did not need to show mercy to this woman's subordinates.

"I'm willing to give my all!".

The red lips opened lightly, and there was still a faint unwillingness in his heart, but Stussy certainly knew what he should choose.

Whether it is Roy's identity background or his strength, she is not allowed to make other options.


Roy smiled with satisfaction: "Just lift your dress and expose your lower abdomen!"


Stussy did so, revealing his abdomen without the slightest blemish or fat.

"It's beautiful. "

Roy praised without hesitation, then picked up the hot soldering iron and lightly imprinted it on Stussy's abdomen.

"Zizi Zi ——!!




With a smell of burnt paste, Stussida's eyebrows furrowed, and cold sweat slowly ran down her smooth forehead.


The torture is over.

A 'Dragon's Hoof' badge branded with Roy's name on it, appearing on Stussy's lower abdomen.

This signifies that this woman has not become a Draconian, but Roy's exclusive slave.

"Okay, isn't it all happy now?"

Gently picking up Stussy, who was in a cold sweat of pain, Roy said softly: "From today on, you are my dog, don't betray your master and let me down, Miss Stussy." "

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