In the original Naruto novel, Otsutsuki Toneri robbed Hinata Hanabi’s Byakugan and obtained the reincarnated eye.

And Hinata Hanabi is Hyuga Shiro’s youngest daughter in the original work, which shows that her bloodline is outstanding enough in itself.

So, after Roy impregnated her, she was fed back by the baby in his body and received a share of Roy’s blood. She immediately awakened the reincarnation eye, which is the same level as the reincarnation eye.

Sound incredible?

However, what Roy possesses is a pure bloodline that surpasses all the Otsutsuki clan. How can Otsutsuki Toneri’s”pure” bloodline, which has been diluted for countless generations, be compared with him!

Even if Roy is willing, he can awaken the reincarnation eye for every member of the Hyuga clan, and the reincarnation eye for every member of the Uchiha clan!

The pure blood of the ancestor is so powerful!

Of course, Roy wouldn’t do that. He gave Hyuga Shiro the reincarnation eye because the woman pleased him and took the initiative to give birth to his child. The other members of the Hyuga clan have nothing to do with him?

“Lord Roy…”

Hinata Bai looked up at Roy with charming eyes. A pair of azure reincarnation eyes added a bit of magical charm to her. She even tied her hair into a ponytail on purpose.

“After all, you are also the mistress of the Konoha clan. You are such a woman….”

Roy squinted at Hinata Shiro kneeling in front of him, and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, what did the Hyuga clan teach this woman? Could it be that the Uchiha clan also trained women in this way?

Perhaps, serving men is actually a necessary ability for women from big families in the ninja world?

After all, there are still only a few powerful women who can go to the battlefield to kill enemies. For the ninja family, the biggest role of women is to serve their men and give birth to offspring with excellent blood.

At this time, there was another person in the chat group.

Roy took a casual glance and found that it was Angel Leng.

Angel Leng:”I defeated that Otsutsuki Toneri on the moon, so weak!”

Uchiha Miyuki:”…Normally, he doesn’t even have a reincarnation eye now, and his strength is at the level of a super shadow at most. He can indeed dominate the ninja world, but it is still far behind a technological god like you, Leng, who can casually cross the universe..”

Yamamoto Genryusai Qingu:”By the way, I remember, isn’t Otsutsuki Toneri the same generation as Uzumaki Naruto? He’s only just born now, right?”

Uchiha Miyuki:”Hi! It’s normal for the settings of the theatrical version + novel extras to be inconsistent with reality. Before meeting that woman, Hinata Shiro, could you have imagined that Hinata’s mother was actually an ambitious and bad woman?”

Yamamoto Genryusai Qingha:”…This is true. Angel

Leng:”Nairo Naroy Saint, male god, I didn’t kill him. Do you want to come and collect this head?” Although I estimate that such a weak person will most likely not get any powerful Noble Phantasm. Roy:”

Okay, wait a minute.””

Exiting the chat group, Roy raised his hand and grabbed Hinata Shiro’s ponytail. Under her puzzled gaze, he said with a gentle smile:”Hurry up, otherwise it will be cold soon.”

“Cold……I see.”

Hinata Bai licked the corner of her mouth. She knew that the coldness in Roy’s mouth was the beautiful blond beauty who fought with Shimura Danzo and suppressed her opponent. She couldn’t help but have a desire to compete in her heart.

This is a good woman versus another. The natural hostility of a good woman, or it can also be said…..Competing for favor, after all, they both have to serve the same man!

“I hope your performance will satisfy you, Mr. Roy.”

Twisting a strand of hair hanging down in front of her forehead behind her ears, Hinata Shiro’s body suddenly showed a blue chakra that was completely different from Otsutsuki Toneri in the animation. At the same time, her aura was rising steadily, and she suddenly crossed the shadow. , Super Shadow and several other levels, reaching the level of being infinitely close to the Six Paths.

This is exactly the reincarnation eye chakra mode belonging to Hinata Shiro.

Looking at the woman kneeling in front of him maintaining this powerful posture, Roy couldn’t help but sigh. There are countless careerists in the world who are crazy about pursuing powerful power but cannot get it. If they knew that this woman Hinata Bai actually used this divine power in such a place, I wonder if they would be pissed to death.

After all,…These are a pair of eyes that can split the moon in half! Looking at the entire Naruto world, there are only a few abilities that can be compared with the Tsangikan.

Nearly an hour later.

Angel Leng was floating in the space above the moon and greeted Roy and Hinata Shiro with speechless faces.

“My dear, you said you would be here soon, but you made me wait here for an hour?”

Leng glared at the smug Hinata Shiro with a very unhappy look, and sneered:”The white eyes turned into blue eyes. It seems that you, a woman, have received good benefits from the male god!”

“Haha, this shows that Mr. Roy is very satisfied with me.”

Hinata Bai said with a smile, then raised his slender palm to cover his abdomen, with a gentle smile on his face:”Otherwise, he wouldn’t have let me conceive his bloodline.”


Angel Leng subconsciously glanced at Hinata Shiro’s abdomen with his insightful eyes, and then stared at Roy with an unkind look:”Mr. God, we have never had children so many times before!”

“cough…..I also just discovered that I can actively control this thing, unexpectedly. Roy coughed dryly, smiled softly and comforted:”I’ll give you a child in a while, okay?” Or the kind of child who becomes the strongest being on the planet right from birth?”


The angel’s eyes lit up coldly.

She knew that Roy was a strong man who had swallowed up a large number of sun-like stars. Even if his descendants only inherited a little bit of his power, they would be extremely powerful and might even be stronger than the main god of Lieyang Star..

Angel Leng has even begun to imagine the wonderful scene of being able to hang up that little bitch Yan and beat her child just after birth, which will definitely make her very happy!

“By the way, God, you can just give this woman strength. Why did you bring her here?”

His eyes swept over Hinata Shiro again, and the angel snorted coldly:”Don’t tell me that you really fell in love with her, and even doted on her so much that you couldn’t bear to be separated for a while.”

“That’s not a big deal, I just wanted to give her some kind warning.”

With that said, Roy lowered his head to look at Hinata Shiro, who looked a little astonished. He chuckled and said:”Suddenly gaining power that is almost at the peak of the ninja world, most people will definitely feel inflated by it, but I hope you and Uchiha Miyuki will be well. Get along, don’t cause anything to make me unhappy”

“The Fourth Hokage?……I understand! Lord Roy!”

Hinata Bai nodded and smiled softly. However, only she knew what she was thinking in her heart.

This scene fell in Roy’s eyes and he couldn’t help but shake his head.

An ordinary human suddenly gained the power of God. With strength, will she become a hero of justice, or will she become a villain who satisfies her own selfish desires?

Roy himself is the latter, so he judges others by himself. He believes that except for a very small number of idealists, most people must be backward. Not to mention, Hinata Bai is not a kind-hearted Madonna, but an ambitious bad woman. Will she keep her peace after receiving such powerful divine power?

Roy doesn’t believe it anyway

“In order to prevent you from doing something irreparable and hurting the relationship between us, let me give you a little show. The power of the Tsangikan is indeed very strong, but it is not enough to let you do whatever you want.”

Roy whispered to Hinata Bai, and at the same time, the sun pattern in his right pupil seemed to come alive, blooming with a strange light.


Under Hinata Shiro’s shocked gaze, the moon beneath their feet disappeared under the golden-red flames, leaving no residue behind. The whole process did not even take a second.

At the same time, countless residents of the ninja world discovered that the moon had disappeared out of thin air, and even fell into panic because of it.

“too horrible……”

Hinata Bai’s eyes were blurred, and he was shocked by Roy’s power. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She felt that she could also rely on the power of the reincarnation eye to split the moon in half, but that was the end of it. She could not be like Roy at all. One look can burn the moon to nothing.

This means that he is far from comparable to Roy in terms of destructive power. Is this man trying to warn himself to keep to himself?

“Amazing! You are truly worthy of Lord Roy!”

Hinata Shiro, who was confused in his heart, looked up at Roy with admiring eyes, like a little fan girl worshiping an idol.

“……two? Isn’t there only Otsutsuki Tonero on the moon? Could it be……”[]

Ignoring Hinata Shiro’s compliments and feeling the two noble phantoms being sublimated in his body, Roy was startled for a moment, then suddenly realized, he raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the moon’s disappearance.

“This is…..What to do?”

A look of confusion flashed across Hinata Bai’s beautiful face. She couldn’t understand Roy’s movements.

Angel Leng’s beautiful eyes couldn’t help but widen:”Hey, hey, hey! Goddess! Could this be your intention?…..”

“That’s right.”

Roy Yun smiled lightly, and learned how to use the Earth Explosion Star from the eyes of the Demon of Death that were connected to the source, and then simulated an enhanced version through the bloodline of the ancestor of Otsutsuki he owned.

“Super Earth Explosion Star——!”

The name of the move was pronounced like a spirit of speech, and in an instant, a terrifying attraction like a black hole was thrown from Roy’s palm to where the moon originally was.

Subsequently, countless large and small celestial bodies in the solar system were pulled by this terrifying attraction. They appeared in front of Roy across a distance of light years, and were constantly broken and merged.

In the blink of an eye, under the dumbfounded gazes of Angel Leng and Hinata Bai, a moon at least hundreds of times larger than the previous moon appeared in front of them.

Ninja world.

People who were originally panicked because of the sun were relieved when they saw the moon reappearing. At the same time, they also had deep doubts:”Why does it feel like the moon suddenly became dozens of times bigger? It’s so strange……”

But Angel Leng and Hinata Bai who are in space know the truth.

“How outrageous! Angel

Leng couldn’t help complaining:”Why can you just create a moon hundreds of times larger? It’s not scientific at all!””

Hinata Bai nodded aside. She also felt that it was very outrageous. At the same time, she felt more and more awe and admiration for Roy. Even her heart that was a little swollen after suddenly getting the reincarnation calmed down.

“Be obedient and be a good sister to Uchiha Miyuki. Although you don’t need to be too polite to her, it’s best to listen to her opinion on important matters. I don’t want the world to be messed up by you.”

Tickling Hinata Bai’s hair and twisting it behind her ears, Roy asked softly:”Tell me, will you be obedient?”

“Will do……Lord Roy…..”

Her delicate body shivered, and Hinata rubbed her face against Roy’s palm like a pet dog, and responded softly:”I will do whatever you ask me to do, absolutely……Don’t dare to disobey in the slightest!”

After destroying the moon, killing Otsutsuki Tomo and a certain poor sealed woman, and then creating a bigger moon, Roy took Hinata Shiro and Angel Leng across the solar system and went to the Naruto world. Milky Way

“This is……universe?”

Looking at the endless black universe and the bright planets that were more numerous than grains of sand, Hinata’s white eyes were dull, and she once again truly felt her own insignificance.

Then, something even more horrifying happened to her.

In Angel Leng joked, and under Hinata Shiro’s horrified gaze, Roy unfolded the Noble Phantasm named Heaven and World, Only Oneself, and began to fuse crazily, devour planets, and turn them into nutrients.

Among the planets he fused into his body, there were There are hot stars that are many times larger than the sun, and there are also mysterious planets that exude unknown energy. Roy, whose strength is no longer what it used to be, no longer needs to devour stars similar to the sun as before.

In the end, according to Angel Leng It is estimated that Roy has integrated more than 2,000 stars and planets this time, more than ten times more than the 150 last time. This is the result of his progress in just a few days.

【This man is on the road to becoming a god. One universe can no longer satisfy him, and the universe of all heavens and worlds is nothing more than his nourishment! 】

Looking at Roy’s god-like perfect profile, Angel Leng wavered in his faith for the first time. 210This man….This male god who belongs to her seems to be more like a god than Queen Kesha!

With such crazy thoughts that she thought was disrespectful to Queen Kesa, Angel Leng fell into despair. Even when Roy brought her and Hinata Shiro into the Hyuga clan’s wedding room, he didn’t refuse. He went completely crazy. A handful.

Of course, Roy also fulfilled his previous promise to Angel Leng and gave her a very talented fetus. When the child is born, he will definitely turn the angel civilization upside down. This can be regarded as Roy’s gift to Kai. Shah’s”return gift”.

Although judging from the results, Kesha gave the angel Lengbai to Roy as a guardian angel, giving Roy Bai a beautiful and noble angel wife.

But how could Roy, who was very familiar with Kesha, not know what the other party was up to? As her sister Liang Bing said, angels are best at brainwashing. It was not hypnosis or manipulation, but a subtle way of making a person identify with the righteous order.

It’s a pity that Kesha’s idea is destined to fall into disgrace with Roy. Sugar-coated cannonballs are useless to him. He will only eat the sugarcoat and then hit the cannonballs back hard!

“This is the meaning of becoming stronger. I really don’t know what those guys who think about becoming stronger all day long but don’t know how to enjoy it think.”

In the wedding room of the Hyuga clan, Roy, who had worked hard all night, stretched out comfortably, and then moved away the thighs of Angel Leng and Hinata Bai that were pressing on him.

Then, he directly released his domineering aura Covering the entire planet, it was discovered that Ye Cang had almost returned to Sand Hidden Village.

“This silly woman……No, this girl performed quite well!”

While releasing his domineering aura, Roy also activated the Noble Phantasm of Future Vision, and saw Ye Cang’s performance shortly after. He was a little surprised, but also very pleased.

Stupid women are always annoying, especially It was a woman who had been reminded that she was still stupid, but she was even more annoying. Fortunately, Ye Cang was a smart man and did not disappoint him.

However, the future he saw with his future vision was at least a few hours in the future, and the current Ye Cang has not yet Returning to Sunagakure Village.

At this time, the notification sound from the people in the chat group rang.

Uchiha Miyuki:”Nairo Nairoi Saint, Your Highness Roy, are you awake?”

Roy:”What’s wrong?””

Uchiha Miyuki:”Uchiha Miki is the wife Uchiha Fugaku wanted to see after being rejected by my sister Mikoto.”


Uchiha Miyuki:”Hey, I told her that you killed her husband, but she still wants to see you, which is normal. Because Uchiha Fugaku took the lead in betraying the Third Hokage, their mother and son are now in a clan and a village. They are all very embarrassed and need a supporter.”

Roy:”Okay, I understand.”

After exiting the chat group, Roy chuckled playfully:”Uchiha Miki? Interesting, I don’t know what kind of woman she will be.”

“She is a very gentle woman. Hinata

Bai Qiao, who woke up at some point, said with a sweet smile:”She’s the kind of person who will cry after just being bullied for a few times. People can’t help but want to ravage and hurt her.””

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