Uchiha Miyuki:”Why did His Highness Roy suddenly appear in Olympus?”

Rebecca:”He said he saw something interesting with his future vision and went there by himself.”

Uchiha Miyuki:”Then What about you?”

Nailona Lily:”My mother has returned to the cyberpunk world early, and I am criticizing her. She has wasted such a good opportunity to defeat my father!”

Jing Salamander:”I will also reply. We have our own world, and there are a lot of things to do.”

Yamamoto Genryusai Qingyu:”I remember that you wanted to assist Qin Shihuang to win the government and be the national advisor of Qin? Because I remember you said that you don’t know how to govern the country. Wait.”

Frightened Salamander:”Yeah…But I’ve been hesitating recently. Zi Nu, Nong Yu and I have a good relationship, so I’m hesitating whether to support Qin or South Korea.”

Uchiha Miyuki:”Listen to me, kill Li Si, Zhao Gao and Hu Hai, and then draw all Han Fei and South Korea to the big ship of Qin, it is absolutely reliable!

Jing Salamander:”I will think about it carefully.””

Uchiha Miyuki:”Very good! Back to topic!”

Uchiha Miyuki:”Your Majesty Roy, you are so quick! The famous Argonauts Jason, Hercules and another unlucky guy in mythology died just like that!”

Scathach:”…If I am not mistaken, the unfortunate guy whose name you did not remember is the prince of Calydon, the person involved in the famous Calydonian magic pig hunting incident.

Uchiha Miyuki:”Hey, master, didn’t you remember that guy’s name too?” I just remember the other party’s identity, but it’s not important, he was just a sidekick!”

Uchiha Miyuki:”To be honest, I really didn’t expect His Highness Roy to take action suddenly. I thought you would take Hercules, the famous Uncle B, as your subordinate, just like Hawkeye and Like Crockdale. Roy

:”This kind of thing just depends on my mood. He and Jason are good brothers, and I happen to hate Jason. I can only say that this is the fate I chose.””

Tohsaka Sakura:”Speaking of fate, brother Roy has changed the fate of many types of moon world.

Roy:”What do you mean?””

Tohsaka Sakura:”The myth has begun to change. Except for those who know Brother Roy, other people’s memories and related records about the myth around the world seem to have changed.

Luo Hao:”Have the myths of humankind’s past changed?”…..It’s normal, after all, there are many ways to say things like timelines, such as the past of a timeline affecting the future, or changing history to create a new parallel world. Angel

Leng:”So what will the changed history look like?” I’m quite curious as to how the mythology would describe the male god Roy.”

Uchiha Miyuki:”Yes, yes! I am also very curious about how the myth of the moon world records His Highness Roy. He must be very handsome and powerful!”

Karuizawa Megumi:”Tsk…….I think it’s too late for you to flatter Mr. Roy. He will never give you the enhanced +12 backlight sword.”

Uchiha Miyuki:”Hey…….Long-winded! I just simply worship His Highness Roy, not for a mere artifact!”

Roy:” Tsk…….It made me a little curious, what did Tohsaka Sakura, Sakura, and the myth of the moon world say about me?

Tohsaka Sakura:”Wait a moment, Brother Roy.”……”

Shape moon world.

Sakura quickly went to her father Tosaka Tokiomi’s magic workshop, found several books related to mythology and history, and then re-entered the chat group.

Tohsaka Sakura:”For example, it is recorded in current Irish mythology that the Evil-Eyed Demon King Balor led a clan of deep-sea giants to attack the Kingdom of Shadows and tried to forcibly marry Princess Scathach of the Kingdom of Shadows. However, he was defeated by a human man named Roy. , the deep sea giant family was extinct, and the evil-eyed demon Balor was also killed, and his power as the god of death was taken away by Roy.”

Tohsaka Sakura:”Afterwards, the Sun God Luger also attacked the Kingdom of Shadows. Her Royal Highness Princess Scathach admired her wholeheartedly, and sent her son Cú Chulainn, the Son of Light, to propose marriage. As a result, both father and son were brutally killed by Roy, and even the power of the sun was taken away. As a result, the Danu Protoss was destroyed and they have since withdrawn. Tohsaka

Sakura:”What this myth says about you, Brother Roy, is that you are a powerful god-killer who can do whatever he wants, with a violent and cruel personality, but as a human being, he surpasses heroes and gods and seizes the power of gods. Exist!”

Uchiha Miyuki:”Pfft – in the records of the myth, the master and craftsman completely became the beautiful and troubled princess, and His Highness Roy was the princess’s guardian and cruel evil god!”

Luo Hao:”It’s not too big. There is indeed nothing wrong with some of the records. Even the secret of seizing the power of the gods was written down. It must have been recorded by people from the Kingdom of Shadows. It actually mentioned seizing the power of the sun. It was Roy who killed the sun god. Is it the Noble Phantasm obtained after Luge?”

Roy:”Well, the Noble Phantasm obtained by killing the time traveler Luge is called the Crown of the Sun God. It is a passive Noble Phantasm that can be permanently liberated. Its function is to unite all the suns. The related power has been increased several times.”

Scathach:”Tsk….The power of the sun you control is already incredibly strong, right? It can actually be increased several times? It’s quite an exaggeration.”

Nairona Lily:”After all, you are your father! He should be the real Sun God. No matter it is the bullshit Sun God Luger or the Sun God Apollo of Olympus, they are not worthy of carrying my father’s shoes!”

Karuizawa Megumi:”That’s right! You really deserve to be my mouthpiece in the chat group!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu:”…….The two biggest Roy Chui in the chat group met together, which was really fun.”

Uchiha Miyuki:”Everyone knows that His Highness Roy is very strong, so there is no need to brag! Aren’t we talking about the myth of the moon world now? Matou Sakura, Sakura, besides Irish mythology, are there any other changes? Look at the Greek mythology related to Athena!”

Tohsaka Sakura:”Well, Greek mythology and Athena? Let me see……ah! There are indeed records, but not many.”

Tohsaka Sakura:”Jason and Heracles were originally famous heroes in Greek mythology. After being killed by Brother Roy, they became background characters, only in a few myths. Mentioned in the story.”

Tohsaka Sakura:”As for Athena……I don’t know if it’s because Roy’s brother had too little contact with her or for other reasons. It is only said in some unofficial histories that the goddess Athena and the god-killer Roy were in a love relationship, but it is not accepted by orthodox mythology.”

Uchiha Miyuki:”Interesting! It’s so much fun! I didn’t expect to be able to witness the changes in mythology and history with my own eyes. Your Highness, Roy, hurry up and cause trouble! I want to see the myth of the moon world completely transformed into the shape of His Highness Roy!”


Yamamoto Genryusai Qingyu:”Let me tell you! It’s not like the Xingyue world has no masters at all. Can you, a idiot like you, consider other people’s feelings before you speak?”

Scathach:”Hmm…….As long as Sakura doesn’t object, I don’t care. Even if all the gods die, it won’t have any impact on me. It’s just to welcome the arrival of the human era in advance.

Tohsaka Sakura:” I……It doesn’t matter to me, it doesn’t matter how Brother Roy changes the history of the Moon World, as long as Sakura doesn’t disappear inexplicably.”

Roy:”….Don’t worry, although there is a butterfly effect, it can be seen from the fact that the previous few times were just changes in mythological records, changes in mythology should not have much impact on human beings.”

Xingyue World

“Won’t it have much impact?……That’s good, Sakura doesn’t want to change the history of meeting Roy’s brother because of some accidents.”

In the magic workshop, Sakura exited the chat group and murmured to herself as if she was relieved, but her eyes were covered with a layer of haze, her eyes fixed on the mythology book in her hand that recorded the love between Roy and Athena. Legend.

She was a little unhappy and a little jealous.

Of course, these negative emotions were not directed at Roy. After all, her brother Roy was the best. All the mistakes were naturally because of the goddess Athena.

That idiot goddess…….Why go to Brother Roy when you have nothing to do! Not only did he involve himself in it, but he even engraved the story between the two of them on the mythology. It was really annoying!

It’s a pity that no matter how unhappy Sakura is with Athena, she can’t go back to the Age of Gods to do anything but be secretly angry.


The door to the magic workshop was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and Tokiomi Tosaka walked in.


Sakura lowered her head slightly. Although she had already sentenced Tohsaka Tokiomi to death in her heart, she had always maintained the most basic respect for her father.

“Sakura, the memory of her father has undergone some changes, and so have the records in some myths……..”

Looking at the mythology book in Sakura’s hand with a solemn expression, Tokiomi Tosaka asked in a deep voice:”Did Mr. Roy do something? Because the changes in memory are almost all related to him.” (see For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Well, that’s right, brother Roy did it.”

There is no need to hide this kind of thing,” Sakura chuckled and said,”Brother Roy traveled back to the Age of Gods, met some bad guys with no eyes in that world, and did some trivial things, and this It’s just the beginning, there will be more to come!”

“A bad guy with no eyes……A trivial matter not worth mentioning?”

The corners of Tokiomi Tokiomi’s mouth twitched, and he was so speechless by his little daughter’s words.

That is the main god of the Gods! It is Balor, the evil-eyed demon king who controls the eye of death, and the sun god Ruger, who controls the power of the sun. And the famous goddess of wisdom and war, Athena! []

Any one of these terrifying gods from the Gods can make the entire magic world go crazy, but in the eyes of my little daughter, it is just a trivial matter that is not worth mentioning?

But think of it That person was Roy, and he couldn’t help but feel relieved.

Not only was Roy himself a monster that could penetrate the entire continent, but even his daughter, Sakura, was under the influence of that gentleman and mastered it at a young age. The ability to destroy Antarctica and defeat the crowned magician Yuko Aozaki, this should be the so-called god, right?

Thinking about it this way, the other party can travel back to the age of the gods, kill the evil-eyed demon king and the sun god, and fall in love with the goddess Athena. It seems that Pretty normal?

Thinking of this, Tokiomi Tosaka’s eyes suddenly lit up and he asked his daughter:”Sakura, can you summon Mr. Roy in the Fourth Holy Grail War in the near future?”


Sakura hesitated for a moment and responded:”I don’t know either, brother Roy is not dead.”

“There is hope! There must be hope! Be sure to give it a try then!”

As if he didn’t hear Sakura’s words at all, Tokiomi Tosaka said to himself extremely excitedly and enthusiastically:”A powerful existence that can kill the main god, coupled with Sakura’s current terrifying strength, and the top puppet master Ao Saki Orange! No matter who wants to participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War, the Tohsaka family will definitely win!”

“whispering sound——”

Outside the workshop, Aozaki Orange, who was watching the whole process, snorted coldly, his eyes full of contemptuous mockery.

“Orange, has this guy always been so confident?”

The Golden Wolf, who transformed into a little blond lolita, pointed at Tosaka Tokiomi, who was laughing wildly in the workshop, and asked in a low voice:”Obviously Master Sakura’s malice towards his father is overflowing, but he hasn’t noticed yet. ?”

“It’s just the final madness.”

Pinching up a cigarette and taking a puff, Aozaki Chengzi said with an indifferent expression:”Now his mind is filled with the root causes. He doesn’t even care about the future of his wife and children. How could he notice the malice in his little daughter’s heart?”

“The root cause…….I heard that it was a terrible place where countless magicians were buried.”

The little loli Golden Wolf sighed softly. Her IQ was not very high. She raised her head and looked directly at Aozaki Orange, and said with a serious face:”Orange must not go to the source. I don’t want you to die like those magicians. Lose!”

“Pfft – don’t worry, I’m not interested in that kind of place!”

Amused by the words of the golden wolf little Lolita, Aosaki Orange patted the little Lolita’s head and blew out a smoke ring with a playful smile:”I’m more interested in that Roy now. He can actually travel back to the age of Gods. I killed the main god and fell in love with the goddess Athena. If I can study his body, maybe I can become a magician-like existence by relying on puppetry!”


The golden wolf little Loli couldn’t help being a little dumbfounded when she heard this.

Although she had never even seen Roy’s face, she had heard about Roy from Sakura. That kind of monster is obviously more terrifying than the source! Orange If you actually want to study that kind of monster, will you really not be slapped to death?

The Moon World, the Age of Gods.

Roy didn’t know that a top puppet master was preparing to study him, but even if he knew, he wouldn’t care.

His physical strength surpasses the Moon World by so much. Just releasing the power will explode the planet. This is like putting an interstellar civilization on a stone civilization. With Aozaki Orange’s vision and knowledge reserve, it is impossible for her to see it. Understand the composition of his body

“Tell me, why do you want to contact me in this way? It’s the Argonaut again, and it’s the Calydonian pig’s.”

After killing Jason and Heracles, two heroes who are well-known in mythology, Roy looked at Athena playfully:”Could you be related to Artemis, the goddess of hunting and the moon

? Qiu, are you planning to let me take action against her?”

“No, I have a good relationship with Artemis and there is no animosity whatsoever.”

Athena shook her head, with a sinister smile on her beautiful and heroic face:”I’m just having fun.”

“ha? Fun?”

Roy looked at Athena in surprise.

“That’s right.

Athena smiled casually:”The great deeds of the Argonauts are fun. The tragic life of Medea, the princess of Colchis, is fun. Watch the relationship between the moon goddess Artemis and her adopted daughter Atalanta.” Stories are also for fun, but it’s different now……”

Raising her slender hand to touch Roy’s delicate chin, Athena’s eyes showed irrepressible excitement, and she asked in a low voice:”You are from another world, right?”

“That’s right. Roy raised his eyebrows:”As expected of the goddess of wisdom, she discovered it so easily?””

“Ah……Sure enough, I thought it right! Athena

‘s face showed an expression of excitement and enthusiasm, and then she asked hesitantly:”Do I have the chance to go to other worlds?””

“possible. Roy nodded, then shook his head:”But at least it’s not possible now. At least it won’t be possible until a long time later.””

“Hopefully not zero is enough!”

Suddenly pinched Roy’s chin just like Roy pinched her chin before, Athena pulled hard, forced Roy to lower his head, and then bit down hard on his mouth.

“Atalanta is about to hunt the magic pig, and her adoptive mother Artemis, the goddess of the moon, will definitely be keeping an eye on her adopted daughter. Are you going to join in the fun?”

Having already analyzed Roy’s love and covetousness for the goddess, Athena whispered in his ear:”And I heard that that bitch Aphrodite is also interested in Atalanta. ~at”.

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