
It was clearly a storm formed by the dragon’s breath, but it was actually closer to a light cannon. Even as the best hunter among human heroes, Atalanta’s reaction speed was far faster than that of ordinary heroes. Atalanta was completely unable to react to this hit.

Accompanied by earth-shaking roars, the Earth of the Gods, which had long been torn apart and fragmented, was once again ravaged. Whether it was mountains, water, or the caves and barriers of various monsters, everything was under the control of Leviathan, the Dragon of Chaos. It turned into powder under the dragon’s breath.


Because Roy summoned Leviathan and came to the Age of Gods, not long after this place collapsed, Hades, the king of Hades, was cleaning up the mess of his private jurisdiction.

However, with another burst of dragon breath that shook the entire three realms, under the confused gaze of Hades, the underworld, which had just returned to its original appearance, collapsed again, and all his previous efforts were in vain.


Hard! The fist is hard!

The monster outside that appears out of nowhere, it’s best to die together with Zeus’s group of bastards, and then kill all the gods and humans in the world, so as to usher in the end of the age of gods, humans and the planet as soon as possible!


When Atalanta came back to her senses, her eardrums seemed to have been pierced by the incomprehensible sound, and blood slowly flowed from her mouth, nose and ears, adding a bit of strangeness to her already heroic figure. the beauty of

“I am dead? Is this the underworld of Lord Hades? No! I wasn’t hit but…”

Staring blankly at the deep, endless ravine beside her that seemed to split the entire planet in two, Atalanta, one of the most famous female hunters in human mythology, completely collapsed to the ground, her eyes instinctively A trace of tears and panic appeared.

This is the instinctive fear of lower-level creatures facing higher-level creatures. Even though she kept telling herself in her heart that”Such a cowardly performance really damages the glory of the Moon Goddess”, she still could not control her trembling body.

Just like humans cannot control the growth of nails and hair, many people think they can overcome fear. In the final analysis, the fear they encounter is not strong enough.

Although Atalanta is a famous and excellent huntress in mythology, at her level, it is still too reluctant to face the dragon of chaos Leviathan calmly.

——After all, this is the world-destroying dragon that can crush the world just by turning over!

If Luo 24 hadn’t deliberately controlled the input of energy, it would have been easy to crush the entire Moon Goddess at the moment of its release, and completely cut off the Gods and human civilization!

Therefore, even the two female gods Athena and Artemis who were watching the”live broadcast” would not blame Atalanta too much for being frightened and paralyzed on the ground, unable to move.

——She has done the best she can! but….Not all of the gods from the Age of Gods are as considerate as Artemis, the goddess of the moon.

“woman! Aren’t you the huntress Atalanta? I remember that you are the adopted daughter and disciple of that good-for-nothing goddess Artemis, right?”

The arrogant, arrogant, cold, bloodthirsty and arrogant man’s voice rang out from the sky, exuding astonishing power and oppression, causing Atalanta, who was originally frightened by Leviathan to move, to widen her eyes. Eyes.

Immediately afterwards, another man’s voice was playful, frivolous, but equally arrogant and contemptuous:”Ares, please don’t kill her too. After all, she is Artemis’s pet, that princess.” If you go to Zeus to complain when you are angry, even you, the God of War, will inevitably suffer some hardships.”


She raised her head with great effort and looked hard at the two men standing in the void. Atalanta’s eyes were full of fear and shock:”And Hermes, the messenger of the Olympus gods? Are you kidding?….There are actually two main gods appearing here at the same time? Is it for that terrifying monster?”

“whispering sound——”

In the air, Ares gritted his teeth and snorted coldly, and said in a contemptuous tone:”The gods actually dote on such a weak young lady, it is such a boring farce and game!”

“That is the will of the King of Gods, and it must not be violated! Hermes said in a playful tone, and at the same time looked down at the bone dragon that was as quiet as an ordinary fantasy species, with a puzzled expression in his eyes:”Speaking of which, it seemed like it was going to separate gods, humans, and the underworld just now. Where are the world-destroying monsters that destroyed all three realms? Why is there only this fantasy bone dragon left here?”

“whispering sound! Who knows! I don’t have the clairvoyance to see through the past and the future.”

Ares waved his hand impatiently, pulled out the sword from his waist, and the chariot of the God of War appeared under his feet. His tone was extremely cold and cruel:”Let’s put this weak fantasy first. After getting rid of the bone dragon, let’s go and torture the huntress named Atalanta. This is for business. After all, even Artemis can’t blame me, right?”

After the words fell, Ares stepped off the chariot, and the fantasy giant dog let out a terrifying howl like a wolf, like a predator about to hunt, and then rushed straight towards the Leviathan below.

“Hey, I’m really impatient. As expected of Ares, the hot-blooded, cold-blooded, and iron-blooded God of War, he should be able to kill this fantasy bone dragon in an instant, right? I just hope that I don’t offend the Moon Goddess too badly.”

Looking at Ares in the air, who seemed to be in great spirits. Knowing that the God of War was provoked to fight by the huge world-destroying monster just now, Hermes shook his head helplessly.

This The messenger of the gods whispered casually:”Then I will wait here quietly. After all, I am not good at fighting, and I don’t want to offend Her Royal Highness, who is loved by the gods, so watching is the best option.”

Speaking of this, Hermes paused for a moment.

Then he looked down at the fantasy bone dragon lying on the ground with a strange expression, which was only over a hundred meters long. A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes:”Say I got up. Ares didn’t see it just now, but I took a quick glance. The appearance of the world-destroying monster seemed to be a bone dragon……..Coincidence?”

At the same time.

Whether it was the three Roys who were in the Palace of the Moon Goddess, or everyone in the chat group watching the live broadcast, they naturally saw the arrival of these two main gods.

“It’s actually Ares, that unreasonable war-thirsty lunatic……..This bad guy will definitely bully little Atalanta!”

The moment she saw Ares, the God of War, appearing, Artemis pursed her lips in disgust.

Just like Athena and Aphrodite had a very bad relationship. As they grew up being pampered by the gods, The little princess who has been living in a honeypot, she is also naturally opposed to Ares, the God of War, and she hates that crazy man who is arrogant and full of war and blood.

Compared with Roy, she is so different.!

Thinking about this, Artemis glanced at Roy’s perfect profile again with fascination. Why hadn’t she discovered that love was such a fascinating thing before? That bad woman Aphrodite…….Are you just immersed in such interesting things every day?

“Hello! Artemis!”

Athena suddenly called out the name of the Moon Goddess.


Artemis turned around and looked at Athena in confusion as if she had just woken up from a dream.

“I said, are you the legendary love brain? The kind who forgets all important things as soon as he falls in love?”

Looking at the Moon Goddess with a speechless face, Athena pointed to the”live broadcast screen” and said:”Ares, that war-bloodthirsty madman, will not show mercy to your lovely adopted daughter and believer, although for your sake For his sake, he most likely won’t kill Atalanta, but he will definitely suffer a lot.”

“Eh? Atalanta! ? No! It’s okay for the lovely Atalanta to be bullied by me, but she must not be bullied by that bad guy Ares!”

After being reminded by Athena, she remembered her lovely adopted daughter. Artemis suddenly shouted in panic, then pulled up the bow and arrow of the god with the power of the moon, and was about to snipe Ares, the god of war, from a long distance.

“Tsk, isn’t this pretty good!”

Feeling the majestic divine power that Artemis was gathering, Athena narrowed her eyes and praised with a chuckle.

Although she is definitely far from being comparable to the main god who is good at fighting, this power of the moon is condensed into a bow and arrow. After that, the power was enough to hurt Ares, the God of War who is also the main god.

But at this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and squeezed gently.

There was only a”click” sound, and the bowstring was almost fully drawn. , the Moon God’s Bow, which could be shot at any time, was crushed to pieces by two fingers, turning into a silver-white stream of divine power that filled the sky.

“this……..How outrageous!”

Athena’s eyes narrowed slightly. Although she knew that Roy from other worlds was ridiculously strong, he was able to crush the main god’s attack without using any external force. This scene was really impactful. (Watch the violence. For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“wait…….Wait a moment!”

Artemis didn’t think as much as Athena did. Seeing that the Moon God’s Bow she was about to shoot was actually crushed by Roy, the Moon Goddess couldn’t help but let out the whine that a small animal would have when it was bullied. :”Mr. Roy, what are you doing! I plan to help little Atalanta!”

“Don’t worry, how could I let Ares bully Atalanta? Don’t forget that Ares’ target, the Chaos Dragon Leviathan, is my summon. Did you see its strength just now?”

Holding the emotional Moon Goddess in his arms and feeling the goddess’s struggling movements, Roy explained his purpose casually


Artemis was startled when she heard this:”It seems so. This bone dragon is indeed ridiculously strong………”

“Pfft, it’s not just a matter of being ridiculously strong, it’s also that the strength is simply not on the same level! Athena couldn’t help laughing and said:”If Roy hadn’t deliberately weakened the power of the dragon’s breath just now, the planet would have been penetrated, right?” It’s really exaggerated!”


Indeed, even if she is not very good at fighting, she can still see that Roy is outrageous. Every move is a terrifying existence that far surpasses the gods, as if he is a life entity better than the gods. but…….This is normal!

As a virgin goddess, it was natural for her to maintain her virginity when facing monsters, human heroes, and gods from the Age of Gods.

In this case, if Roy is a being whose life level far exceeds that of a god, then it is reasonable for her to have feelings of love for him, right?

At this time, Roy hugged Artemis hard, waking her up from being immersed in her own world.

“Am I going to take action against Ares, the God of War, and Hermes, the messenger of the gods?”

Obviously he wanted to attack Artemis’ family and friends, but Roy still very gentlemanly asked for the opinion of the Moon Goddess in his arms, and asked with a gentle smile:”What if I beat them to death? You shouldn’t be angry, right?”

“Won’t. Athena

‘s face showed a gloating expression:”Hermes always steals things, which makes me very disgusted. Ares is an idiot with a brain full of muscles. I have long wanted to take away his priesthood, but I have always been You can’t beat him, the God of War. If you can kill them, I’ll probably have a banquet to celebrate for three days and three nights!”

“It doesn’t matter to me either. Ares and Hermes have an average relationship with me……..”

Artemis hesitated for a moment, then whispered:”But if we kill them, Father God will definitely be furious with thunder, right? Just imagining it makes me feel terrible. That is the god who controls the power of thunder.” King Zeus!”

“So…….What if your father Zeus takes action against me? Just like you said, if I killed Ares and Hermes, he, the King of the Olympus Gods, would definitely be furious, right?”

Rightening Artemis’s head, forcing her eyes to meet his own, Roy asked in a deep voice:”If I fight back in self-defense and kill your father Zeus, will you feel sad, desperate and angry? ?”

“Eh? kill……..Kill Father God! ?”

Artemis’s pupils suddenly shrank, she almost gave up thinking, and her brain was in a mess.

873 Zeus is different from Ares and Hermes. As a father, no matter how scumbag and unreliable he is, he treats her as a daughter. His love is genuine, if Mr. Roy is really forced to kill his father Zeus…….


Athena suddenly couldn’t help but laugh out loud:”Interesting! It’s so much fun!”

Looking at the Moon Goddess who was awakened by her own laughter and looked at her in confusion, Athena stepped forward and patted her little head gently, smiling playfully and comforting:

“Don’t pay too much attention to this matter, Artemis, just let nature take its course! After all, this is the age of the gods! It is normal for fathers to kill their children and for children to overthrow their fathers, so there is no need to worry about it!”

In the chat group.

Uchiha Miyuki:”I’m so filial to you. The goddess Athena is really a filial daughter. The meaning behind her words is that she wants to overthrow Zeus as the king of the gods!”

Luo Hao:”After all, in most myths, Zeus is undoubtedly a bad god. He even plotted against the unborn Athens because of the prophecy. If Athena hadn’t broken open Zeus’s head to complete the birth, the world would probably have been destroyed. There would be no legend of the goddess of war and wisdom.

Luo Hao:”But having said that, Roy’s luck is really good. Ares and Hermes are two good treasures.”……”

Shape Moon World, Age of Gods

“brute! Die!”

Ares, the god of war, rode a chariot pulled by a giant fantasy dog and descended above the bone dragon Leviathan. With an indifferent expression, he wielded a divine strike belonging to the god of war, the god of war, and the god of victory.

“Warrior God’s Thorn Streamer——!!”


A huge beam of light fell from the sky, like an interstellar laser shot from the universe. It hit Leviathan vertically without any cover. The ground shook and the mountains were filled with smoke. It seemed as if the whole world was shaking.

“snort! The beasts are incomparable to our main gods, they are really vulnerable!”

Seeing that he had hit the target with one blow, without even considering whether the bone dragon below could still survive, Ares snorted coldly, turned around, and his cold eyes suddenly turned to Atalanta, whose eyes were dull below.

Suddenly, Hermes, who was higher up in the sky, shrank his pupils:”Lord Ares! careful! The monster is not dead!”

“What! ? Ares

‘s body trembled, his eyes widened, and his battle-experienced body reacted almost instinctively. He turned the spear in his hand and thrust forward.

However, accompanied by the angry roar of the bone dragon, he only heard” There was a crisp sound, and the spear in Ares’ hand broke into two halves.

“The artifact was severed! ?”

Looking at the bone dragon’s finger that easily cut the artifact in his hand into two pieces like cutting off a branch, Ares was stunned and dumbfounded. He subconsciously thought in his mind: What if he was cut by the bone dragon’s finger? , should it not…..


The blood of the God of War and scarlet raindrops fell from the sky, and the world cried for the third time in a short period of time!.

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