“So what blessing do you want?”

Roy asked with a smile as he looked at Morgana who was pressing on him.

“A blessing that could kill Keisha!”

Morgana answered without any hesitation or hesitation. Even though she had actually killed Kesha once in the memory copy, she still hoped to have the power to defeat Kesha head-on.

“This kind of thing is not allowed~”

Roy said with a gentle smile:”Kesha is my possession now. Not only are you a sister by blood, but she is also a good sister who shares a man. How can you keep thinking about it? What about killing her?”

“Depend on! I know it!”

Although she had known for a long time that after Kesha took the entire angel civilization to join Roy, she would never be able to fulfill her dream of killing Kesha, but when this dream was really cruelly broken, Morgana couldn’t help but burst out. But she had already prepared herself, so she immediately adjusted her mentality and said in a deep voice:”Then you can see for yourself, but you must be stronger! Otherwise, what if Kesha cuts my mother into pieces one day?”

“…….Well, okay, let me think about it.”

Roy nodded thoughtfully. Although he actually wanted to say that Morgana, who has a fourth-generation divine body, would be fine even if she was cut into pieces, but he still wisely did not say this out loud. Otherwise, the Demon Queen will make trouble for him again.

Having said that, what kind of blessing should be given to Morgana?

Roy was lost in thought.

His Demonic Eye of Direct Death has been connected to the root of the super-god world, although It is an extremely vast universe, but because the strength of the powerful people in this world is far lower than his strength, it is not difficult to analyze.

Therefore, at this time, he is examining the roots of the super god world to find out what Morgana needs. thing

“so be it……”

After glancing around, Roy slowly raised his hand to touch Morgana’s evil body, chuckled and read out the words of blessing.

“May you be immune to the effects of void energy!”

“May your immortality be even better than before!”

Two consecutive blessings were engraved on Morgana’s soul, and Roy stopped.

“ha? That’s it? Morgana

‘s eyes widened and she looked at Roy in astonishment:”Although immunity to void energy and stronger immortality are indeed quite powerful, Queen, I want more powerful attack capabilities!” Roy smiled slightly and asked:”The problem is, immunity to the void and stronger immortality should be enough for you, right? What do you need powerful attack power for?””

“Of course it’s to fight the enemy! Morgana blurted out without any hesitation:”Strong power can bring a sense of security. Don’t you know such a simple truth?””

“Well……What you said makes sense, but…….”

When the conversation changed, Roy looked directly at Morgana playfully:”Where did your enemy come from? Who is it? Tell me? I can help you deal with it?”

“ah? Of course it’s the sky……Um?”

Morgana subconsciously wanted to say Angel, but she was suddenly stunned. With the complicated relationship between herself, Angel Civilization, and Roy, it is really possible that she and Angel will not be able to fight in the future. At most, they will quarrel, and this will not happen again. Some non-lethal skirmishes.

As for other enemies…

Hua Ye and Ruoning, the ancient evil gods of the Heavenly Palace, were already dead and could no longer die. They were blasted to pieces by Roy along with the world, leaving no trace behind.

Taotie and giant wolves are just rubbish civilizations that she can’t even look at.

In the Styx galaxy, Karl, the god of death, is indeed a strange, mysterious, intelligent and powerful man. Unfortunately, he has offended Keisha and Roy, and will definitely die. It is just a matter of time.

The triangular civilization will be exterminated by Roy at any time.

As for the burning sun…….Tsk, thanks to the fact that they have a sun goddess Rena who suits Roy’s preferences, they will probably get a good ending, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.

“Holy shit!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Morgana used foul language again.

After thinking about it carefully, she realized that with Roy coming to the Super God Universe, she didn’t even have an enemy. , there is no reason to ask for a powerful ability that can kill Kesha.

What a cheat!

Chiwu Star System, Earth[]

Morgana and Roy stood in the void of the universe, looking down at the beautiful planet below, with very complicated emotions.

In the memory copy, it was on this planet that she met her only true love, and eventually died for love.

“You, the Queen, and I can resurrect Atuo first!

Morgana asked Roy:”How?””


Roy nodded and then asked with a smile; then…….Want to cover your tracks?”

“Of course not! Morgana grinned:”Angels will definitely not be able to reach the earth in a short time. This planet is now a playground for the Queen. How can anyone go to the amusement park and be secretive?””

“That makes sense……”

Roy chuckled casually, and then under the guidance of Morgana, the two broke through the atmosphere and clouds and landed on the earth.

At the same moment, in Juxia City, China, on the Juxia docked on the sea, all the alarms sounded at the same time. Countless soldiers and scientific researchers were frightened, and looked at them in astonishment as if they were facing a formidable enemy. all around

“what happened! Why do so many alarms suddenly go off at the same time? Is it going to be the end of the world? ?”

Qiangwei’s father, Lieutenant General Dukao, strode into the control room and asked with an extremely solemn expression on his face:”Lianfeng! what happened! Not long ago, people all over the world fainted in a strange way, but they couldn’t find any reason. Now, all the alarms are sounding at the same time. Could it be that they can’t find any reason?”

“No…….The reason why the alarm sounded this time is easy to find, and the other party didn’t even hide it at all!”

Lianfeng, who was blond and good-looking, and was once an important military scientist of the Deno civilization, smiled bitterly, raised his finger and pointed at the dense data on the big screen and said:”The Demon Queen Morgana already knows the greatest evil in the universe, and a There is no existence of dark plane energy at all, it is simply weird and terrifying”

“Demon Queen Morgana? There is also no existence of dark plane energy at all! ?”

5.8 Dukao’s mouth opened slightly, and his eyes widened in shock. His eyes were full of fear and horror.

Why did the Demon Queen come to the earth without any concealment? Isn’t she afraid of angels?

And the one who doesn’t have the energy of the dark plane? Being able to come together with the Demon Queen, I know that he will definitely not be a weakling. I am afraid that it is either a special kind of demon or the gods of other civilizations. At this time, Lianfeng had already taken the photo, Roy and Morgana The two of them did not hide anything

“This is……Humanity! ?”

Looking at Roy’s exquisite and perfect profile, and the powerful charm that can be felt through the photo, Dukao was stunned for a moment, and then told Lianfeng:”Most of the super soldiers have not yet awakened, let’s let them go first. Reina took Wukong to test these two. She is the main god of the Lieyang Civilization. Morgana should give her and Pan Zhen face behind her!”.

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