"This ....... What is this!".

On the back of a bone dragon as wide as a continent, the whirlpool Kushina, which was covered in nine-tailed chakra, collapsed to the ground with Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

The two women only felt that the bones in their bodies were softened, and their eyes were full of fear and panic.

The moment Leviathan fell from the sky and crashed into the ground, they almost thought it was the end of the world.

Uzumaki Kushina didn't know that the Nine-Tails in her body was also trembling at this time.

"What are you kidding! Is this guy an immortal like the old man of the Six Paths?

Nine-Tails' huge body lay in the sealed space, curled up like an insecure pet dog, its huge eyes full of fear.

This is Uzumaki Kushinai's friend of this stinky girl?

No, I must be honest in the future and lend all my strength to this woman!

Otherwise, if you anger this person named Roy, I'm afraid I will die without a place to bury!

At the same time, in the chat group.

Everyone was also frightened by Roy's terrifying blow.

Miyuki Uchiha: "Wow! I'm not mistaken, I'll just say you're the main character, right?

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Zhai light feather: "Calm down! I haven't even sunk the continent, but the visual effects look exaggerated." "

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Light Feather: "But Mr. Roy, you have not been able to get the golden finger for less than half a month, right? You can grow to this level in such a short time, I have to say that your 'Hand of Hermes' is really worthy of the name of 'God's Left Hand'." "

Estes: "Horror! I can't imagine how I can deal with this move, I guess even if I build an iceberg to defend it, I will only be smashed into pulp!".

Sakura Tosaka: "Brother Roy is amazing!".

Kasumigaoka Shiyu: "Indeed, I was scared silly.......


As for how terrifying Roy's blow was, no one felt it more deeply than Kasumigaoka Shiyu who was at the scene.

She also realized more clearly that if she didn't hurry up to improve herself, sooner or later she wouldn't even be qualified to stand by Roy's side, and she would only be able to see him in the group live broadcast in the future.

Uchiha Miyuki: "So what kind of amazing treasure did His Highness Roy get this time? Congratulations in advance, can you not bully me in the future, and don't rob my wife?"

Roy: "@宇智波美雪, don't worry, you won't be able to run away from this fight." "

Roy: "Besides, who is your wife?

Roy: "By the way, I haven't gotten the Phantasm yet." "

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Light Ha: "Hmmm, won't it?"

Estes: "This means that the three generations of Thunder Shadow are not dead?".

Roy: "That's right, this guy's life is really tough!".

Stopping the liberation of the Chaos Dragon Leviathan, Roy slowly landed on the ground crushed into a basin and rift.

As far as the eye could see, there was dark red earth and white powder—the corpses of ten thousand rock ninjas.

Not far away, the three generations of Thunder Shadow, who could no longer see the human form, were lying on the ground, and only the slightly undulating chest could prove his survival.

"Although it looks amazing, but in the end, it's just an amazingly powerful impact? The three generations of Tsuchikage can carry the Uchiha Madara's Heavenly Hindrance Shock, and the three generations of Thunder Shadow with stronger defense can resist the Leviathan's fall, which is normal. "

Walking in front of the three generations of Thunder Shadow, Roy said to himself with emotion: "I don't know if the level 1 Leviathan can improve the level of the Noble Phantasm, and whether it can learn the moves that are truly destructive, instead of fighting only by flesh like this." "

At this moment, the three generations of Thunder Shadow, who looked like dead people, suddenly opened their eyes.

"You....... Be........ Who?".

The three generations of Thunder Shadow stared at Roy and asked word by word.

"Nairona Roy Saint, a world nobleman from another world. "

He didn't hate the person of the third generation of Thunder Shadow, Roy smiled and said, "A friend invited by Miyuki Uchiha." "

"Woo....... China....... Originally....... So ........


The three generations of Lei Ying grinned very hard: "Old man....... No loss!

Although I don't know why Konoha's Uchiha Miyuki was able to invite such a terrifying monster, he was able to die with 10,000 Iwakuin ninjas and protect the living force of his village, and the three generations of Thunder Shadow were satisfied.

As for the fate of the village in the future, it is not for him, the dying man, to think about it.

Under Roy's gaze, the ninja lord closed his eyes contentedly and stopped breathing.

Then, a violent burst of energy was drawn from his body and poured into Roy's left arm.

This is a legend that belongs to three generations of Thunder Shadow, captured by Roy, who killed him, and combined with the divine power of Hermes's hand, he finally created a fantasy weapon that belongs to Roy alone.

Its name is "I am the thunder that tears the stars".

"I am the thunder that tears the stars."

Level: Level 1

Types: National Treasure - Star Treasure (can grow).

Usurp the life legends of three generations of Thunder Shadow, combined with the ultimate Thunder Treasure created by the Hand of Hermes.

Although the prototype is the thunder of the star destroyer from the great god Zeus, the potential is even better, but it is currently a little immature.

After liberating the Noble Phantasm, the body will merge with the Divine Thunder, so it can also be regarded as a defensive Phantasm of the same level.

The treasure can be liberated instantly, but if all the 'words and spirits' are recited, the power can be increased several times.


"Hmm...... It looks quite strong, and it also takes into account both defense and attack, just like the three generations of Thunder Shadow himself. "

Looking at the relevant information of the new treasure, Roy was quite satisfied, and sent it to the chat group.

Roy: "[Picture]".

Luo Hao: "The new treasure is here, Zeus, I don't know what is the difference between Zeus, the god of disobedience in my world." "

Uchiha Miyuki: "I'll go! Isn't this the treasure of Zeus of the moon? A treasure that can destroy the planets! Referee, I want to report someone here for hanging!".

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Light Feather: "It's not that exaggerated, it's only a national treasure at the moment, but it also takes into account defense while attacking, which is really very suitable for you at this stage, Mr. Roy." "

Estes: "This 'body and god thunder are fused' should be the same as the elementalization of the pirate world, right?"

Uchiha Miyuki: "That's right! And it's also a divine thunder, and it will definitely not be caught by the armed color domineering like the thunder fruit." "

Miyuki Uchiha: "Damn! It's so foul!@奈罗纳 Roy, you must show me how powerful this treasure is in a moment!".

Roy: "No problem. "

Roy: "Just use you to test the strength of this treasure." "

Miyuki Uchiha: "Huh!?".

Sakura Tosaka: "Poor Miyuki sister .......".

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Light Feather: "Snort - who let you keep "provoking" Mr. Roy in the group before, you can only say that you did it yourself." "

Uchiha Miyuki: "No, that's the Divine King's Noble Phantasm! I'm sure I'll be electrocuted alive!".

Uchiha Miyuki: "@罗濠, the sect leader's sister save me! I'm still young and don't want to die! I haven't had a candle with the girls yet!".

Luo Hao: "Your bad personality is really .......".

Luo Hao: "But I'm also very interested in this treasure, Roy, if you plan to liberate this treasure in the future, please be sure to start the live broadcast of the chat group, please!".

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