Aura is a standard demon girl.

Beautiful, good-looking, cruel, and murderous.

The glory of the warrior, the affection of her companions, and the attachment of her relatives, these beautiful feelings were almost no different from dirt to her.

At the same time, she is also very good at hiding and disguising her true appearance.

If Roy didn’t expose her face to face, I’m afraid she would disguise herself as an ordinary chat group member, but she would never truly integrate into this big family.

Because she is a demon without emotions!

Unfortunately, Roy would not allow this to happen. As the leader of the chat group, he had two choices.

One: Vote to kick Aura out of the chat group.

Two: Teach Aura what emotion is, or let her know what fear is, and then wear the invisible collar specially made by Roy for her.

If Aura was a male villain or an ugly woman, Roy would definitely choose the first option without hesitation.

However, it has to be said that although Aura is a demon girl, her looks are quite capable, at least in line with Roy’s XP.

So, under Aura’s horrified gaze, Roy flicked his fingers


The terrifying explosion irritated the eardrums. Half of Aura’s body was blasted into pieces, and blood surged from her mouth, nose and ears.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

Aura let out a heart-rending scream.

Then, just as she felt the heartbreaking pain, Roy flicked his finger lightly, and a drop of blood poured into her mouth.

The next second, magically Something happened, the flesh buds squirmed, and Aura’s body that turned into debris instantly returned to its original state, as if it had never been injured.

“This is…….”

The residual pain in her mind was still clear, and the expression on Aura’s face was both painful and surprised.

She felt that her strength suddenly became hundreds of times stronger, and both her magic power and strength had increased significantly.

But she was not surprised at all, because Roy’s next blow had already come

“boom! boom! boom!”

Roy didn’t use any abilities, just pure physical skills. Each blow was only one billionth of the power, but it could still break mountains and rivers and make stars fall.

Even though Aura was constantly growing with the support of Roy’s blood , She became stronger, but still couldn’t withstand his casual blow.

In the end, I don’t know how long time passed.

Aura felt that her whole body was on the verge of collapse, and even had the negative thought that death might be a happier life, and Roy finally stopped

“have to…….saved?”

Aura was lying on the ground, unscathed, and even her hair was not messy at all, but her originally bright eyes could not see the slightest sparkle at this time, as if she had been abused by Roy for hundreds of years.

“How does it feel?”

Roy smiled gently, looking down at Aura.

Seeing Roy’s perfect face, Aura immediately shuddered, jumped up from the ground, knelt down on one knee in front of Roy, respectfully Said:”Lord Roy!”

“Lord Roy…….”

Roy smiled slightly and admitted that he was pleased by Aura’s name.

Rather, for a demon girl with an arrogant, tyrannical and cruel personality to show such respect to him is probably something that no one can resist, and Roy is certainly no exception to this. but…….Of course, Aura’s education is not over yet. Although the education just now has allowed Aura to wear a collar called fear, it is still the last step.

“You wanted to control me with obedience magic before, right, Aura?”

Raising his hand to pinch Aura’s slender, white neck, Roy asked casually. This was the second time he asked the same question.

“yes……..Yes! Luo…….Lord Roy! Please forgive me for my previous arrogant thoughts!”

Being grabbed by Roy’s neck, Aura felt a little short of breath, but she didn’t dare to show any dissatisfaction. Her eyes were full of fear of Roy, her face was forced to smile, and there seemed to be a little tear stains in the corners of her eyes.

【I admitted it this time, and it seemed that I was really frightened……..】

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, Roy chuckled and ordered:”Then serve me, Aura! Serve until I am satisfied.”

“Eh? waiter……..Serve?”

Aura was startled, with a strange look on her face. Apparently she didn’t expect that she would hear these two words from Roy.

At the same time, her body moved uncontrollably and began to remove the dress that was clinging to her body. Long skirts, metallic jewelry and boots

“Um? What, is there something wrong? Roy jokingly looked at the demon girl who was disarming her own equipment in front of him:”It is only natural for a slave to serve his master. You did fail miserably at me in the obedience magic before. Don’t you want to?””

“No……This is not a question of willingness or unwillingness, right?”

While taking off her boots uncontrollably, revealing her snow-white soles and calves, Aura looked up at Roy with a flushed face:”I am a demon! There should be reproductive isolation from humans, right?”[]


Amused by Aura’s whimsical thoughts, Roy couldn’t help laughing, and at the same time his tone became more and more playful:”Isn’t that better? Just let me study the relationship between the demons, elves and humans in your world. Is there reproductive isolation during this period to prepare for the future three generations of Fulilian’s master and apprentice?”


The corner of Aura’s mouth twitched, speechless. Anyway, under the influence of obedience magic, she had no power to resist. She could only watch as her unruly hands untied all her clothes bit by bit.

“Please, Lord Roy!”

Although she was in a very low mood, she still had a forced smile on her face. Aura extended an invitation to Roy as if she was inviting a man to dance with her.

Roy naturally went to the appointment with pleasure and established a relationship in this chat group. Dance with this demon girl in the world outside.

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