"Lao Tzu hasn't killed the Dragon Man yet, this time it's just enjoyable!"

"When I want to come, Roger has to thank Lao Tzu for saving his wife's life!"

The golden lion flew into the sky with a hideous expression, returned to his main ship, and flew towards Roy's direction at great speed.

Reilly and Karp are also ready to go.


Roy spoke again during the stream.

"I'm the only one I'm going to arrest, but because of Portcass D. Lujiu's non-cooperation, the navy has wasted a lot of manpower and material resources in the South China Sea, so I'm very unhappy. "

Under the inexplicable gaze of people all over the world, Roy turned on the live broadcast of the chat group, and then read out the mysterious words in his mouth.

"Tear the sky!"

"Smash, O stars!"

"All things in heaven are mine, and all that rules the stars is mine!"

Violent divine power surged in Roy's body, and even though he was thousands of miles away from the live broadcast screen, Whitebeard and other powerhouses from all over the world couldn't help but widen their eyes.


Black thunder was like a dragon and snake, wrapping around Roy.

It was a divine thunder that was as hot as the flames of the sun, enough to destroy everything in the world!

Condensing the divine thunder filled with the aura of destruction into a thunder spear and grasping it in his hand, Roy had a satisfied smile on his face.

The essence of this divine thunder is a treasure that can destroy the planets and destroy the world.

Now the level of the treasure is not high enough, and it can only destroy the country.

But after reciting all the words, the power of this treasure has increased several times.

It's a bit overkill to deal with just an island.

"Go ahead!"

His muscles bulged high and he threw the Thunder Spear in his hand at the island of Phra Nan in front of him, and Roy read out the true name of the Noble Phantasm: "I am the Thunder ——!!! that tears the stars"

"Boom ——!!"

The deafening sound of thunder irritates the eardrums of people all over the world, and the live broadcast screen is completely obscured by black thunder.

Islands around the world seem to have shaken violently because of this.

"What's going on!?"

At this moment, the same question is in the minds of people all over the world.

South China Sea.

Under the horrified gaze of the ghost spider, the sky cracked.

The Thunder Spear turned into a flood of black thunder and rained down from the sky, completely enveloping Phra Nang Island and its nearby waters like a torrential rain, and it was impermeable.

From the small perspective of human beings, it is as if the whole world has become a sea of thunder and lightning.

The world is roaring, the sea is trembling.

It was as if there was an unimaginably large giant shaking and playing with their planet.

Sensing the terrifying energy that he had only seen in his life, the ghost spider who was knocked to the ground finally understood what kind of terrifying thing Roy, the Celestial Dragon Man, was doing.

Rao is that he is a hawkish admiral, and he is also frightened by Roy's madness at this time.

That's an island inhabited by tens of thousands of people!

How could those people have survived such a horrific attack!


The shock of the sea gradually subsided, and the black thunder in the sky finally dissipated, and the live broadcast returned to normal.

The whole world fell silent.

Phra Nang Island is gone.

Even the sea in the nearby sea was evaporated by the high temperature of the divine thunder.

As a result, a deep sea pit has formed in the sea, which is more than ten times larger than the previous island, and a large amount of seawater is pouring in from the surrounding area.

Seeing this scene, anyone with a brain can realize what is happening.

On Panang Island, there is no scum left that has been blasted by that strange black thunder!

The earthquake-like shock they felt just now was the aftermath of the destruction of the island!

"What are you kidding! Is that a legendary ancient weapon!?"

"Thunder Fruit? No....... Even Whitebeard can't wipe out an island with a single blow!"

"This Celestial Dragonman....... Damn!Is this the real reason why the Draconians have been able to rule the world for 800 years!?"

The civilians don't know so much, they only know that the Celestial Dragons used a powerful and strange means to destroy an island, and even caused a worldwide shock.

And Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Reilly and other top powerhouses on the sea can understand how terrifying that black thunder is.

Whitebeard even has a very rare sense of crisis.

Because even he didn't dare to say that he could be intact under that terrifying black thunder!

"Daddy...... ~."

Ichiban team captain Marco looked at Whitebeard with a worried expression.

"Kulalala, it's okay, Lao Tzu was just stunned just now!"

Never showing the slightest weakness in front of his sons, Whitebeard clenched the naginata knife in his hand, looked up to the sky and laughed: "After Roger's death, Lao Tzu is the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard, how can he be frightened by a little ghost of the dragon!"

"Daddy is right!"

"That's right, it's just a celestial dragon man, even if it's really a legendary ancient weapon, Daddy's Shock Fruit is not easy to mess with!"

As if inspired by Whitebeard's words, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly erased the shadows in their hearts.

As long as Daddy is around, their Whitebeard Pirates are invincible!

"This is the Celestial Dragon.......

In the conference room of the Navy Headquarters, the marshal sighed.

Next to him, the Sengoku of the Buddha, Vice Admiral Tsuru, and a group of naval generals fell silent.

They wanted to shout at Roy for being too cruel, but that didn't make any sense.

They don't dare to rebel against the Celestial Dragons and the World Government!

"Is this the real reason why the Celestial Dragons are able to stand at the top of the world?"

Former general Zefa muttered to himself in a hoarse voice: "It's really a power that makes people feel desperate.......

in a chat group.

Compared to the low mood of the powerhouses in the pirate world, the atmosphere here is much better.

Miyuki Uchiha: "....... Looks like I'm going to thank His Highness Roy for not killing?"

Luo Hao: "It's really worthy of the Star Treasure, even if the current level is low, you can still get a glimpse of that amazing power from it." "

Gybril: "Very well! You are now the second prey in my heart, after Lord Artexiu, the god of war!

Erina Nagikiri: "It's cruel........"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu: "You're right, but this is the Celestial Dragon, so it's good that you understand him as a tyrant who is extravagant and extremely cruel." "

Estes: "It's so boring to stay in the cabin, haven't the so-called Golden Lion and Hades come yet?"

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai whispered: "Wait a minute, Lu Jiu hasn't appeared yet, they definitely won't come." "

Ignoring the comments on himself in the chat group, Roy felt the drain on his physical strength a little.

Should it be said that it is really worthy of an enhanced version of the immortal body?

After liberating the national treasure with all his strength, he actually felt that his physical strength had not been consumed much, and he was not a little stronger than before.

"Roy St. ....... The live stream was restored. "

The ghost spider looked at Roy cautiously.

The vice admiral had already knelt down on one knee in front of Roy at some point, for fear of angering the monster in front of him because of his disrespect.

"Hmm. "

Roy nodded, looking at the live camera.

His tone was as gentle as before: "I think you have also seen it, this is the beginning of the punishment. From now on, every half hour, if Portcass D Lujiu doesn't surrender to the navy near her, I'll destroy an island. "

Under the horrified and angry gaze of people all over the world.

The smile on Roy's face became more and more gentle, but the words he said were piercing cold: "Portcas D Lujiu, give you a piece of advice, your choice affects the lives of thousands of people, please make a careful decision." "


"I ...... Did I hear you right!?"

"Damn! Is this Draconian crazy! Destroying an island and killing so many innocent people for the sake of a mere woman?"

"This is the Celestial Dragons....... Terrifying, cruel, unreasonable, and doesn't treat other people as human beings at all!" (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Bastard, isn't the Navy righteous? Why don't you stop him!"

"Don't talk about it, those navies are the dogs of the world government at all, isn't it funny that you let the dogs bite their masters?"

Roy's horrific proclamation sends the world in an uproar.

This method of persecuting targets by harming innocent people is actually the norm in the pirate world.

But there are definitely not many people like Roy who use the lives of people on an island or a country as bargaining chips.

People are angry, frightened, roaring, but helpless.

Whitebeard, Karp, Reilly, and the others stared at the live broadcast screen even more, wanting to see if Roy would really do such a crazy thing.

The island of Barthalila in the South China Sea.

Huddled in a cheap house, the pregnant woman's body trembled slightly, and tears flowed down her face.

She felt that she had killed the innocent people on Phra Nang Island.

But what is she going to do?

Do you really want to turn yourself in to that Draco?

It's okay if she dies herself, but what about the child in her womb?

Soon, half an hour passed.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Lujiu, it looks like you've made the wrong decision. "

Shaking his head at the live feed, Roy ordered the ghost spider to sail.

"Where are you going?"

The ghost spider asked subconsciously.

"Kingdom of Roses. "

Roy uttered the name of a kingdom.

The ghost spider recalled for a moment, remembering that this was a small country in the South China Sea that was not joined by a world government, and it had a lot of fame because of tourism.

Of course, even small countries have a population of more than 100,000.

Far more than the island of Panang, which was destroyed by Roy just now.

Is Roy Saint intending to .......

With a shudder in his heart, the ghost spider didn't dare to ask again, let alone disobey Roy's order.


The ship came to the waters of an island nation.

"This is the Kingdom of Roses, as beautiful as the rumors say. "

Looking at the bright roses that bloomed all over the island, Roy sighed softly: "It's a pity that they who don't want to join the world government to dedicate heavenly gold to us and other Tianlong people have no human rights. "

The words fell.

The prototype of the star destroyer thunder from the great god Zeus once again appeared in the eyes of the world.

People from all over the world have also been fortunate enough to see the terrifying world of thunder once again, and are sure that the shock they felt before is not an illusion.

"Boom ——!!"

Under the earth-shaking roar and the shock that affected the whole world, this tourist kingdom with a lot of fame in the South China Sea turned into flying ash in the thunder in the sky, and there was no scum left.

“.. This is the second one. "

Roy smiled softly at the live camera: "Ms. Lu Jiu, you shouldn't want the third country to suffer such a catastrophe, right?"

At this moment, the whole world fell silent again.

Even the cruel pirates who had slaughtered many villages and towns were too scared by Roy to speak out.

Many civilians even cried on the spot.

Many people also began to shout and curse.

But they weren't scolding Roy.

It's Roy's target, Lu Jiu.

"Damn, is that woman named Lu Jiu going to kill everyone! Get out of here!"

"That's One Piece's wife, so she doesn't care about the lives of civilians!"

"Damn! The Garbage One Piece should let the Navy cut that bastard with a thousand cuts!"

"That's right, if it weren't for the anger of the two of them, how could the South China Sea have suffered such a disaster!?"

Voices like this are getting louder and louder around the world.

It is clear that the person who is destroying the country is Roy, but it seems that everyone is starting to complain about Lu Jiu.

If you had come forward earlier, wouldn't those innocent people have died?

That's what people really think.

New World, the Whitebeard Pirates.

Marco clenched his fists, his eyes full of horror: "What are you kidding! An attack of this magnitude can be unleashed continuously? Looking at his relaxed appearance, it seems that he has not consumed any physical strength at all!"

Whitebeard didn't speak, but his expression was much more solemn.

The Golden Lion, Reilly, and Karp, who are in the South China Sea, have similar thoughts.

They weren't sure if Roy was a Devil Fruit or if he had mastered the legendary Ancient Weapon.

But Roy is extremely dangerous, but it is an indisputable fact.

"Lu Jiu ......"

Karp's heart was very entangled at this time.

As a righteous vice admiral, he should hope that Lu Jiu will turn himself in as soon as possible and save the innocents who are about to die tragically at the hands of Roy.

But because of Roger's entrustment, he didn't want Lu Jiu to turn himself in.

After all, in the hands of Roy, a cruel Celestial Dragon, everyone knows what terrible things will happen.

Reilly and the Golden Lion don't have as many scruples as Karp.

No matter how many civilians die, they don't care, and it's naturally best if Lu Jiu doesn't come out.

But in case Lu Jiu really turned himself in, they would not hesitate to do it directly.

A pampered Tianlong man who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman.

Even if he mastered extremely destructive abilities, his combat experience would not be comparable to that of a battle-hardened pirate like them!

in a chat group.

Miyuki Uchiha: "Did you say that Rujiu would turn herself in?"

Sakura Tosaka: "Probably not, after all, she's pregnant." "

Luo Hao: "It doesn't matter, you traversers already know where she is hiding, there is no difference whether you turn yourself in or not, her fate is already doomed." "

Erina Nagikiri: "What will Mr. Roy do with that Rujiu, kill her and the child in her womb?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu: "No. "

Kasumigaoka Shiyu: "Although Mr. World Aristocracy is a scumbag, he pities the fragrance and cherishes the jade, and most of the beauties will be treated preferentially." "

Estes: "It's annoying! Why hasn't that woman come out yet, if she doesn't come out, the pirates won't come out, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai whispered, I'm going to fight that Hades King Reilly in a while!"

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai whispered: "Okay, then I'll fight the golden lion, and Karp will leave it to the Akainu who is rushing over, this naval hero dares to mess with Roy, this time he should not live to the age of the original to hold his grandson." "

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai whispered: "By the way, I think Lu Jiu will turn herself in soon, and you can see from the original book that she is a very gentle woman." "


As soon as Uchiyamamoto Motoyanagisai finished whispering, the phone bug on Roy's ship rang.

"Roy Saint!"

A maid respectfully sent the phone bug to Shen.

"Well, let's go down. "

After picking up the phone bug, Yiqi answered: "Hello?"

"It's me, Roy Saint. "

The phone bug simulated Stussy's appearance, and a charming voice sounded in his ears: "Portcass D Lujiu, turn yourself in." "。

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