Big size and strong strength, in the eyes of many people, the two are equated.

Because the larger the body size, the greater the corresponding defense and attack power, and the stronger the special effects and sense of oppression in comics and animations.

For example, is Susanoo from the Uchiha clan in the Naruto world very strong?

Not to mention that there are so many powerful people in the world, even in the world view of the Naruto world, the Otsutsuki clan can hang Susanoo up and beat him with a powerful jutsu.

But in the eyes of many people, Susanoo is a very powerful technique.

The Chakravartin King that Roy was facing was a behemoth that ranked among the top in size even in all the worlds.

The planet is just the fine dust around him, and the galaxy is just a pebble next to him.

Even the galaxy clusters composed of galaxies are nothing more than toy balls for throwing in its hands727.

There was a very famous line in Roy’s fantasy novel in his previous life.

——Holding the sun and moon in my hands and picking up stars, there is no one like me in the world.

This sentence is so powerful that many novels will use this sentence to enhance their own style.

However, standing in front of the King of Chakravartin and looking at the behemoth spanning the universe, Roy realized how insignificant and arrogant he was to feel proud just by holding the sun, moon and stars in his hands.


Suddenly, the Wheel King moved.

Four arms were raised high as if to pierce the universe. Golden light suddenly appeared in the hands of the golden Buddha, and a galaxy cluster emerged in his palm, and then it was like a light cannon towards Roy and Athens. Na came over

“boom! boom! boom!!!”

All the planets along the attack path were crushed to pieces.

The aftermath of the planet’s explosion even created a twisted black hole, which fused together and turned into an even more terrifying scene.

Standing between Roy and Athens From Na’s perspective, it was as if the entire universe had collapsed and was crashing down on the two of them.


Feeling the terrifying sense of oppression, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, froze in breath, felt stiff all over, and her brain went blank.

Once upon a time, this was how mortals faced her, the disobedient god.

Mortals cannot resist the power of gods, so they can only surrender at the feet of gods.

Mortals (cffh) cannot understand the wisdom of the gods, so they can only listen to their teachings.

Mortals cannot survive in this dangerous world, so they can only pray to gods for protection.

But now, in front of this Chakravartin King, Athena has a rare taste of being a mortal.

【It turns out that this is how mortals feel when they see me. It’s really not easy……..】

Sighing softly in her heart, Athena slowly raised her chin.

Under her gaze, Roy slowly raised his right hand in the face of Chakravartin’s probing blow.

That is the right hand that exudes golden light, which is the side profile of the god.

This is the right hand of God!

There is no need to consider the conditions for victory or defeat, no need to consider cause and effect and time, and no need to consider the strength of the enemy. Just adjust the amount of force as you like and then use it, and it will be enough to defeat all enemies!

If it were in the real world, Roy would certainly not use this kind of death-defying move. The reaction force that could kill a god was something he couldn’t bear now.

However, this is in Athena’s system simulation space, which is the most suitable place for the right hand of God to play!


Roy waved his right hand forward!.

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