World Government, Five Old Stars Room.

Satan Sheng, who had curly white hair, sighed: "His Highness Roy is going to the undersea prison. "

"It doesn't matter. "

Nashiro, who was holding the first generation of Onitoru, said nonchalantly: "Lord Imu said before he fell asleep that even if His Highness Roy demolished the undersea prison, it would be fine. "

"Isn't that right!".

Maz Saint, who had the longest beard, couldn't help but speak, "Where did His Highness Roy come from more than a month ago?" I'm pretty sure that Lord Imu doesn't have a spouse at all, let alone offspring. "

"That has nothing to do with you, nothing to do with us!"

Satan leaned on his crutches and said lightly: "Lord Im said that His Royal Highness Roy is her only heir, then there is no doubt about him!".


Navy Headquarters, a makeshift small conference room.

The marshal is empty, the general Sengoku, the lieutenant general Tsuru, Karp and the three future generals are all there.

The yellow ape, who was not so old, smiled obscenely: "Sakasky is really unlucky, he was remembered by the old men of the Tianlong people~".

The pheasant, who hadn't fallen out with the red dog yet, looked at the red dog with a worried face: "You have to be careful, no one knows if those Tianlong people will make a move on you, they are not reasonable people." "

Akainu didn't speak, but his already cold face became even more pale.

As the most radical hawkish navy under the World Government, he certainly understands what the Celestial Dragons are.

To put it bluntly, it's a bunch of brainless pigs, garbage, scum!

It's just that those pigs still have the world's top power, if he is really targeted by this kind of guy, will he Sakasky give up everything and become a pirate!?

"Little Crane!".

At this time, the Buddha no Sengoku, who was still a general, looked at Lieutenant General Tsuru: "Do you know this Nairona Roy Sage?".

"Of course, he can be regarded as the most active Draconian this month. "

Lieutenant General Crane had a strange look on his face and handed everyone present a piece of information.

"This .......


Looking at the description of the information in his hand, the face of the Buddha Warring States turned blue and white for a while, and finally slapped the table with a 'bang'.

"It's rotten! ridiculous!".

In the intelligence, in just over a month, there are as many as 1,000 women related to Roy, an average of about 40 per day.

Most of them are princesses, princesses and even kings' mothers from various kingdoms, involving the youngest 8 years old and the oldest 50 years old.

"It's just the scum of the scum!".

The Navy present was very surprised to have a completely unified idea.

"Ahem...... The private life of the Celestial Dragons is not something that the Navy can interfere with, so don't mention it again!".

Coughing embarrassedly twice, Marshal Steely looked at the more gloomy Akainu, and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, Sakasky, the Navy will never abandon you!"

"That's right!".

The Warring States of the Buddha said in a cold voice: "Sakasky is one of the pillars of the navy in the future, I believe that the world government will not really let him do anything wrong no matter how accustomed to the Celestial Dragons!"

"Hmm....... I understand. "

Knowing that unless he defected directly, he would not be able to escape this call-up no matter what, Akainu sighed softly in his heart and got up helplessly.

It's just that no one notices the fleeting heat and fury in Akainu's eyes.

I just hope that Nairona Roy Saint will be less ridiculous.

Anyway, even if he kills the Draconians and defects to the navy, he can still enforce his 'absolute justice' in this world as a bountyman!



Roy didn't know that the navy was full of sadness, and he didn't know that Akaiu was ready to defect.

In his opinion, this was just an ordinary guard order.

And the reason why he asked Akainu to come, and not the other navies, was only because Akainu's philosophy was in line with his operation.

After all, he went to the undersea prison to kill the powerless pirates.

The entire high-level of the Navy Headquarters, I am afraid that only the hawkish navy such as Akainu who hate pirates incomparably can accept his behavior.

"Speaking of which, this is a good opportunity to take Akainu as a subordinate.......


Heading to the luxury ship of the undersea prison, Roy pondered the feasibility of this matter.

As a world aristocratic Tianlongren, of course he needs to have his own subordinates, and it is impossible for him to do everything by himself.

Akainu is the first target he is targeting.

Yearning for absolute justice and hating pirates?

It doesn't matter!

Even if Akainu killed all the pirates in the world, Roy didn't care—unless he wanted to kill all the Draconians along with them.

"Roy Saint, is this kind of strength okay?".

A gentle voice came from behind, and a cold little hand stroked Roy's shoulder and began to massage skillfully.

She has short blond hair, wears a white dress, and reveals a delicate beauty all over her body-Stussy.

I have to say that this woman is really outstanding, and she is worthy of being cultivated by the world government with great effort.

Unfortunately, not faithful enough.


Feeling the comfort on his shoulder, Roy let out a pleasant snort and asked, "Stussy, do you know what we're going to do when we go to the undersea prison?"

"This ...... The concubine didn't know, and she didn't dare to speculate on your noble thoughts. "

Pretty face changed, Stussy's straight back bent slightly, making a more respectful gesture, but the bottom of his heart was uncertain.

She's been following Roy for over a month.

From the very beginning, she had actually sensed that the Draconians did not trust her.

But this is the first time I have asked for my opinion directly like today.

If you are an ordinary person and are asked for opinions by your boss, you will probably feel very happy, thinking that this is because your boss appreciates you and that a promotion and salary increase are just around the corner.

But she's serving the Dragons!

With the extremely willful character of these world aristocrats, how could they really ask themselves for the opinion of this 'inferior person'?

"Hmph, don't you dare?".

With a sneer, Roy looked sideways at Stussy: "Sit on!"

"Yes ......


After a moment's hesitation, Stussy slowly sat down on Roy's lap.

"It's a great honor, Stussy!".

The ape's arms wrapped around Stussy's boneless waist, and Roy looked down at her pretty face condescendingly: "This is a reward from the 'gods', you have to take it all well!"


Submarine Prison, Advance City.

Akainu and several high-ranking officials of the undersea prison stood on both sides of the gate with solemn expressions.

Because they were worried about colliding with the Dracons, they didn't bring a single naval soldier with them.

At this time, there are still 22 years before Luffy, the protagonist of the original book, goes to sea, and the future director Magellan is still the deputy director at this time.

The current director is an old vice admiral who never appeared in the original book - the bone dragon.

If nothing else, the director should have been killed or removed from office in the Golden Lion prison escape incident two years later, and Magellan and others could be successfully promoted.

"It's really strange, I never thought I'd ever see a big man like the Draconians in the undersea prison. "

At only 20 years old, Yuno Hiryu already has the appearance of many years later, wearing a famous knife and thunderstorm on his waist, holding a cigar, and looking like a bad gangster.

Next to him, Magellan was holding his colic stomach, with a painful face, but he still said seriously: "Xiliu, you must not be so hangy when you see the Tianlong people, those big people want to kill you all according to your mood!"

"Hey, I know, I don't need you to teach!".

Despite his disdain, Hiryu Yuno Hiryu honestly extinguished the cigar in his mouth.

It was not easy for him to take the public examination and go ashore, of course, he didn't want to lose his job or even his life inexplicably.

"It's coming!".

Akainu's face was solemn, and he raised his hand to straighten his military hat and uniform.

Lieutenant General Bone Dragon, who had been silent since just now, also raised his eyelids, revealing cloudy eyes.


The towering gate of justice slowly opened.

On the deck, holding the exhausted Stussy in his arms, Roy took a photo with a phone bug and posted it in the group.

Roy: "I'm in the undersea prison, guess who the first fantasy weapon I get will come from?—— [picture]


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