How many stars and galaxies have been swallowed up?

At the beginning, Roy still had the intention to count and remember.

But in the later stages, this number was so huge that there was no need to record it at all.

Because of the assistance of Othinus, the demon god, and the powerful immortality provided by several noble phantoms, Roy can absorb the energy of the planet unscrupulously, even the galaxy.

As long as he is not satisfied, he will never stop!

I don’t know how much time has passed


Roy groaned and was forced to stop absorbing a small galaxy.

He is”full”.

If you continue to absorb it, it will only stretch your body to bursting, and then quickly recover. Although it will not be injured, it will not provide excess energy.

It’s the same reason as humans who burst their stomachs and are unable to provide themselves with nutrients.

“Phew – this power.-……”

Feeling the power in his body expand countless times, Roy took a deep breath, a little obsessed with the feeling of becoming stronger.

At the same time, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

Even though he has devoured countless galaxies and has the combined energy of at least tens of trillions of planets in his body, he still has not been able to successfully enter the god level.

After all, the first requirement to enter the god level is a single universe.

The so-called single universe is not as simple as a single world, but an infinite universe.

This shows the gold content of the god level.

This also shows how weird, powerful and unreasonable Roy’s right hand of God, who can adjust the power at will, is, so much so that even the god-level Othinus admires and covets it.

However, Roy is not very satisfied with himself, but Othinus is quite satisfied with his growth.

“good! really not bad! You are getting closer and closer to the god level, it can even be said that you are only one chance away!”

Praising Roy without hesitation, Othinus raised the corners of his mouth playfully and said,”It’s decided!

After returning to the forbidden world, I will personally hunt and seal a demon god for you, so that you can successfully sacrifice him so that you can enter the realm of gods!

Roy was stunned, looking at the one-eyed demon with blond hair and blue eyes in surprise, and asked:”Aren’t you going to wait for me to go to the forbidden world and use God’s right hand to help you kill him?” Why do you have to do it yourself again?

Othinus shook his head:”No need!” It’s too much trouble to wait for your chance to go to the forbidden world! Who knows how long it will take!”

After all, the man in front of her is growing so fast. What if one day he succeeds in reaching the god level without relying on his own strength?

Then wouldn’t it be difficult for her relationship with him to take a further step? Nairo Naro Is it difficult for Yi to become her possession?


Absolutely not!

The man in front of her is destined to be the man who understands her, and she is also curious about all of this man’s abilities, such as the right hand of God, the avoidance of God, and the hand of Hermes.

Nairoi must be under her control Only with help can we reach the god level!

The demon’s possessiveness completely took over his brain. Othinus suddenly raised his hand and touched the side of Roy’s face, with longing and greed in his eyes:

“I’m really curious about how strong you can become after reaching the god level, so……Don’t wait any longer! Start your journey to becoming a god as soon as possible!”.

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