The chat group was originally quite deserted.

As Ying Lili asked for help, things immediately became lively.

Uchiha Miyuki:”Pfft – your mother Sawamura Sayuri wants to use His Highness Roy as a model for painting?”

Sawamura Eiri:”Yes!”

Uchiha Miyuki:”I remember your mother Sawamura Sayuri is a fujoshi, right? So do you want His Highness Roy to be the leading actor?”

Eiri Sawamura:”Ahem, I think”500″ has this idea. My mother should just test Mr. Roy, right? She Maybe you think we are a couple?”

Uchiha Miyuki:”So Roy-sama wants to take off his clothes?”

Sawamura Eiri:”Of course——【picture】”

In the picture, Roy is clearly half-dressed, revealing his perfect chest and abdominal muscles.

Uchiha Miyuki:”Oh oh oh! That’s great! It’s so great! So beautiful!”

Tohsaka Sakura:”Brother Roy…….”

Kasumigaoka Shiha:”Ah, so after you summoned Mr. World Noble, the first thing you did was not do Yukinoshita Yukino’s mission with me, but play these little fun first with Mr. World Noble? It’s really outrageous. Yeah.”

Yukinoshita Yukino:”……”

Eri Sawamura:”Ahem……”

Karuizawa Megumi:”!!! What terrible things are you and your daughter doing to Mr. Roy! Damn it! You actually let Mr. Roy be your model? It’s simply outrageous!” Sawamura

Eiri:”I I didn’t expect that my mother would come back early! So aren’t I asking you to think of a solution?”

Karuizawa Megumi:”Ah this……What can we do? How about you knock your mother out and tell her she was dreaming? Anyway, you are now considered a strong person in the daily world, so you should be able to do it easily, right?”

Eri Sawamura:”……Your approach is so outrageous!”

Xia Zhigao Shiyu:”Hmph, let me go to your house. You are a golden retriever who has failed to succeed but failed to succeed. It is obviously you who is stealing food, but in the end, you still want me to wipe your butt.”

Eiri Sawamura:” Ahem…….Then come quickly!”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu:”Haha – I’ll be there soon.”

In the daily manga world, Eirili coughed slightly in embarrassment.

If she had been said like this at any other time, she would have severely criticized Kasumigaoka Shiu, a fat woman like this…………

But now she needed Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s help, so naturally she had to beg him loudly and angrily. at the same time.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s house

“Is Yinglili’s mother really interested in Mr. World Noble? It’s really interesting.”

Kasumigaoka Shiu sat playfully on the edge of the bed, her plump long legs folded together and shaking slightly.

Although she just said to Uchiha Miyuki in the chat group that she would be there soon, she actually But she didn’t leave immediately.

She was actually quite happy to see something happen between Sayuri Sawamura and Roy, so that she could see a more interesting expression on Eiri’s face.

Don’t get me wrong, this is not malicious. , at most it’s just a little fun between”2.2 best friends”

“Besides, it’s not under my control that Yinglili’s mother will meet Mr. World Noble. No matter what happens, it’s not my fault!”

With a playful tone, Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s body suddenly turned into a giant pink dragon.

Then, her figure instantly appeared tens of thousands of meters in the sky, flying slowly in the opposite direction to Eiriri’s house.

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