Pirate world.

Holy Land Marie Gioia.

As soon as Roy returned from the daily comic world, there were rapid and heavy footsteps outside, and then the palace door was pushed open from the outside.

“Father! Father, you are finally back! Very good! I have been waiting for a long time!”

The girl’s eager and ecstatic voice sounded from far to near, and two figures, one large and one small, appeared in front of Roy.

Roy took a closer look and couldn’t help laughing.

He saw the huge figure. It was Sartan, one of the five old stars, who had transformed into the form of a phantom beast, like a spider burning with flames.

And the small figure was his daughter Naironaan.

At this time, An was standing in front of Sartan On the back of this five-old star, two small hands are holding a spider leg respectively, just like a child riding a 513 horse, using this aloof five-old star as a mount.

If this scene falls on In the eyes of the officials of the Navy and the World Government, I am afraid they will be so frightened that their eyeballs will fall out of their sockets.

After all, few people in this world know about the existence of Im, and the Five Old Stars are the people who stand at the top of power. The big shot is the real master of this world.

However, at this time, in front of Roy, the five-old star Sartan, the god of scientific defense who possesses supreme power, has a low-browed look, like an obedient dog, being… A 5-year-old girl trampled on her dignity.

But Sartan himself was not dissatisfied at all. He even looked at the little girl Ann with fear and awe in his eyes.

“boom! boom!”

At this time, An raised her little foot and stepped on Satan’s head hard.

“Ouch! Your Highness, spare your life! Your Highness Princess, please spare your life!”

Although An didn’t use any force, Sartan still deliberately pretended to be in pain and let out a miserable wail.

But An didn’t appreciate it.

Listening to the old man’s unpleasant voice, the little girl frowned, He scolded with an unhappy look on his face:”Get out of here! You’re so old, don’t disturb the world between me and my father!”

“yes! yes! I know!”

Satan agreed quickly with a low eyebrow. He first shortened his stature and put An Xin down, and then quickly left in a flash, not daring to stay here for even a second.

“This old guy listens to you very much, Ann! A good education!”

Roy lowered his head and looked at his daughter, and joked with a chuckle.

“Huh, a bunch of old bastards, nothing more than cheap bones!

Hearing his father praising himself, An puffed up his chest and said with pride:”Originally they were very perfunctory to me, just superficial respect. After I hung them up and tortured them for three days and three nights, they She respects me much more, just like she treats her own mother!”

“Forehead…….Not bad.”

When he heard the word”mother”, Roy’s face looked strange, and he couldn’t help but sympathize with the five old guys.

After all, the five old stars are at least hundreds of years old, and they have been sitting on the top of power for who knows how many years. Now To be bullied like this by a 5-year-old girl makes everyone cry.

But……Who makes them weak?

Moreover, this little girl An has inherited his solar power, and her strength is truly king-level in the chat group. She has already crushed the entire pirate world.

Being bullied by her is actually an honor, not a humiliation.

At this time, An suddenly stretched out her little hand and tugged on Roy’s clothes, raised her little face, and said with hope:”Father! You said before that you would teach me when you are done with your work, right?”

“Um? Well, teaching? no problem!”

Roy had no intention of breaking his promise to a little girl. It happened that there was nothing going on in the chat group at the moment, so he immediately nodded and chuckled:”Just in time to call your Aunt Peach Rabbit, Aunt Scathach, and Sister Yamato. Let’s train together”


When he heard the names of these women, An’s face fell, and he weakly replied:”Yes! I understand, Father!”.

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