“Should she go to Fulilian first, or her master Celie first?”

Surrounded by the undead army and the controlled demons, Aura smiled elegantly, but her cute face was full of astonishing malice.

The demons are a very contradictory race.

They cannot understand human emotions, but they still say Like humans, they will be proud of their magic.

When they kill humans, they will feel joy and satisfaction.

When they defeat powerful magicians, they will feel sincerely proud.

When they are killed by enemies, they will also feel Regret, pity and fear.

These are obviously emotions, but they cannot understand emotions and even sneer at human emotions.

This is the demon race, a race that needs to be well educated in Roy’s eyes.

As for how to educate….

Just look at Aura’s experience.

What a standard female brat, arrogant, cruel, tyrannical, and perverse. Under Roy’s careful teaching, she now looks like an obedient and good boy.

“Let’s go find Fulilian first!”

Aura murmured to herself, tapping her foot lightly. Instead of bringing her undead army with her, she flew into the air with only a group of high-level demon clan officials. She ruined the well-deserved protagonist of Fulilian’s world, Fulilian. At this time, she is hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, living a self-sufficient savage life.

As a disciple of the great magician Volamei, an elf who has survived for nearly a thousand years, her strength is undoubtedly the first echelon in the world today.

And she The reason why she hides in such a deserted corner is precisely because a few years ago, she overestimated her ability to challenge the devil, but was defeated by Mahat from the Golden Township halfway, and she has suffered a psychological shadow since then.

If it is based on the original work If you look at it, after being defeated by Mahat in the Golden Land, Fulilian hid for 500 years without having any fight with the demons.

It can be seen that she was really beaten to autism by Mahat.

“It would be great if the demons could be exterminated by themselves…….”

Lying on the grass like a salted fish, Fulian squinted her eyes, opened her mouth, and babbled half-asleep, looking like a useless person.


The surging magic power suddenly appeared from mid-air, like a towering mountain falling from the sky, showing the overwhelming force of a mountain, crushing Fulian on her body.

Fulilian opened her eyes suddenly, and her usually expressionless and indifferent face showed a rare expression of shock and disbelief. She stared blankly at the several figures floating in the air.

0request flowers0

“Golden Township Mahat…….”

Looking at the nightmare that had defeated her, Fulilian subconsciously grabbed her staff, her heart pounding nervously.

If it was just Mahat, she wouldn’t have behaved in such a panic. but……Demons don’t hide their magic power, so even if she doesn’t know who the other people around Mahat are at all, she can still realize their identities from the terrifying magic power of these people.

The Seven Bengxians of the Demon Clan!

There might even be the devil himself!

Feeling the magic power that made the air thicken, Fulian stretched out her tongue and licked the dry corners of her lips.

She pretended to be calm and said:”Mahat, are you bringing this group of people to kill me? Isn’t it too exaggerated to put up such a formation against a former defeated general?”

Mahat He ignored Fulilian, but took a slight step back in the air, then bowed to Aura and said,”Master, she is Fulilian!”

“…….Owner! ?”

Awula’s pupils shrank, and for the first time a collapsed expression appeared on her indifferent face…

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