In the air, Celie and Sakura were floating on both sides, looking directly at each other.

This scene appeared in the eyes of everyone who had been paying attention to the live broadcast through Aura’s previous live broadcast.

Uchiha Miyuki:”Pfft – Seriai is really small. Don’t female elves grow taller? But their breasts are quite well developed!”

Uchiha Miyuki:”Speaking of which, in the chat group There are quite a few girls with underdeveloped breasts. Unlike me, they already have big breasts that they will never get in their lives at a young age.”

Yukinoshita Yukino:”……”

Eri Sawamura:”…….”

Kasumigaoka Shiha:”Pfft-haha! Interesting! Miyuki, you have touched on the pain points of many people in the chat group!”

Yamamoto Genryusai Karuha:”……That’s enough. Sakura and Mr. Roy are still doing business, can’t you idiot like you talk about some serious topics?”

Uchiha Miyuki:”Hi! What’s the serious business? Isn’t this crushing the Welfare Bureau? No way, right? It doesn’t matter if Sellie thinks she can win. Does anyone in the chat group really think she can win?~?”

Yamamoto Genryusai whispered:-“……”

Uchiha Miyuki:”Hey, there are obviously no such fools in the chat group, right?”

Uchiha Miyuki:”Having said that, what Celia said is too typical, isn’t it? You are the challengers or something, it’s just like It’s like Gojo Satoru’s declaration before he died!”

Genryusai Yamamoto whispered:”…….Strictly speaking there really is no difference.”

Yukinoshita Yukino:”No, there are still some. At least Gojo Satoru and Rangmen Sunuo are indeed strong men of the same level, but Gojo Satoru is really inferior to others.”

Yukinoshita Yukino:”But this Celia……You can’t blame her. According to your words, she is already a powerful person at the ceiling level of this world. Who knew that she would encounter enemies from outside the world?”

“you mean…….Are you going to be my opponent?”

Looking at Sakura’s immature body, which was at most five or six years old, Celia twitched the corner of her mouth and showed a look of disgust:”Although I think it is normal for earth-shaking things to happen to magicians, but your age Isn’t it too small?”

“I suggest you not to underestimate me, the elf sister named Seriai.”

Not angry that Celia looked down on her, a long sword with an extremely gorgeous appearance appeared out of thin air in her hand. Sakura responded with a chuckle:”I am very strong!”

0request flowers

“oh? Yeah? Did I make a mistake?”

Celia looked at Sakura seriously again, then shook her head and curled her lips and said:”No matter how you look at it, he is just a brat. Although the magic power in his body is good, it is enough to surpass 99 magic users in the world, but that’s it, it’s not enough. powerful!”

“Is that so? Then I was really underestimated…….”

Staring at Celie with a faint look in her eyes, Sakura suddenly waved the sword in her hand and shouted loudly:”Fei Long Sin Sword Dragon God Ping Yi!”


The earth-shaking roar tore apart the clouds tens of thousands of meters in the air and the forest below in an instant. The huge and ferocious fire dragon roared and appeared above Sakura, glaring condescendingly at Sellie like a wild ferocious beast. , exuding a frightening sense of oppression

“This is…….”

Seriei’s eyes narrowed, and an excited expression immediately appeared on her face:”It’s actually a giant dragon! Interesting! Is it a hybrid of human and dragon? Is there such an interesting human being as you in the world!? It’s simply a miracle.!”.

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