“Who are you…….Roy Saint, the Celestial Dragon! ?”

Seeing that Roy, whom he had longed for, appeared in such a strange posture, Jhin couldn’t help but swallow nervously.

But he quickly forced himself to calm down.

“It’s just a weird fruit ability! Although there are not many space-type fruits, I have seen them in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia!”

“There is nothing wrong with destroying an island with terrifying thunder! Brother Kaido can do similar things!”

“Besides, it might be the power of ancient weapons. Maybe this Tianlong man himself is not very powerful?”

Jin hypnotized himself with words like this, as if he wanted to prove that Roy only relied on the fruit’s ability and was not worthy of being so feared by him, a big pirate with a bounty of 550 million Baileys.

Yes, that’s right!

If there wasn’t that terror With the power of thunder, maybe this Celestial Dragon is not as strong as him!

With this thought, Jhin’s eyes suddenly turned blood red and he stared at Roy with hatred.

The Celestial Dragon…….The Celestial Dragons who almost wiped out their Lunaria clan!

All the Celestial Dragons should die!

“Roy Saint! careful!”

King Riku’s thoughts were obviously similar to Jhin’s. Sensing that Jhin’s emotions seemed to be rioting, he immediately exclaimed loudly:”Hurry up and let your female subordinate with the freezing ability who defeated Pluto Rayleigh come over! This pirate is the big signboard of the Beasts Pirates Picture: Flame Calamity!”


Jin roared and kicked over the wine table in front of him. The hot flames turned from his body into a fire snake and rushed towards King Liku.


King Liku screamed and was knocked away by the fire snake. A large number of burn blisters appeared on his body instantly.

“Father! ?”

Princess Scarlet hugged the injured King Riku and cried bitterly, but she couldn’t do anything without strength.

“your Highness……..”

Seeing Scarlet’s pitiful and miserable look, Cyrus, who had always been secretly in love with the princess, felt very sad.

But there was nothing he could do.

In the original book, this famous sword fighter even tried his best to defeat Doflamingo’s subordinate Diamanti.

Therefore, regardless of his talent, his strength is actually very average. At most, he is at the level of a pirate with a bounty of tens of millions.

“Celestial Dragons! Since you appear here alone, you must be ready to wake up!”

The whole body and the huge samurai sword were burning with scorching flames. Jhin roared and swung the 23-blade burning sword towards Roy,”Guard the Fire Dragon Emperor!”


The scorching flames turned into the shape of a huge oriental dragon, roaring and crushing towards Roy.

The temperature of its flame is so high that even compared to Akainu’s magma before he obtained the strengthening necklace, it is not weak at all. Even the air is roasted and distorted.

“Roy St? careful!”

Princess Scarlett shouted loudly, reminding Roy.

In her eyes, Roy, a Celestial Dragon, is the savior of their country. Now only he can save Dressrosa!

But in the face of this Roy didn’t even hide from the terrifying flames, he just raised his hand and patted it gently


Just like a mosquito being squashed, the hot flame dragon was slapped away by Roy, turning into little sparks and dissipating in the air

“this…….How can it be?”

Jin’s mouth was open, and even though his whole body was still wrapped in hot flames, he felt a biting coldness on his back.

He thought that Roy would fight back, defend, dodge, and might even be defeated by one of his moves.

But he never did He never thought that his strongest move, which he had accumulated all his strength, would be solved by Roy with a slap in the face!

Is the gap in strength between them so terrifying!?

“what are you thinking about? It’s not a good habit to lose focus during battle.”

Roy’s gentle voice sounded from Jin’s ears, awakening the Yan disaster from his shock.

“Varied…….when! ?”

Jin stared blankly at Roy who had appeared in front of him at some unknown time, but was unable to detect even the slightest bit of his domineering power. Jin felt that his mind went blank.

Then, before Jin could react, Luo Yi’s palm stretched out like lightning and grabbed his face tightly.


There was a clear sound of bones breaking.


The bones of his face were crushed, and Jhin let out a painful scream. His limbs struggled and fluttered desperately. He wanted to fight back or escape from Roy’s control, but he couldn’t do it at all.

Even the scorching high-temperature flames on his body , can’t hurt Roy at all, as if it’s fake

“You probably won’t provide me with any powerful Noble Phantasm now. It would be a pity to die like this, so I’d better sleep for a while.”

Roy whispered softly, then with a slight force of his arm, he pressed Jhin’s head and smashed it to the ground.


Amidst the deafening impact, the entire palace and even the entire island where the Kingdom of Dressrosa was located shook violently. Countless civilians were awakened by the terrifying vibrations and loud noises.

In the palace, King Liku and the other three were shocked and fell to the ground in a panic, their faces full of fear and shock.

“this…….Is this the Celestial Dragon, Roy Saint? The great pirate of the New World, with a bounty of 550 million Baileys, is worse than a baby in his hands! Is this why the Celestial Dragons are the masters of the world?”

Looking at the domineering figure who was wiping the blood on his hands, King Liku felt that his heart was beating faster and faster, almost jumping out of his chest.

But King Liku did not notice that his precious daughter Sika Princess Wright’s heart beat faster than him.

However, he, the father, did it out of fear and awe.

His daughter, Princess Scarlet, was out of curiosity and admiration, and even her cheeks turned like her hair. Pink.

Teenage girls are at the beginning of their love life.

In this world where people are in danger, pirates are rampant, and strong men do whatever they want, how can a girl not imagine a beautiful story about a hero defeating the dragon and saving the princess?

It’s just a beautiful story..Scarlett never thought that the hero who saved the princess would actually be a high-ranking Celestial Dragon.

“Roy Saint!

Seeing Jhin lying completely unconscious at Roy’s feet, King Liku walked carefully to Roy and asked respectfully:”Are you here to save us?””

“No, it’s just a coincidence.”

Roy chuckled and shook his head.

It was really just a coincidence. He had just obtained the bloodline of the ancestor of Otsutsuki and awakened the power of space and time. He happened to think that Kaido had robbed Dressrosa’s heavenly gold not long ago, so he was ready to come over. Look.

I didn’t expect that he would catch up by chance and become the savior of King Riku’s family.

“By chance……..No matter it is a coincidence or not, you are a great benefactor to our royal family and even the entire country! No matter how you want us to repay you, I am willing to give it my all!”

Obviously he didn’t expect Roy to say this, but King Liku reacted quickly and his attitude became more respectful.

“Well…….Since you said so, I won’t refuse.”

A playful smile appeared on Roy’s face, and he suddenly changed the topic and said:”Don’t forget to pay the Kingdom of Dressrosa’s heavenly gold this year.”

“ah? sky……..Heavenly gold! ?”

King Riku was dumbfounded on the spot, and the way he opened his mouth and stared looked a bit funny.

Princess Scarlet on the side couldn’t help but exclaimed:”But……..But, His Highness Roy! Our heavenly gold this year was robbed by Kaido, the beast. This country has no money anymore!”

“What does that have to do with me? Roy looked at the beautiful princess with a puzzled expression,”Shouldn’t you go find Kaido of the Beasts?” Or are you planning to defy the World Government’s heavenly gold system and want to break away from the World Government’s protection?”

“this……..Don’t dare! Of course we don’t dare!”

King Liku’s face turned pale and pale, and he secretly complained in his heart.

Originally, he thought that Roy Holy Society was different from other Tianlong people.

Now it seems that it is indeed different. Roy is stronger and his personality is obviously more… Strong.

If it were other Tianlong people, he would dare to coax them, but if it was Roy Saint….(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at Jhin’s unconscious figure with blood on his face, King Riku couldn’t help but shudder.

“What to say……..”

Roy’s voice suddenly sounded, attracting King Riku’s attention.

Just listen to Roy saying casually:”Let’s not talk about the gold in the sky for now. I just saved your life. The reward for this is 5 billion beli. Is that okay?”


King Liku was dumbfounded again,”5 billion? After throwing away the Heavenly Gold, this country will not even have 500 million in wealth. Roy Sheng, you might as well kill me!””

“Haha – although you have no money, but……..” glance force���The king looked at the lovely Princess Scarlet who was staring at him with an angry expression. Roy said in a joking tone:”Hey! King Riku, don’t you have a good daughter?”

“Roy St. You…….”

King Liku’s expression changed drastically, and Cyrus, who had been silent since just now, subconsciously tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword.

Princess Scarlet was also a little dumbfounded and looked at Roy at a loss.

Obviously, what Roy did was completely inconsistent with the beautiful story of princess and knight in her mind, and it was completely different from her fantasy.

“how? you are not willing? Or are you trying to find a way to raise money for me?”

Roy chuckled softly, looked sideways slightly, and looked at King Riku.

The sun pattern in the right pupil, the moon pattern in the left pupil, plus the white Otsutsuki divine pattern, made the eyes as magical and weird as a god , King Riku shuddered involuntarily and fell into silence.

Seeing this,

Roy stopped paying attention to him, but took two steps forward and hugged the frightened Princess Scarlet into his arms.

Her Royal Highness the Princess did not resist, but her body suddenly stiffened a lot. It was obviously the first time she had been so close to a man.

“Where is Princess Scarlet’s bedroom?”

Holding Scarlet, Roy asked casually.

King Riku did not speak, gritting his teeth hard, seeming to be struggling with something.

Cyrus, the commander of King Riku’s army on the side, was staring at Roy and The eyes of Princess Scarlet in his arms were full of regret and sadness.

What everyone present, including Roy, did not expect was that it was a woman’s voice that finally broke the silence.

“over there……..”

Her delicate body trembled slightly because of fear, but Scarlet’s tone was very firm, and she raised her slender finger to point in the direction of her bedroom.

“You’re not a bad woman.”

Looking down at the princess who was only a teenager in his arms, Roy was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, of the three people present, it was Scarlet, the most immature and the most immature one, who was the first to accept her fate.

“Am I really worth 5 billion in compensation?”

Her Royal Highness the Princess, who was nestled in Roy’s arms, asked softly.

“No, not 5 billion.

Noticing that the expression on Scarlett’s face turned dark, Roy couldn’t help but chuckle:”You are worth a trillion!””

“one…….one trillion? Do you mean……”

Scarlet’s beautiful eyes widened as she lay in Roy’s arms and stared blankly at his chin, her brain shutting down.

“It is an honor to be my woman, and the Kingdom of Dressrosa will not have to pay heavenly gold for a hundred years!”

Roy, whose strength has reached a new level, doesn’t care about the little money at all, and he also knows the meaning of giving a stick and a sweet date.

Besides, he is in a very happy mood now, and he likes the person in his arms who originally had a tragic fate. The princess naturally doesn’t mind giving her and her country a little benefit.

Roy asked with a wanton smile:”How? Are you a little happier now, huh?”

“Um…….very nice……”

The delicate princess finally showed a happy smile on her face, making her look even more cute and attractive.

“Still a little girl……Let me teach you some adult knowledge.”

Sighing softly, Roy leaned over slightly and kissed the princess’s smooth and white forehead, then walked towards her bedroom.

“King Liku…….”

Looking at the back of Roy who took his sweetheart away, Cyrus’s heart was bleeding657.

However, King Liku ignored him completely and fell into ecstasy.

“Dressrosa won’t have to pay heavenly gold for a hundred years……a hundred years! The people of this country can live happily for at least two hundred years!”

King Liku, who has always practiced benevolent government, never thought that he would encounter such a good thing. If more than a hundred other participating countries knew about it, they would probably envy him to death.

As for his daughter’s matter…….Thinking about Lu Jiu he had just seen in the torn space, he felt relieved.

Even the wife of the Pirate King can live a good life under the protection of Roy Saint, why can’t his daughter?

Although this is indeed a bit sorry for my daughter, I think of the gold in the sky for a full hundred years and the happy days of countless people for two hundred years………

I’m sorry for my daughter!

“Sorry, Cyrus!”

Raising his hand and patting Cyrus on the shoulder, King Liku persuaded his subordinates with faces full of pain:”Be more open-minded. I will personally act as a matchmaker to find you a wife in a while, okay?”

Roy was working hard in Princess Scarlet’s bedroom, teaching the little girl the knowledge that adults only have.

Everyone in the chat group was still chatting.

Uchiha Miyuki:”What did Your Highness Roy do? Does it take so long to fuse the bloodline of the ancestor of Otsutsuki?”

Eiri Sawamura:”Isn’t it really ugly? Don’t!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu:”Shut up, Golden Haired Dog, you crow’s mouth!

Saitama:”I am somewhat looking forward to whether Mr. Roy will become a bald head like me.””

Esdeath:”…..I think it’s better not to.”

Aizen:”It’s a boring topic, but I still firmly believe that strength is the most important thing, and appearance is not important at all!”

Uchiha Madara:”I agree with Aizen! What’s the use of being handsome? Being able to fight is the most important thing!

Uchiha Miyuki:”Nairona Roy, Lord Roy, what are you doing?” Still not feeling better after so long? Isn’t it because he has gone crazy?”


Roy:”Teaching children the knowledge of adults [picture]”

In the picture, Princess Scarlet is clearly sleeping, covered with a quilt, with only her head exposed.

Uchiha Miyuki:”Holy crap! Princess Scarlet of Dressrosa? Is she not an adult in this timeline? What a beast!”

Jibril:”Ah, isn’t Mr. Roy in Demon Slayer World ? Did he sleep with a few younger girls? He is a real scumbag.”

Roy:”……If you continue to slander me, I won’t send you any more missions~”

Uchiha Miyuki:”A mission? What task?”


Luo Hao:”Capture Wano Country? Yes, I am still very interested in the world of pirates.”

Uchiha Miyuki:”Hurry up, hurry up! I also want the phantom beast species, and then I can ask the leader sister to strengthen it for me!

Roy:”No problem.””

After the words fell, the chat group prompt sounded.

【Group member Nailona Roy Saint has issued a mission: capture the country of Wano].

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