but.....Looking at the only leaf of the sapling that was lit up, he was a little confused. How did this leaf light up?

Before this leaf was lit up, he thought that the function of this silent and motionless system father was to give him strong vitality.

Those gray leaves should be just the embellishment of the system father.

Although he was a little disappointed with the system father, with strong vitality, at least major and minor injuries can be recovered.

In the future, when he goes out to hang around, he should be low-key.

Just like his father said, don't really do it.

Hold on to a big thick leg and do business.

At least there is no danger to his life.

But now the first leaf suddenly lit up, and gave him such an awesome skill. Please note that this is only the first leaf at the bottom. There are four other leaves above. Logically, there should be four more awesome skills than the advent of the flower tree world. What is it?

Wood Dragon Technique? Really thousands of hands? The Buddha on the top......Leonardo tried hard to recall the various powerful Wood Releases of the funny old boy in the next door Naruto world, and his heart was surging. He wanted to light up the other leaves right now, and then run to the Whitebeard Pirates or the Golden Lion Pirates to fire a top Buddha shot into the sky......

But looking at the four gray leaves, it was as if they were splashed with cold water from head to toe. There was no such thing as experience points. There was not even a little green bar. The first leaf lit up for no reason. God knows how to light up the other four leaves..........


"What are you doing sitting on the bed? I knocked on the door but no one answered.

The door of the dormitory was broken open by a huge force, and Ji Yuan walked in angrily and said

"Just now I was lost on the road of life. Didn't you see that I was thinking about life?"

Leonardo glanced at her plains and highlands without leaving a trace, and then continued to close his eyes, eyes looking at the nose, nose looking at the heart.

It is hard to imagine that at the age of sixteen or seventeen, it was still a plain, and in the future it would become a mountainous mountain. Although the plains and highlands are suitable for herding sheep and horses, he still likes to climb steep peaks......

"The test will be tomorrow, and you still have time to think about life?"

Ji Yuan put her hands on her hips and glared at Leonardo who was sitting lazily on the bed with her cute big eyes.

It was not because she cared about him, but because Instructor Zefa said that if one person failed the test, then no one would be able to take the practical class, and the theoretical class would be postponed for another month until everyone passed. In the past three months, holding those messy textbooks every day, not only Leonardo was uncomfortable, but everyone was having a hard time, they just didn't complain.

"Don't worry, it's just a small test, it's not a big deal...!"

"By the way, I have a question for you.

Leonardo waved his hand and said it was no big deal. Then he stood up and walked to Ji Yuan and looked at her seriously.

"Varied...What's the problem?"

Ji Yuan was a little shy when he stared at her seriously. This guy was usually lazy, but he seemed quite handsome when he was serious.......

What should she do if this guy confesses his love to her?

Should she agree or not ?.........

"you....Are they really sisters? You have to know that Lieutenant General Tsuru is so old. Even a dozen years ago, his parents should have been quite old......Isn't it dangerous to have a baby at such an old age?......"

Leonardo stroked his chin and started to think.

"you....Go to hell!(╬◣д◢)"


Ji Yuan, who was waiting for a confession, had a big"pound" sign on her forehead. Like a raging tigress, she punched the man who was thinking seriously, then slammed the door and left angrily.

"(⊙_⊙)?...Are they really sisters? No way? Vice Admiral Tsuru's parents are so energetic at their age........"

Leonardo looked at the back of the man who angrily slammed the door, rubbed his handsome face swollen from the hammer and said in shock..............

"Instructor Ole, this is a treasure collected by my father. It is said to be the sidearm of the Admiral of the Navy. I managed to get it with great difficulty. Please help with the assessment. Instructor Zefa will not care about the test paper anyway. The requirements are not high. Just give a passing grade."

"Haha, that's not nice, you don't have to worry about the assessment....."

"Instructor Dom, the limited edition of the Queen of the Kingdom of Women, the matter of assessment........."

"You are so polite! It's just an assessment. Why are you so polite?"

"Instructor Lake..........."

The theoretical examination was not a big problem, but considering that Leonardo found the textbooks like reading a book of heaven, he still had to do a good job. If he really had to continue living the same life as three months ago, he would not be able to bear it even if the other students wanted to.

After Ji Yuan left, he immediately took out the old items that looked a bit historical that he had bought at the nostalgic old shop for a few coins, added some artistic processing, and went to visit the instructors.

It was almost the same as he guessed. Subjects like navigation and meteorology were not majors. Teaching them in the academy was just for show. It could improve the quality of the cadets by raising the level of the naval academy. After all, without these subjects, people would think that the naval academy was a place where people came to learn how to kill people, and it would not have a good reputation if they told others about it.

Before Zefa came to be an instructor, although these subjects were also taught, there was no curriculum at all.

The students who enrolled started learning to hack people on the first day.

When Zefa came to be the chief instructor three years ago, he forced the students to complete these courses in the first three months of enrollment.

However, as the saying goes, each profession has its own elites.

Their navy is mainly pirates, so fists are the hard truth.

Even if Zefa added this rule, he just wanted these students to understand some basic knowledge of nautical navigation, at least to be able to read nautical charts and sail, so that they would not get lost alone at sea in the future.

Therefore, Zefa generally does not ask too much about this kind of assessment. As long as he understands the students' assessment results and ensures that all students can understand nautical charts and sail, that's enough. So when Leonardo came to the door with an artistically processed gift, they didn't know whether they believed the story behind the gift that Leonardo blew up, but they all agreed readily. No matter whether there is a real story behind this gift.

Anyway, they just admire this young man. He has good talent and knows how to behave. Who doesn't like such a student?........

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