
Everyone looked at Leonardo who raised his hand to report.

"What? Am I wrong? Pirates won't sit down with you to talk about justice. Of course they rely on fists and knives......."

Feeling everyone's gaze, Leonardo spread his hands and said


Everyone was confused. Although this was true, there was no need to be so blunt, right?

We were all educated at the academy.......


Although this is a bit rough, it is true.

However, if you want to use your fists and weapons to uphold justice, you must first improve your own strength.

You are all excellent talents selected from all over the world.

You should understand that the foundation of strong strength lies in a strong physique.

You don’t have much time to study.

You will go out to sea for internships in the second year.

So in the remaining nine months of this year, I will systematically and effectively improve your physique, and those who meet the requirements will learn the six styles of the navy.

Students, your future is in your hands.

Pirates on the sea are not as fragile as you think.

For your life, for the justice in your heart!

Everything depends on your efforts in these nine months!



Zeffa looked at Leonardo in surprise. He didn't expect that the eldest brother's son was more eccentric. However, he did not deny his statement, but continued his answer. After another impassioned speech, the freshmen below were eager to set sail and kick Whitebeard and punch the Golden Lion. Then he signaled to Aubrey behind him.

"As expected, he was once an admiral. His eloquence is like a buff. Kuzan, if you want to become the boss in the navy, it is not enough to just be able to fight. You still need to work harder....!"

Looking at the high-spirited extras around him, Leonardo whispered to Kuzan, who was also about to fall asleep.

With the way they are now, they will really fight even if Whitebeard is in front of them.

The current Naval Academy does not have as many regulations as in the future.

In addition, there are more and more pirates on the sea, and the situation faced by the Navy is not very good.

Moreover, the Navy is in a period of transition.

After the first batch of students taught by Zefa graduated, Steel Bone Sora saw the results of Zefa's teaching and accelerated the pace of succession between the old and the new.

Therefore, the Naval Academy said that it was a two-year study, but in fact it was a one-year stay in the cadets, and the second year began to go out to sea for internship.

After all, the Navy needs talents who can fight pirates with real swords and guns, not those who only talk about it on paper.

When the cadets are awarded ranks at graduation, they will be awarded ranks based on their performance during the internship.

Generally speaking, most of them are lieutenants, and there are also captains, majors, etc.

However, in previous years, very few graduates were awarded the rank of major.

However, two years ago, the two major natural science graduates were awarded the rank of brigadier general, which can be said to have completely shocked the entire navy.

In the final analysis, it was because the two of them were too capable, and they had killed too many pirates during their internship, so that even Steel Bone Sora had the illusion that he would be spit on if he didn't award them the rank of brigadier general.

Garp's son, who went out for internship last year, is still in the internship period.

However, based on his ability as Garp's son to survive until now, almost everyone expects that he will definitely be a brigadier general or major general after the internship period.

He has been carrying Garp's big fist for more than ten years and has not become stupid.

Catching pirates is just like playing for him........

".....Don't you want to be the boss?"

Kuzan didn't refute this. Since he couldn't become the leader of the club, it would be nice to be the boss in the navy. Besides, it seems that the admiral of the navy is more powerful than the boss of the club. Maybe when he becomes the admiral of the navy, the former boss will marry his daughter to him......

But this guy has been able to fight him since he activated his devil fruit ability, but from what he said, it seems that he is not interested in the admiral of the navy.

"A sailor who doesn't want to be a marshal is not a good sailor. Who doesn't want to be in a high position? But there is only one position for each person. There are only three generals in the three armies in so many years. Besides, my old man may not be happy. It's better for me to be a lieutenant general and make him happy. You will protect me when you are in a high position, right?"

Leonardo said indifferently.


Hearing what he said, the extras around him rolled their eyes speechlessly. Is this human language? What does it mean to just casually get a vice admiral? It seems that the vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters is worthless.......

After learning about the history of Lieutenant General Curry's family from her elder sister, Lieutenant General He, Yuyuan, who lives next door to Leonardo, was not surprised.

The first two generations of Lieutenant General Curry had made it this way. If this little Curry didn't do this, people would doubt whether he was a biological child.

"Okay, I will lead you in the next course. Everyone go to the equipment room to get the weights and then come to assemble."

After Zefa left, Aubrey interrupted their discussion and said.

The person in charge of the practical class is Aubrey, a rear admiral, who is mainly responsible for supervising their training courses.

Zefa, the chief instructor, has a lot of things to do.

He is not only responsible for the training plan for freshmen, but also for the second-year students who went out for internship last year.

How can he have time to come to teach them every day? Only when everyone has reached the requirements of learning the six styles of the navy, will he come to teach uniformly, and then let Aubrey be in charge again.

The first day of the practical class is weight training. This is what Zefa said about strengthening the body. After all, no strong person has kidney deficiency........

All day long, on the newly built large playground, students were seen running non-stop under the scorching sun in student uniforms, carrying weights that were twice as big as themselves on their backs.

Each student was sweating profusely and gasping for breath.

They couldn't remember how long they had been running, but when they saw Aubrey, the team leader in front of them, carrying the same weights as them, and had no intention of stopping, they gritted their teeth and followed closely even though they were tired.

Although Aubrey is only a major general, he is able to serve as Zephyr's adjutant and then follow Zephyr to the Naval Academy to become his assistant.

His own strength is very strong.

The reason why he has not been promoted to vice admiral for all these years is said to be that he has a past that he cannot bear to look back on, and it is also related to the Celestial Dragons, and was recorded in a small notebook by a Celestial Dragon, so it is difficult to promote him.

If he is promoted to major general, the Navy Admiral can sign it, but if he wants to be a vice admiral, he must report to the World Government.

After all, the funding for the Navy is provided by the World Government.

Even if the Navy Admirals of all generations want to get rid of the constraints of the World Government on the Navy in this regard, no Navy Admiral has been able to do it so far.

After all, the wealth accumulated by the World Government over hundreds of years is a very large number. The wealth of a Celestial Dragon alone is only enough for the entire Navy to eat for half a year. Unfortunately, think about how huge this number is. Even if Zephyr wants to promote Aubrey, he is powerless.

Being recorded in the small notebook by the Celestial Dragons, being able to hold him and not be taken to the Impel Down City is already the limit.

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