"Hiss! Is this fake? An hour and a half? Are you on drugs?Σ(?д?lll)"

"This is absolutely exaggerated. With his small body, it is impossible for him to......."

Some people didn't understand, but those who understood were shocked. However, some people expressed doubt. This guy is good at fighting, but that doesn't mean he is invincible in all aspects, right?

Looking at this guy's figure of just over 1.7 meters, he looks like an elementary school student standing next to Kuzan. He has no obvious giant blood characteristics. How can an ordinary human boy have such fighting ability?

Those who understood expressed disbelief.

"(⊙_⊙)? ? What are they talking about?"

Immersed in the ocean of kendo since childhood, with the protection of Vice Admiral Crane, Ji Yuan has not experienced the erosion of time and is as pure as a blank sheet of paper. Looking at some classmates with complex and changing expressions, he asked the female companion beside him with a question mark on his face.

"have no idea....."

It can be seen that the family backgrounds of several female companions are similar to hers. They are also as innocent as a blank sheet of paper and shake their heads blankly.

"Kuzan, what are they talking about? Is constipation serious?(⊙_⊙)?"

Unable to get an answer from her companions, Ji Yuan asked Kuzan, who was silent and almost falling asleep with the load on his back.

From the looks of those people, she thought Leonardo was indeed constipated, and it seemed to be very serious. Anyway, she had a balanced diet since she was a child, taking it once in the morning and once in the evening, and had no experience of constipation......

"......This kind of constipation is not serious, it is just a way for teenagers to release excess energy during their growth."

Looking at the somewhat naive Ji Yuan, Kuzan organized his words and tried to answer the question in a more elegant way that would not disgust the girl.

"...what is that?"

"Ahem! Stop chatting, just focus on me. You guys are still in the mood to chat, today's training will be doubled.......-_-||"

Just when Ji Yuan wanted to get to the bottom of the matter, the instructor who was brought to the scene by Zefa couldn't stand it anymore.

If Vice Admiral Tsuru knew that her sister was seriously discussing masturbation with her classmates in her class, he might be caught by some big shot one night and fed to the sea kings.

Don't think Vice Admiral Tsuru is usually kind, older women are very vindictive..............

"Damn it, Vice Admiral Tsuru, are we just going to let them keep talking nonsense? Marshal

Sora should stop them from spreading it.

"In the General Staff of the Marine Headquarters, Vice Admiral Tsuru, as the boss of the General Staff, had a calm expression on the gossip that spread all over the streets of Marinford today.

She had been in the business for so many years and had seen all kinds of big scenes.

This kind of thing was just a small matter to her, just like back then, it would be forgotten after being spread around.

If it wasn't for Garp and Sengoku having a fight at that time because of something, the news would have passed even faster.

However, Vice Admiral Tsuru was unmoved, but her younger brothers and sisters were not calm. With the gossip about the boss spreading outside, they, as the younger ones, felt ashamed, especially Vice Admiral Tsuru's adjutant, Major General. Seeing her angry look and some dandruff on her hands, you could tell that she had beaten up quite a few people today.

"There's no need. Sengoku and Garp are not at the headquarters. This kind of gossip will fade away soon. What's the situation in the New World? Have you found out what the Golden Lion is doing?"

Vice Admiral Tsuru said calmly.

The first half of the Grand Line was protected by their navy, and with the madness of Sakaski and Borsalino a year ago, the situation has stabilized. But the New World is different. It is not the gathering place for pirates from all over the world. Although their navy also has several bases in the New World, pirates still have the final say in the New World. At present, the strategic goal of their navy is in the New World.

Now in the New World, there are old pirates such as Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Bondi Wald and so on who are unscrupulous in front, and young pirates such as Charlotte Linlin and Kaido are rising rapidly in the back.

Sengoku alone cannot protect them, especially Golden Lion, who has been the most ordinary in recent activities and likes to make trouble the most.

He is simply the number one target of their navy and the World Government.

However, due to the characteristics of the Golden Lion's Float-Float Fruit, it is extremely difficult to find the whereabouts of the Flying Pirates.

Everyone travels by water, which is good.

The pirates flying in the sky are also very difficult to find.......

"A year ago, the Hiku Pirates fought with the Roger Pirates in the New World. Half a year ago, they recruited pirates in Algarin Island in the middle of the New World. After that, their actions were unknown."

Although this female lieutenant was also curious about the authenticity of the love story of the three legendary bosses, her professional ability was just right. When she heard the boss's question, she immediately answered the question seriously, and it was completely impossible to tell that she was furious the last second.

".....Golden Lion is an unstable factor after all. Keep a close eye on the news of Roger's Pirates and notify Vice Admiral Garp to tell them to be careful. Golden Lion is likely to be looking for Roger's Pirates as well."After listening to the report from the adjutant, Vice Admiral Tsuru sighed helplessly after thinking for a long time while holding his head.

Roger's Pirates are now like a hot commodity that everyone loves. Not only does Garp fall in love with Roger at first sight, Golden Lion also can't forget Roger, and even Whitebeard seems to have lingering feelings for Roger.

Garp chases Roger all over the world, and Golden Lion is looking for Roger to fight all over the world.

Golden Lion had a fight with Roger's Pirates a year ago.

Although the result is unknown, she can be sure that Golden Lion will be killed by Roger again.

After all, except for Golden Lion, there is no decent character in the Flying Pirates.

Roger's Pirates are different.

Whether it is Rayleigh or Jabba, they are almost all people who can become super giants even if they fly alone.

If Golden Lion is not killed, he will not be recruited.

Buying soldiers and horses.

After all, the number of people in the Flying Sky Pirates is already large enough, and Golden Lion can't afford to support so many people.

The New World is divided into territories, unlike the first half of the Grand Line.

Pirates will rob wherever they go.

In the New World, if they seize someone else's territory, even if the opponent is Golden Lion, they will fight even if they know they can't win.

Pirates are the most face-conscious, especially the big pirates in the New World.

The difference in everyone's bounty is within 100 million, so who is more amazing than who?

But so far, Golden Lion has recruited so many pirate groups, but there has been no fight with others. It must be that they were beaten too badly before, so this time recruiting soldiers and horses is just to make up for the losses last time. What does Golden Lion want to do after recruiting soldiers and horses? Since he didn't cause trouble everywhere, his only goal is to deal with Roger......

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