"snort...Ha! Hum..."Ha!"

After Zefa taught the Navy's Six Styles, a wave of learning swept through the Naval Academy.

After all, they could compete for their own strength.

Even Kuzan, who had been half asleep, was now practicing Shaving and Moon Steps outside.

In the equipment room, only a few people were lifting weights crazily.

Leonardo was holding super-large dumbbells in both hands and lifting weights crazily.

I don't know if he has a better talent in Observation Haki.

Although Observation Haki is still in the process of sensing the flow of Qi, he could vaguely feel that the second leaf of the tree in his heart was about to light up these few days.

But he didn't know how to light it up, so he could only rely on his own consciousness. The last time he lit up the first leaf was when he was lifting weights crazily in the equipment room, and it lit up. So he has been lifting weights crazily in the equipment room these two days. If it is successfully lit up this time, then he should have found a way to light up the leaves.

Lift weights!

Lift weights hard for me!

""Can you please stop barking? I'm almost dying of your noise."

Leonardo started jerking off like crazy, but Miss Jiyuan, who was also jerking off with him in the equipment room, was unhappy.

Ever since she found out that Leonardo had already reached the level of a swordsman during the test before Zefa's teaching of the Six Styles of the Navy, Miss Jiyuan was stimulated.

During this period of time, she practiced harder than a dog, and every day she either stayed in the equipment room or meditated in the dormitory.

However, she always felt that she was just a little bit away from becoming a swordsman, just a little bit, and she just couldn't reach the level of a swordsman.

���Today, I was lifting weights in the equipment room and thinking about what that little bit was.

Just when I was about to figure it out, I was interrupted by this guy's weird cry.

"What are you talking about? This is a public place. If you are tired, you must scream. Screaming out will bring passion. If you keep holding it in like this, you will only get more tired and more annoyed the more you practice......."

Leonardo said while lifting weights without looking away. The lines drawn by Miss Jiyuan, wet with sweat, did not bother him at all. There was nothing to see on a flat plain........

"The more you practice, the more tired you become.....Getting more and more bored......."

The speaker may not mean it, but the listener may take it seriously. When Ji Yuan heard this, his body paused as if he had been hit by something. He suddenly stopped and stood there blankly, mumbling to himself.

"Hello? Are you okay?(⊙_⊙)?"

Seeing her like this, Leonardo couldn't help but stop and wave his hand in front of her eyes, but he didn't notice that the palm of his hand began to flash green light again.

"I finally figured it out!! Thank you.....!"


Miss Jiyuan suddenly cried out in surprise after figuring out something. Then, in Leonardo's confused eyes, she rushed over and kissed him. Only then did she realize that she was too excited and exposed herself. She ran out of the equipment room with a blushing face.



The entire equipment room fell into silence in an instant, and the eyes of the people lifting weights in the equipment room were already popping out.

What did they see?

The eldest sister of Jiyuan kissed Leonardo on the mouth........

At once, everyone's facial expressions changed as if they had developed the art of changing faces. Some were shocked, some were envious.

Although the figure of Jiyuan Big Sister was a little worse, and she looked different when the lights were off, she was beautiful. It was nice to have such a beautiful girl around to dazzle the eyes. The key was that she had a strong background. If he became the brother-in-law of Vice Admiral Tsuru, he could at least save a few decades of hard work. It was not a dream to become a navy admiral or even a navy marshal........

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Leonardo with envy, jealousy and hatred, as if the cabbage was being eaten by a pig.....

"(⊙_⊙)....."She kissed me?"

Leonardo touched his lips and muttered to himself, not knowing whether he was asking Dauberman or himself.

What happened just now was too fast. He felt something soft touching his lips, and then disappeared.

"like...If I'm not mistaken, they did kiss."

Dauberman recovered from the shock of the scene and answered with certainty.

"Damn girl! This is my first kiss! (#`皿′)"

After getting a positive answer, Leonardo looked angry and as if he had suffered some great humiliation.

".....Who isn’t?-_-||"

"You're so shameless after getting an advantage....(-"-Angry)"

Looking at Leonardo with a sad and angry face, everyone was upset and didn't want to pay any attention to this bastard

"Hey? Leonardo, you're glowing green again?!(?д?)???"

"Wow! So green!Σ(?Д?;)?"

At this time, Doberman shouted in surprise, and Leonardo began to emit green light again like before.

As Doberman shouted, everyone reacted. As time went by, they found that the green light on Leonardo's body became brighter and brighter. He blinded the titanium alloy dog's eyes.

"First kiss between labor and capital....My first kiss is gone........"

Leonardo seemed to have not heard what everyone said, and was still thinking about how his first kiss was snatched away by someone inexplicably.

Even if he is face-blind, the girls in the second dimension are all the same in his eyes except for their figures. His aesthetic taste in the second dimension is limited to their figures. He admits that he has some Cao Ze complex, but aren't all normal men like this? Who wants to be Zhuge Liang when they can be Cao Ze?...

Although I have watched the anime and know that this future candidate for the admiral of the navy, Vice Admiral Taotu, will also be a fierce family and a flower of the navy in the future, but that is not the future. Now it is just a plain garden, which is really not his cup of tea. As for cultivating anything, he is not interested. The time is too long. Life is short, and he only cares about the present.......

But now, he has treasured it for more than ten years.....No, including his first kiss in his previous life, which lasted for more than 30 years, it was stolen for no apparent reason.

At this moment, Leonardo was so depressed that he didn't even have the mood to care about the green light or the wood dragon technique that suddenly popped up in his mind.

This thing only happens once in a lifetime, and it only happened once in his two lifetimes combined, and it was stolen!

How can the green light and the wood dragon technique be compared?!


Wood Dragon Technique!!!(⊙_⊙)

Leonardo, who was still hopeless a second ago, suddenly realized what had popped up in his mind.

He looked at himself in shock with a question mark on his face, and sure enough, the green light was emitting again!

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