In the admiral's office, Zhan Guo sat with dark circles under his eyes, looking dazed at the brand new old photo on the table.

Why do you say it is a brand new old photo?

The photo is new, but the people in the photo are no longer the same.

That year, he was handsome, graceful, brave and courageous. He arrived first, then his gun shot out like a dragon, and his fists bravely crossed the world.

That year, she was heroic and brave, and she was as brave as a man, and she could be called a heroine.

But now he is almost fifty years old, and although she still has charm, you can still see some crow's feet when she laughs.......

Looking at himself in the photo, Zhan Guo couldn't help but feel that time flies like water. In a blink of an eye, it was already dusk.

The brave and courageous young navy boy in those days is now a general. The future of the navy will eventually be handed over to the young people.

After the battle of God Valley, their navy was seriously injured, the backbone forces were lost, and the constraints on the sea became weaker and weaker.

It seemed that the difficult days were over.

He saw hope in this generation of young people.

The three major natural systems, Dragon who was so excellent that he didn't look like Garp's son, little Curry who was so outstanding that he didn't look like Big Brother's son, and a group of highly qualified future pillars of the navy.

It is not an exaggeration to call this group the golden generation of the navy.

When these young people grow up in the future, it will definitely be the peak era of their navy.

However......There are many excellent talents, but there are also many weird young people. The most normal one is probably Garp's son Dragon. Others have some weird problems. Sakaski is cold-blooded and has absolute justice in his heart, which is a good thing, but he doesn't care about his own people in order to eliminate pirates. I don't know what this kid experienced in his early years, which made him hate pirates so much.

Borsalino is excellent in all aspects.

He can get full marks in the theoretical assessment of the Naval Academy, but this character is just the left of Sakaski.

If Sakaski is cold-blooded and determined to kill pirates regardless of the consequences, then Borsalino doesn't care about anything.

He will move when the leader calls him.

He can complete the tasks assigned by the leader perfectly, but there will be no surprises.

Just like a wage earner who does as much work as he is paid.

Although the leader likes such subordinates, he is also a little helpless.

In the final analysis, this guy has been too smooth since he was a child.

As if he was not blessed by God, although his family conditions were not rich, at least he had enough food and clothing and could go to school, and he did not have any tragic experiences.

It can be said that he had a relatively happy childhood.

Later, he saw the Shining Fruit with some minor bugs, and his strength was even better.

He was already a famous little monster in the sea before he joined the navy.

It was also because he had been smooth sailing since he was a child, and even joined the navy casually, which made his sense of justice unclear.

Kuzan's words....So far, he has only heard that he is a bit lazy, but he has not had any contact with him. Zefa has not found any bad habits either. His previous experience in social clubs is also an uncertain factor.

Of course, although these three have their own problems, they are still relatively normal. At least their life values are still correct, so there is no need to worry.

But Big Brother’s son, Curry, although he does not have the strange problems of the three, he has perfectly inherited Big Brother’s no big mole on his chest. He hasn’t even graduated yet, but he has already started paving the way for his future life. He first got along well with Kuzan, and then settled Jiyuan.

Zefa informed him yesterday that Curry would go to the New World with him for internship in advance. In the evening, Xiaohe came to find him and asked him to go to the New World to take care of her future brother-in-law..........

Zhan Guo couldn't help but marvel at how good this guy is at picking up girls. In order to seduce Xiao He, he gave several months' salary to the pseudo-master Garp to ask him to find a way. As a result, Xiao He remained unmoved until now. This Ji Yuan's personality is obviously more difficult to seduce than Xiao He, but this guy managed to get Ji Yuan in less than a year. It has to be said that this guy is really talented.

Leonardo: It was that woman who got me, okay?......(?_?)?

If little Curry's talent is the same as his father's, then there's nothing to say.

Even if Xiao He doesn't look for him, for the sake of being the big brother, he will take care of this kid and let him follow him for a few years to gain experience.

When he is experienced enough, he will let him take over the big brother's position to guard Donghaikou just like the big brother did.

He can just hang out there.

Even if there is no Kuzan, he, Zhan Guo, can ensure that this kid will be safe all his life.

But this kid has amazing potential.

His fruit ability can compete with Kuzan of the natural system.

In terms of kendo, he is one step faster than Jiyuan to reach the level of a swordsman.

It would be a waste if such a talent is just for a day.

So he had already made arrangements for this kid.

First of all, he had to change his idea that he was most influenced by his big brother and had no big mole on his chest.

The best way was to let him experience the cruelty of the sea and stimulate the justice deep in his heart.

Then he would be given more training.

As long as he could not die, he could be thrown wherever there was danger.

With Borsalino's protection, as long as he did not encounter pirates of the level of Whitebeard and Golden Lion, the safety problem would not be too big.

Moreover, according to Zefa, the fruit ability of this kid also gave him a strong vitality, and it was not so easy for him to die.

But now the problem came. Xiaohe greeted him overnight. If he arranged this kid as planned, wouldn't it be a disrespect to Xiaohe?

Although he is old now, he is still vigorous, and Xiaohe is still charming. They are still single, so it is not that they have no chance. If Xiaohe knew that he did not help take care of this future brother-in-law, but let him follow Borsalino to fight pirates everywhere, this little boat of friendship would be smashed by her.

But if Xiaohe was given face and let this kid stay by his side and gain experience like his big brother, wouldn't it be a waste of this talent? Talents with the qualifications of a general are really rare.

For this kid, he didn't sleep well last night, because he was struggling to choose love or the future of the navy. On one side is emotion, and on the other side is justice. Facing such a difficult choice, even if he is a talented person, it is difficult to make a choice.

Obviously, he wants both, but there is no better way. Sitting in his seat, Zhan Guo is almost worried to death.

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