Navy noble son

Chapter 112

"'Black Fox' Major General!"

"Mr. Black Fox!"



Everywhere Rosinandi walked from the marshal's office, all the navies passing by, regardless of rank, stopped to pay high respects to the youngest admiral in the history of the navy.

The dazzling achievements and strength that are obvious to all are enough to make anyone bury the jealousy that they should and shouldn't have in their hearts, forget that Luo Nandi is only a teenager, and praise him as the helmsman of the navy, the face of the navy, the brain of the navy, and the future of the navy... and fabricate and process some legendary storylines to promote.

Rosinandi smiled and responded politely one by one, looking amiable, but in fact he was not at all distracted, and his thinking focused on a few pieces of paper in his hand.

It happened to be Rosinandi's birthday, and he was given a birthday gift... Sora once trained the six-style body technique, the three-color domineering experience of the account.

"Six styles, seeing and hearing the color domineering, overlord color domineering... Armed and domineering, the physical development is not complete, and it is not good. Luo Nandi pondered for a while, picked up the pieces of paper, and at the same time took out the phone to dial.

"Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom ~~~ Boom Boom Boom T

The phone beep kept ringing, but no one answered.

Luo Nandi frowned, and changed a few numbers, but still no one answered, and couldn't help but be unhappy: "What are those guys doing?" Didn't you drink again? "

Looking up at the direction, Rosinandi went straight home... It's not that he's homeless, the home of the Warring States is his home, but he rarely returns.


Arriving at the house, Rosinandi pushed open the door.


There was a crisp sound, and colored paper flew around.


Sengoku, Polusalino, Pique, and Anna kept pulling the confetti tubes, and Hiryu, Sakaski, and Kuzan, who didn't like to make a fuss, were reluctant to stand behind them and cheer.

The atmosphere is eerie.


"Hmm... I have been assassinated many times...", Luo Nan was embarrassed, slowly returned the half-drawn knife to the sheath, and changed the topic: "Mr. Warring States? Calling you yesterday, didn't you say it was busy? "

"I'm not busy today!" , Sengoku smiled: "It's your birthday, yours!" Come on in! "

"Roxinandi sauce~~~", Anna hugged Roxinandi's arm, presented a beautiful small gift box, and said, "Give it to you!" "

Without waiting for Rosinandi to open it, Anna rushed to open the small gift box first, and then put it on her tiptoes for Roxinandi... A crystal-textured, carved nine-tailed fox pendant in a recumbent position.

Anna looked carefully, nodded with satisfaction, and said with a grin: "Rabbit hehehe... It's a great match with Roxinan Di sauce! "

"Ah~~~Ah~~~ Does it mean to tie him up?" Peach Rabbit '~~~", Polusalino teased xi.

Anna covered her swollen red cheeks and stumbled: "Just... It's not... Family...... People really want to..."

Rosinandi was speechless, rolled his eyes, and stretched out his hand to Polusalino.

Polusalino was stunned, and in the face of Rosinandi's deliberate embarrassment, his reaction was fast, he took off his brown sunglasses, and said generously: "I'll give it to you." "

Rosinandi was also not polite, not only accepted the birthday gift of Polusalino improvised, but also disgusted and disdainful: "Poor ghost." "

Polusalino was instantly greatly hurt: "..."

Rosinandi glanced at the stunned and sluggish Sakaski, Hirius, Kuzan, and Pique, and said, "I'll cook today." "

Sakaski, Hiliu, Kuzan, and Pique, who were poor and poor, did not consciously prepare the goods for Rosinandi's birthday gifts, and turned around to wipe the cold sweat, and breathed a long sigh of relief, glad that Rosinandi did not embarrass them.

Roxinandi washed up the wind/dust, changed into a light outfit, and barbecued in the yard, except for Anna to help, the rest of the people drank and chatted with Sengoku.

"I haven't understood it, it turns out that the 'Black Fox' assistant and the Warring States General have a father-son relationship." , Peake was surprised, and added faintly: "It's just... It's not like father and son. "

"Hahahaha... It's not like that's right! We are an adoptive father-son relationship, not a father-son relationship! Warring States laughed proudly and said, "I picked it up at the beginning!" "

"Just pick it up... Picked up a monster! Don't be too lucky. Polusalino was speechless.

"yes!" , Warring States was full of emotion: "Maybe it's fate? "

"yes~~~ You were eating at the time, and I was hungry." , Rosinandi took the time to say.

Sengoku: (ーー ゙)


The crowd burst into laughter.


Rosinandi did almost the same, asking everyone to sit down and chatting while grilling.

The wine has passed three rounds, and the dishes have five flavors.

The Warring States excused himself to have something to do and took the lead in leaving the table, after all, he was a general and an elder, and with him involved, Luo Nandi and they couldn't let go.

"The Elite Operations Team has officially disbanded, and I told you that I can't delay your future and waste your talent." , Rosinandi lit a cigarette and swallowed the clouds.

Polusalino sat crookedly and said, "Be blunt! You just want to talk about... You slackers get out of here, I'm not going to play with you, are I? "

Rosinandi blinked his eyes and bowed his head honestly: "Hmm." "

Everyone: "..."

"Just kidding!" , Roxinandi said solemnly: "Everyone has their own path!" Sooner or later, we will have to meet each other and continue to move forward side by side. "

"The Tao is different?" , Sakasky said suddenly.

Roxinandi was succinct and to the point: "Don't conspire with each other." He continued: "In short, I am still happier with this time of sharing happiness and bitterness. "


PS: The first watch, there are about three shifts today, well, there should be. Ask for subscriptions, automatic subscriptions, flowers, monthly passes, collections, clicks, rewards, you all ask.

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