Navy noble son

Chapter 138

The year 1498 of the Haiyuan calendar.

June 5th.

Marin Vando.


"Invaders found! Repeat! Invaders found! Prepare your troops for battle!"

The terrible alarm suddenly exploded.

"Damn, what kind of person, eat the bear's heart and leopard's guts, dare to invade the Navy Headquarters!".

"Get your weapons!".

"Assemble! Assemble !!


The navy is well-trained to operate, but when they get to the defensive zone-

A ship, a three-masted pirate ship with a big red color and a mermaid statue on the bow, sailed into Crescent Bay without hurry. The tallest mast hung a pirate flag, crossed leg bones, skulls, and four whiskers that looked like cirrus clouds and waves. At the bow of the ship stood a man in an old-school pirate captain's hat, dressed in a big coat, and with a plain gaze.

"Al Jackson..."

"The intruder is... It's Captain Roger Pirates..."One Piece" Gordo Roger ?!!!


"It's just Roger!".

"Roger... He has arrived at Lavrud and has obtained the legendary Great Treasure, what does he want to do?".

"I haven't seen news of the Roger Pirates for more than a year, how suddenly..."


The navy involuntarily stopped, dreamy.

The Al Jackson approached and came into contact with the harbor, Roger looked deeply at the towering and tall Marin Vando, and then looked deeply at the south, slowly disembarked, facing the thousands of navy swarming, and smiled: "I, it's Gordon Fernandes. D. Roger, I, turned myself in. "

Everyone was stunned, and there was a dead silence.

Three days later.

Mary Joa.

"What is the use of announcing to the outside world that Roger has surrendered on his own accord other than to show the incompetence of the navy? How can the masses believe that the navy can maintain peace on this sea!"

"Aren't we incompetent? Seeing Roger sit on the One Piece Throne, we can't stop it! Since we have lost face, we can simply lose it all! Let some people know about the harm!".

"The key is that Roger is good, why did he turn himself in?".

"I said..."


The venue was crowded with most of the senior naval officials, who were red-faced and noisy because of Roger's surrender.

Karp was half asleep in a daze, and he didn't shout anything "Roger can only be defeated by me".

The crane held the teacup, and his thoughts were flying.

Sora and Sengoku looked at each other, and from each other's eyes, they saw helplessness.


"For the sake of a mere pirate who is dying, look at your panicked appearance, what kind of system do you have? I'm really ashamed of you!", the faint irony spread from the door.

Everyone looked at each other in unison...

"'Black... Fox?", Sora got up a little excitedly, "You're back!".

Longer than expected, Rosinandi spent two years and eight months as an assistant professor at the Naval Academy. He is still a month and a half away from turning sixteen years old, his appearance has grown, his facial features are no longer so exquisite, but he is still handsome, and his height has also risen a lot, two meters and three meters tall. He was dressed in a navy coat, a V-neck black suit, a brown shirt and a black tie, and he was extraordinarily energetic.

"Yes, Mr. Sora!", Rosinandi saluted, "I'm ready to start carrying out my justice!".

"Sit here. Crane beckoned, signaling Roxinandi, who still holds the post of deputy chief of the Navy General Staff, to sit with her, the chief of the General Staff.

Luo Nandi bowed his head to the Warring States, took a few steps to sit next to the crane, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a long time, your demeanor is still the same, Ms. Crane." "

"The longer it is, the less cute it is. Crane looked at Rosinandi for a moment and shook his head regretfully.

Rosinandi: "..."

"Ahem! 'Black Fox'! I think you know a lot, and I'd like to hear your opinion about Roger. ", Sora asked.

"First of all!", Luo Nandi stretched out a finger and said: "The main purpose of the meeting is wrong, what we should discuss is not whether to conceal the news of Roger's surrender, and how to deal with Roger's problem, obviously, the top level of the government, or the five old stars will definitely intervene, to be more straightforward and cruel... The Navy is not eligible. "

Someone was silent.

Some people opened their mouths to refute, but they shut up several times, and they had nothing to say, and they had to admit that the truth was exactly as Rosinandi recounted.

Right away.

"Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom T

The phone bug rings.

Empty glanced at Luo Nandi and answered the phone bug.


"We are the five old stars. ", the phone bug from the five old stars.

"It's me, Sora. ", said with an empty frown.

"We researched it and decided to publicly execute Roger on the first of next month, in Roger's birthplace, which has been disseminated through the government newspapers, and by the way, it has been announced that Roger was captured by the navy. And, arrest the rest of the crew of the Roger Pirates, they are all people who have been to Loverud and know something they shouldn't know, it's a dangerous crime!", the five old stars gave a tough explanation and order, without the slightest discussion.

The phone bug hung up.

Rosinandi spread his hands and said that he was unlucky.

"Not bad, either. "

"The public execution of Roger will surely deal a severe blow to the arrogance of the increasingly arrogant pirates!".

"For the sake of credibility, to claim that Roger was caught by the Navy? Heh! Who is sarcastic? Who is deceiving? So many people have witnessed Roger arrive at Marin Vando in the Al Jackson..."


Most of the people were happy, and a few expressed their dissatisfaction with the "external claim that Roger was caught by the Navy".

Only Crane and Rosinandi, one is worried, the other is... Expect.

Rosinandi knew the end of Roger's public execution, but he didn't stop it, he needed to soar and dance with the storm of the times that Roger had set off.


PS: The second update, there is another chapter around twelve o'clock. Ask for subscriptions, automatic subscriptions, flowers, monthly passes, collections, clicks, rewards, you all ask.

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