"'The navy is the navy'..."Mr. 'black wrist', what does this mean? Expressing dissatisfaction with whom? Is it directed at the government? Polusalino held his chin with one hand, and his expression was very playful.

"Shut your mouth!' Yellow Ape!", Sakasky said irritable and fierce, and in a moment, he seemed to realize his gaffe, bowed his head and continued to eat in silence.

Polusalino rubbed Rosinandi beside him with his elbow, and said with a smile: "Hey, hey, little brother, don't you think that the 'Red Inu' is quite angry today? It's like a volcano about to erupt." "

"yes! like a volcano about to erupt... If you keep rambling, I swear, you'll eat this meal too, and you'll be ready to eat Magma Fist. With a knife in his right hand and a fork in his left hand, Luo Nandi slowly cut a fish steak into fine pieces, and handed it to Anna, who had woken up and came to the cafeteria, and gave him a glass of Anna's favorite carrot juice.

"Thanks... Thank you, Rosinandi sauce ~~~", Anna blushed and stammered.

"I'm sorry to say to you yet, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, Anna. ", said Rosinandi.

"No... It's okay!, rabbit, hehehe...", Anna scratched her head and giggled.

"During the training, you are not allowed to call others by their names, you two are in violation. ", Polusalino teased.

Rosinandi raised his eyebrows, stared at Polusalino, and turned his face to the straight Polusalino hair: "I'm afraid of you!".

Taking a fish steak again, Roxinandi said flatly: "Not everyone is like you, who can calmly face the fact that the Navy has joined forces with pirates to deal with another pirate, 'Yellow Ape'." Even if it is understandable, I am afraid that it is unacceptable. After all, in the minds of the vast majority of navies, the navy is righteous, and pirates are evil, how can they be confused?"

"Probably because I interpret justice differently. Polusalino lit a cigarette, a rare bit of seriousness.

"Justice is absolute and thorough, and there is no room for shame, no cowardice, no room for ... Smudge !!", Sakasky's voice seemed to be a roar from the throat of a liger.

"Absolute justice, complete justice? Polusalino was speechless, his eyes rolled, and he said, "What about you, little brother, and in what way do you interpret justice?"

"I...", Rosinandi put down his knife and fork, thought seriously for a while, and said, "Are you sure you want to hear it?"

"What is that called?", Polusalino dusted off his cigarette.

Even Sakasky looked up in concern.

"The navy and even the government are not necessarily all good and right; pirates and even rebels are not necessarily all bad and wrong..."

Sakasky and Polusalino all looked stunned.

The atmosphere was solemn in an instant.

"Heresy. Sakasky commented on Rosinandi with a stinky face, and then he said to Polusalino: "You too." "

"Come on! In our eyes, you are not a heretic, 'Red Inu'! You are too extreme, everything is never absolute and thorough, no matter what it is, there are impurities in the end! You must learn to compromise, to be flexible, to be out of sight... Otherwise, you'll be. Polusalino unceremoniously retaliated.

"That's better than your fuzziness too!", Sakasky hard/bang said.

Ambiguous things seem to be invulnerable, but in fact they are fragile, like a big balloon, which bursts when you poke it and floats with the wind! I'm afraid that in the end, you don't know what you insist on, you can't tell what you believe in, you fall into boundless confusion, and the whole person is directly abolished. ", Luo Nandi's yin helper.

Porusalino's lips twitched in a strange shape: "Are you good? Victory is justice? What is this? You dare to say it! Little brother!".

"Isn't it the reason why the navy is righteous and the government is just, is it not brought about by victory? Justice is just two words, but the loser has no right to speak, and it is up to the victor to declare it!" said Rosinandi with his head held high.

Polusalino was speechless.


"One extreme, one vague, one... The evil sect is crooked!", I don't know when, Zefa, who went to contact the Warring States, came back, the nose is not the nose, and the eyes are not the way of the eyes.

"The differences in personal ideas are understandable, isn't it? Sir?", Rosinandi said with a slight sideways face, and immediately, he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye.

"Looks like you're not bad, you're in good spirits! Sengoku also came, smiling and saying.

"Warring States General!".

The naval soldiers and cadets in the cafeteria all stood up and saluted.


PS: New books, ah, ah, ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for full score evaluation votes, ask for rewards, all of them.

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