Naval Pirate Combined, command ship.


"Sengoku, Sengoku, that big fox is the devil fruit ability of the imp you adopted?

Similar in height to the Warring States period, wearing a white shirt, red tie, black suit, and a navy with the word "justice" written on it, with flying eyebrows, beard, and a scar on the side of his left eye, a middle-aged strong man with a fierce temperament laughed boldly.

"Shut up! Karp!", Sengoku turned around and roared angrily, turned his head and shouted at the phone bug again: "What the hell? Zefa! Before your trainee trainee ship joined the encirclement and suppression operation, it said that it would not interfere and only watch!".

"I promised not to meddle and just watch, and my students did not promise. "

"Click. "

Zefa replied bluntly and hung up the phone.

"Zefa, Zefa, Zefa!", Warring States was extremely helpless, threw away the phone bug, covered his head and sighed: "One or two, are they all so willful?

A good baby who blindly obeys orders will never be an opponent of this group of thugs at sea, and energetic young people are the future of the navy. Let them fight first, hahahaha...", Karp interrupted Sengoku, picking his nostrils and laughing, "It's better to kill Bandy Wald, save us a shot!"

It's hard to imagine that such a casual and rough guy is the evil ghost in the eyes of the pirates, the famous "Iron Fist" Meng Qi · D. Karp... But he is.

Karp, Sengoku and Hezefa were comrades-in-arms of the same age who joined the Navy at the same time, and they were once called the three major signboards of the Navy. However, unlike Zefa and Sengoku, he was promoted to the position of general, and always insisted on maintaining his rank of lieutenant general.

It's not that he can't meet the qualifications for promotion to the position of general, in terms of military merits, strength, and round contributions, he is not inferior to Zefa and the Warring States, and he is faintly slightly better. It was he who refused, and more than once, he firmly believed that it was enough to give me a position of convenience and freedom, and it didn't need to be too high.


Sengoku sprayed Karp's words, but he hasn't completely said it.

"Mr. Sengoku, please give the order to stop the attack. "

The voice came from the Sengoku and Karp sides.

From a man with a stubble figure, a suit and leather shoes, a gentleman's hat, and glasses to hide his face, looking mysterious.

"Why is the spy of 'CipherPol' here?", Karp, who was lazy one moment, changed his eyes to sharp the next, like a tiger invaded by someone on his territory, looking at each other.

As a soldier, the most taboo thing is that he sweats and bleeds on the front line, but behind his back, there are "his own people" who are not at ease to monitor and even stab him. There is no doubt that "CipherPol" is that "own person", this pervasive spy agency directly under the world government, externally and internally... Sengoku may have been jealous, but Karp didn't care too much and questioned him face to face.

"There's no time to explain this. The other party was neither humble nor arrogant, and repeated: "Mr. Sengoku, please give the order to stop the attack." "

"Why?", Sengoku swallowed slowly.

"They hurt us by mistake. ", said Fang Yan.

"Go and negotiate with Zefa. Sengoku said coldly: "You also know that although his cadet trainee ship is included in the fleet camp of the Naval Pirate Coalition, it is self-contained and outside the establishment. And, even if he does not serve as a senior admiral in the Navy Headquarters, he still retains his honorary status, and I am on the same level as him, and I have no right to order him. "

The other party thought about it and left with the "moon step".

"What does he mean?", Karp thought.

Sengoku took off his glasses and wiped them, and said, "Simple, they have someone undercover for the Ward Pirates... It is no wonder that Wald once attacked the world nobles, and in order to maintain the majesty of the world nobles, no matter how long the matter has passed, no matter what means are used, 'CipherPol' cannot give up. "

"Undercover? Hmph! It's just as disgusting as this naval pirate team. Karp cold sun.

Navy cadet training ship.

"Mr. Zefa, please order a halt to the attack. ", said the spy of "CipherPol".

Zefa pointed to Luo Nandi, who had turned into a nine-tailed fox, and said: "A wayward child with a temper is not good to coax, and he will not stop until he is tired and doesn't want to make trouble." If you stop him now, I'm afraid... It's even more violent. "

The other party was speechless for a long time.

Glancing at Rosinandi's huge body, he stepped on the "moon step" and rose into the air, deciding to try to communicate: "Your Excellency, please stop attacking, you have injured us by mistake." "

Rosinandi squinted: "CipherPol?".

"Yes. ", the other party said.

"Whoosh !!


"Bang !!".

"Boom la la !!


A tail carrying a miscellaneous laser light abruptly flew the "CipherPol" spy into the sea.

"The reaction of the 'six-style iron block' is still fast. Roxinandi looked down at the people who had emerged from the sea and had not been killed by his sneak attack, and said playfully: "Isn't 'CipherPol' a loyal dog raised by the Tianlong people? Since it is a loyal dog, how can you do it without a little spirit of sacrifice! You can go on the road with peace of mind! The government will definitely appreciate your courage and make a glorious note for you." "

"Hey, what are you going to do, hey, stop it!!


"Eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade !!



PS: New books, ah, ah, ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for full score evaluation votes, ask for rewards, all of them. Heat stroke.,It's really too hot.,Two bottles of water.,It's so uncomfortable.,Yesterday's update was swallowed by me for a chapter.,I can't make up for it today.../(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

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