Time flies like a white horse...

Three months later.

Marin Fando Island, Crescent Bay.



Sirens roared.

"Attention Departments! Attention Departments! Attention Departments! Discovery of a pirate ship invasion! Repeat! Discovery of a pirate ship invasion!", the announcer shouted in surprise and anger: "This is not a drill, prepare to meet !!


"Da-da... Da-da-da-da-da.... "

Hurried footsteps.

"What the hell is going on? Which pirate ate the bear's heart and leopard gall, and how dare he invade the headquarters?

"Less! Get your weapons ready!".

"Destroy them!".


Countless soldiers moved quickly in all directions, well-trained to gather in bunkers near Crescent Bay.

"Artillery in position! Artillery in position!".

"Adjust the direction of the battery!".

"Reload your ammunition!".


The officers commanded.

Faced with the threat of rows of firepower large-caliber batteries, the pirate ship came to a standstill in Crescent Bay.


"Ah~~~Ah~~~ I seem to have forgotten something. Polusalino looked at the dense navy with swords and guns and was waiting for them, patted his forehead in distress, and squinted: "Hey? Captain Del or something, can you help me think about it?".

"It's Del Holdel... Captain. A bearded strong man with a height of more than two meters and an extremely strong body, with a miserable and embarrassed face, quietly corrected Polusalino's slip of the tongue... Although he had been called "Captain Del or something" for three months by Polusalino, he had gotten used to it.

"Hmm~~~ It turned out to be Del Holdel... Captain. Polusalino suddenly realized.

Del Holdel had a mixture of sadness and joy as Polusalino had spoken his name right for the first time.


"Please help me think about it, I seem to have forgotten something~~~", Polusalino pouted, as if trying to recall.

Del Holdel sighed, but said in a more relieved manner: "Your Excellency... Forgot to confirm your identity with the Navy Headquarters, you're on a pirate ship, and if you don't know your identity, you'll be devastated. "


Not a little while.

The pirate flag on the flagpole of the pirate ship was lowered, and then one was raised... Navy flag with white cloth graffiti.

Zefa, who had received a notification from Polusalino with a video phone bug, rushed from the headquarters fortress and asked the announcer to order: "Attention all departments! Attention departments! Attention departments! Alarm lifted! Repeat! Alarm lifted! It's your own person!".

The pirate ship docked smoothly.

Polusalino yawned, landed alone, looked lazily at Zefa who greeted him, and said, "Yo~~~ Mr. 'Black Wrist'... It's been a long time~~~".

Zefa snorted coldly and said, "You're too slow!'Yellow Ape'! It's too slow!This is not the level you should have!".

"Listen to this... Someone came back before me? Let me guess... It's not 'Red Inu', it's definitely 'Black Fox' little brother~~~? ", said Polusalino.

"Yay~~~ You're the third, they're all faster than you!", Zefa said hard.

Polusalino raised his eyebrows, put on his brown sunglasses, turned his head and said, "Captain Del what? What are you waiting for? "

Del Holder, who is tall and tall, led more than 20 crew members to surrender decisively, all of them were holding their heads and their faces pressed very low, they felt that it was too embarrassing for the pirates... It's not a shame to be arrested by the navy, but it's a shame to be arrested by a navy who has arrested the entire pirate group and served this navy master for three months.

It's not that they haven't resisted, but how can they be Polusalino's opponents? Repeatedly asked Polusalino to rectify it several times, and their courage was broken. In particular, Porusalino is still a natural Devil Fruit ability, and they don't have the means to arm the color domineering, or the Hailou Stone tool, so they are helpless at all.

So Del Holder felt relieved, he would rather go to the big prison under the sea and squat than continue to be so humiliated.

"How did the 'Red Inu' and the 'Black Fox' come back?", Polusalino inadvertently asked.

Zefa glanced at Polusalino and said, "Go and ask yourself, they are in the marshal's office." "

Polusalino spread his hands, his body turned into specks of light, and he disappeared with a "whoosh".

Zefa stopped in place, smiled, and muttered: "Finally a little motivated? but...", he restrained his smile and sighed embarrassedly: "One by one, they are all guys who can get into trouble, and they have to wipe their butts." "


PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for full score evaluation votes, ask for rewards, all of them.

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