Polusalino rubbed his stiff cheeks fiercely, and it took a while for his dull eyes to regain some brilliance: "This is what you call 'a little trouble', 'a little deal'... Little brother~~~ You're really... It's really..."

He was too short of words to describe Rosinandi's actions.

"I grabbed a stinky mouse, but it turned out to be a cat nest...", Luo Nandi spread his hands and said: "Who would have thought that the boss behind the human traffickers would be shouting about peace, people, freedom, and benevolence all day long... The nobility of the sanctimonious Carnival City. Do you dare to believe it? I don't dare! I just treated them all as human traffickers, well! I became a human trafficker... Traffickers sell traffickers, what's wrong?".

Polusalino: "..."

"Although 'Akainu' killed sixteen or seventeen 'CipherPol' spies, after all, there is room for maneuver, and it is a messy account that cannot be calculated. But you... Little brother~~~ You...", Polusalino scratched his scalp and said, "Isn't it... Once the news spreads, it is easy to arouse the hatred of the entire aristocratic community, if they put pressure on the government and the navy..."

"Don't underestimate me! Don't underestimate the Navy!", Rosinaudi patted Polusalino on the shoulder, stretched his waist and said, "Let's go! "

Polusalino was implicitly worried, while Rosinandi was fine.

Actually, Rosinandi is fine, and Sakasky is fine

A few days later.

Marshal's Office.

"Empty !!," a telephone bug on the desk, vividly imitated the irritable look of the person on the other end, and roared: "Are you navy crazy? Look what good things you have done!! you..."

Holding his shoulders and lying on his back, he didn't say a word.

His oblique side is Zepha who disappeared from Marinfando for four or five days and then returned.

When the phone bug was about the same, he sat up straight and said calmly: "Don't be so excited, Your Excellencies, I was about to report to you." "

Organize the language, and empty gushed endlessly: "First of all, our navy cadet Sakaski, on the way to complete the task assigned by instructor Zefa, accidentally found a group of 'pirates who did evil', using bloody and cruel terrorist means to control the kingdom of Wallert. He was an excellent young man with a sense of justice, and naturally he refused to sit idly by, so he fought to the death against the 'pirates' alone, and he was very heroic, but after all, he was outnumbered, and he was gloriously wounded, and he escaped death and returned to his headquarters to report it..."

"This is a provocation by pirates against the navy and a blatant provocation against the government, and there are !! of pirates who endanger the protection of the navy and the government in broad daylight," he rebuked with righteous indignation. Immediately, he calmed down and said: "Considering the recent situation at sea and the limited strength of the headquarters, and the fact that Sakasky is currently a cadet, I sent his teacher Zefa to personally lead people to arrest the remnants of that group of 'pirates who are doing evil', and correct the name of the navy and the government." "

"Excuse me... Am I not doing it right?", said the air.

The phone bug was angry and angry: "You know! You know..."

Halfway through, he couldn't continue.

"Why?", the empty outfit was dumbfounded.

"The nobles of Carnival City, why were they arrested by the Navy on the way to Mary Joy?", on the other end of the phone bug, another person.

"They're the nobles of Carnival City, aren't they? Zefa told me it was a trafficker group that had broken the law, and he was arrested... How could the aristocracy be that filthy goods. Sora said in amazement.

On the other end of the phone bug, another person was changed, and he said coldly: "Don't be arrogant to me! Your navy is just the face of the government..."

"But!", Sora interrupted the other party, and said in a pinpoint manner: "The face must be clean and complete! Otherwise, if the face is broken, the inside will leak, and the flesh and blood will be blurred, how ugly is it?"

The other end of the phone bug was silent, and the empty words really satirized the dark deeds behind the government... He couldn't refute it, and said stiffly: "The people you arrest are handed over to 'CipherPol', this is an order. "

"After they were arrested, they tried to escape from prison on a prison ship, snatched the navy's guns and wounded the navy, and were already executed on the spot, and they all died. After talking nonsense with his eyes open, he hung up the phone decisively, and his ears were not ready to be destroyed.

Looking at Zefa, he sighed and sighed: "You who don't kill, you have also learned to kill... It seems that those two little ghosts are really special to you!".

"I want to train heroes! The navy needs heroes!", Zefa said in a sonorous voice.

"There is no proof of death, we bit Sakasky to death and killed pirates, not the spy of 'CipherPol', anyway, the spy role of 'CipherPol' is disgraceful, and the government can't admit it, so it can't be done. Roxinandi... Whether he sells human traffickers or the nobles of Carnival City, it doesn't matter, the government can't move him. He whispered, fiercely, "Remember that you equipped each of them with a video phone bug as a surveillance, and the records were destroyed?"

"Don't worry!, the 'Akainu' video phone bug broke during the fight, causing his hot magma to roast to death, and I erased the record. As for the 'Black Fox'... The man is small and big, cunning like a fox, and the video phone bug has never recorded the evidence that he caught the traffickers and nobles in Carnival City, and sold them, what we know is that I left the person who protected him and found out later, otherwise how could I stop him from messing around and breaking into such a big goods at that time. Zefa shook his head.


PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for full score evaluation votes, ask for rewards, all of them. Upload it first, and revise it later...

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