At last to the satisfaction of Rosinandi, the more than 800 cadets who had not been eliminated were aboard the warship and were expected to travel from the naval headquarters in Marin Vantow to Mary Joa's Naval Academy.


Zefa, who allowed Rosinandi to lead the first batch of students to eliminate the work, came back, accompanied by three young people, who didn't know where to find them...

"Mr. 'Black Wrist'. Rosinandi said hello.

Zefa stopped, stroked his short purple hair, pondered it, and said, "'Black Fox', the three of them... Compare...... It's special, it's like... It's a supernumerary auditor, you can record it. "

Rosinandi's eyes narrowed and said, "Yes." "

Zefa nodded, and shook his head again, with a rather regretful look.

Reclining the side of the ship, Rosinandi spread out the folder, unscrewed the pen, and said, "Who comes first?"

"I... I'll go first...", the person who couldn't wait clutched his stomach, his face was painful. He was almost four meters tall, broad-shouldered and muscular, with a pair of horns on his head and a pair of black wings on his back. The sharp teeth are full of characteristics, and the clothes are also very distinctive, not normal civilian clothes or military uniforms, but anti-gas clothing, and the sleeve is like a tube.


"Magellan. "


"Male. "


"Nineteen years old. "

"Take a code name and it will accompany you through this semester. "

"'Poison man'. "

"Devil fruits? "

"It's... Yes...'Superhuman Poison Fruit'. "


"Enter the cabin, turn left and the toilet is at the end of the corridor. Rosinandi pointed.

"Thank you. Magellan, whose face was almost blue, slipped away quickly.

Rosinandi said, "Next!".

A young man with a big chin about three meters four or five, who seemed to be three points stronger than Magellan, stepped forward, he was holding a cigar, his white robe covered his body, and he looked at Rosinandi condescendingly, his eyes were lifeless and godless... What catches people's attention is the long sword he carries, which is very gorgeous and very bewitching, and the color is blood red.


"Hiryu. "


"Male. "


"Eighteen years old. "


"'Village rain'. "

"Your knife is good, is it codenamed after your knife?".

"This question must be answered?".

"Whatever you want. "

Then I refuse to answer. "


Roxinandi recorded it, and said without raising his head: "Next." "

"I... I'm Kong Ming from the 'G1' fortress!sir!", compared to Magellan and Hiryu, this Kong Ming is really thin and weak, and it doesn't even look as good as Rosinandi. The middle-length brown hair was buttoned up in a navy hat, the mouse's beard was brushed, and the eyes were closed in salute.


"Male. "


"Twenty years old. "


"'White fan'. "


Half a day.

"Smack!", closing the folder, Rosinandi waved his hand, "You can go in." "

"Hey!", Kong Ming left in a hurry.

Rosinandi somewhat understands why Zefa said that Magellan, Hiryu, and Kong Ming are "special", and why they are quite regrettable


What is special about Magellan is his "poisonous fruit", which gives him an incomparably powerful talent, but it restricts his future development. The "poisonous fruit" poisons his enemies as well as himself, and the poisonous gas he breathes poisons the food he eats, so he suffers from diarrhea and has to devote a lot of his daily time to the toilet, not even completing a full training like other academies.

What makes Hiryu special is his identity, he is the child of the special Wu of the "CipherPol" who died in battle, and has been trained by his parents since he was a child, just like Karp did to Dorag, but unlike Dorag who remains awake, his mind becomes distorted. And he was shoehorned into Zefa by "CipherPol", not in the naval sequence.

Kong Ming's special thing is his physique, he is weak, and his strength is his intelligence, which can be seen from his resume, he has been in the army for two years, and he has the rank of corporal.

Rosinandi is optimistic about the future of Magellan, Hireu, and Kong Ming, if Dorag, Kuzan, and Pique are perfect geniuses, then they are geniuses with flaws... No matter what, a genius is a genius, and it can't be compared to mediocrity.


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for collections, ask for clicks, ask for rewards, all of them. Well...... The long-lost three watches, quack chirp 〈( ̄) ̄) 〈\(^o^)/~

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