"General~~~Army~~~", Luo Nandi paused word by word, and said a chess term to the king of the country of flowers with great interest.

There is no doubt that Rosinandi has seized on the weakness of the king of the country of flowers.

The massive amount of gold and silver treasures stored in Baoyu Bing C belong to the Eight Treasures Water Army, and they belong to the Flower Country that was established behind the scenes and supported the Eight Treasure Water Army to go out to plunder, those golden things are only managed by the Eight Treasure Water Army on weekdays, and once there is a disaster or war in the Flower Country, it will quickly be converted into money for the purchase of food and arms on the black market - it is really the national treasure and the last power of the Flower Country!

If a few months ago, Luo Xindi's threat was just a child's words, because Baoyu Bing CHG is a vast area, amazing thickness and connected into a whole high-density, high-strength, high-tenacity glacial continent, without the "key", no one can open the natural safe of Baoyu Bing, only sigh at the massive gold and silver treasures below it.

And the "key" to open Baoyu Bing c] g is currently known, there is only one, which is the mystery of the "Eight Chong Fist" cultivated by the pillars of each generation of the Eight Treasure Water Army... A physical technique that wedges strong power into a point, assists in the domineering power of the armed color, and is extremely powerful, and can break a gap in Baoyu Bing's c】g.

However, the pillar of the contemporary Eight Treasures Water Army, the famous "Cone Long, Cone Nail" of the "Eight Chong Fist" cultivated by the "Green Pepper of the Cone" with a bounty of 500 million berry, was abolished by Karp, who couldn't find Roger's Pirates and was bored a few months ago. The "key" is broken, so that the Eight Treasures Naval Army and the Country of Flowers, which place a large amount of gold and silver treasures into the natural safe of Baoyu Bing C=G, have become like other people who covet the massive gold and silver treasures under Baoyu Bing CHG, which can be seen and touched.

So if it was a few months ago, Luo Nandi's threat was just a child's words, even if he could take away the massive gold and silver treasures of Baoyu Bingch, but the Eight Treasures Water Army and the Country of Flowers were fully capable of transferring the massive gold and silver treasures under Baoyu Bingch one step in advance, and continue to hide them in another place.

The king of the country of flowers grinned, and if he looked closely, that smile was how aggrieved and aggrieved he was.

"Baoyu Bing C is certainly strong, but the Devil Fruit ability is magical, at least I know a few...", Luo Nandi said half of the words, the meaning was clear, he told the King of the Flower Country that he was really qualified to take their massive gold and silver treasures.

The King of the Land of Flowers was silent.

"Eight Treasures Water Army. Luo Nandi urged, pondered, and added: "Don't worry, we didn't make a special trip to trouble them." "

"Maybe... You should try your luck at Baoyu Bingchi. ", replied the King of the Land of Flowers vaguely.

"Thank you so much for your help. Rosinandi bowed slightly, and turned to give Xingdri a look.

Xingdri was stunned for a moment, and said hesitantly: "Farewell?!".

"Forgive me for being unwell, so I won't be far away. ", said the king of the country of flowers.

The Navy group leaves the Flower Country Palace.

"'Black Fox'... We're just that...", fortunately Delhi was covered in clouds and mist.

Rosinandi smiled: "Otherwise?".

"Aren't you going to see the Eight Treasure Navy?", Xingdri said.

"The country of flowers will never recognize the relationship between the Eight Treasures Navy and them, absolutely!", Luo Nandi pursed the corners of his lips: "There are many questions related to the reputation of the country, but the king of the country of flowers is an old fox, and he gave us the answer on the side." "

"Huh?", Xingdri was dizzy.

Luo Nandi had no choice but to say succinctly: "He is probably talking to the Eight Treasures Navy right now, and ordering the Eight Treasures Navy to go to Baoyu Bing to contact us, let's go! We will also go to Baoyu Bing CHG and prepare to contact the Eight Treasures Water Army." "

Baoyu Ice C is located in the east of the country of flowers, almost pressing/at the edge of the windless zone, and it is its isolation that causes the country of flowers to greatly reduce the probability of large sea kings occasionally bursting out of the windless zone to fight the autumn wind.

Stepping on the Baoyu Ice CHG, Luo Nandi took off his gloves and touched the ice here, feeling that the ice was indeed special than ordinary ice.

Wait for Rosinandi to get up.

"Da-da... Da-da-da.... "

A crisp footstep.

It's not the Eight Treasures Army, it's a few suits and leather shoes, a topper-brimmed hat, and a wool coat, typical of "CipherPol" dressed as spies.

"Your Excellency 'Black Fox'. The head of the special / service salute: "You came so fast. "

"It's not that I'm really fast, it's that you're really slow. ", Rosinandi said displeasedly.

"I'm sorry!", the other party didn't argue, just sincerely bowed down and apologized, and continued: "We have arranged what you requested." "

Rosinandi was silent.

The other party pointed to the front and said, "One hundred meters, the aftermath work is also completed." "

"GOOD!", Rosinandi put on his gloves: "Fortunately, my plan was not delayed, otherwise I would have hanged you like pirates today... Okay, where did you come from, where did you go back? "

"CipherPol" is a flash with a brush.

Xingdri couldn't help but be surprised: "Ho! those guys with eyes like 'CipherPol' in the sky...'Black Fox'?'Black Fox'?'How did you do that?".

Rosinandi was confused: "What did you do how?"

"Tsk!", Xing Dry was stunned: "Train 'CipherPol', like a dog." "

"Hmm...", of course, Roxinandi would not tell Xingdri that he was a Tianlong who was removed, and said, "You guess?"

Shindri: "..."

"Hmm! coming!coming!", Luo Nandi looked and said, "The 'green pepper of the cone' no longer exists, and now what is left is a 'bald green pepper'... How much value is left of a toothless tiger?".


PS: The first update, ask for subscription, ask for automatic subscription, ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for collections, ask for clicks, ask for rewards, all of them.

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