Detachment 01, garrison area.


Early in the morning, the camp's loudspeakers were blaring, and they were just a dizzying, irritating cacophony with nothing to do.

"What the hell!".

"Hey, I said, who's on duty in the radio room today, bastard!".

"You can't get a good night's sleep..."

"Made, again, sooner or later, I'm going to have to smash this!"

"I'm wondering which predecessor invented this collection method, it's so insidious!".


No matter how the soldiers of the "G5" violated military rules and discipline, they still abided by the iron laws of several treaties, at least one of the iron laws of not returning home at night beyond the early hours of the morning... So the square soon gathered a group of people who were more like the Liumang group, basically no one wore navy formal uniforms, some were shirtless, some wore crooked hats, and some carried wine bottles, all kinds of strange and varied.


Someone saw Polusalino and Kuzan on the podium.

Kuzan yawned profusely, sitting cross-legged in a corner of the summit platform, as if he was sleepy.

Polusalino is better, but he also bites on a crumpled little cigarette, and he doesn't have a long standing ~~~ shaking~~~, and he is about to fall to the ground at any time.

"Colonel 'Yellow Ape', hey !!", I don't know who shouted.

"Huh?", Polusalino looked up, his eyes followed the sound in confusion, and his right index finger stretched out, shining brightly: "Do you have an opinion?"

Seeing that Polusalino's laser ray was about to be excited, the other party was in a cold sweat, and hurriedly waved his hand: "yes~~~ No! I...... I just wanted to ask you, have you eaten?".

Polusalino closed satisfied.

"Shut up, you flies as annoying fools. Kuzan shook his head, sobered up a lot, and said loudly: "Calling you here, there is naturally a reason to call you here." "


Da Da Da Da ...!".

The footsteps are light and crisp.

Rosinandi walked up from behind the podium, followed by Hiryu.



The large screen hanging above the summit stage shows the figure of Rosinandi projected by a telephone bug.




hey, hey, hey!!".

"I'm not dreaming, am I


Countless people were stunned.

In the end, it turned into a voice - "beautiful sister !!".

Roxinandi tuned the phone bug, causing the annoying murmur to subside, and said, "I disappointed you idiots, my gender is male. "




"I must have heard it wrong, how could it be?".


The people who felt disheartened were noisy for a long time.

They all said in unison: "It's still beautiful!!


Rosinandi: "..."

"I am 'Black Fox', please call me 'Black Fox' Major, 'Black Fox' Chief, 'Black Fox' Mr. 'Black Fox', and no other strange names are allowed. Rosinandi's embarrassment disappeared in a flash, and he continued: "From today onwards, I will serve as the staff officer of Unit 01! There is only one mission, which is to be responsible for reducing the casualty rate of you three thousand idiots!".

"Wow wow wow !!


"What a touching inaugural speech!".

"What's touching?".

"Isn't it touching that people like us care about it?"

"We've got your back!".

"Mr. 'Black Fox'!!".


The demons are dancing.

"I spent a while in the Expeditionary Grand Fleet, and you... Our common detachment leader, Lieutenant General Xingdri, has worked very well together, and I know that he will not be able to return for a while. Rosinandi said heavily: "And our deputy detachment leader, Brigadier General Sparrow Barrett... He had just been killed, as well as a warship and more than 300 companions. "

"I'm so sorry to uncover this unhealed scar and give you bloody pain... But!!", Rosinandi shouted in an impassioned tone, sonorously and powerfully: "Don't be sad, don't be depressed, don't be afraid, because we are the navy! Glorious navy! Because justice is here! Peace and justice are here!"

"Roar !!".

Coincidentally, the soldiers of the "G5" all saluted solemnly, because the sluggish morale of the previous soldiers was boosted.

"I have just received a notice from the commander of the Ingrebase that Colonel 'Yellow Ape' is temporarily serving as the acting leader of the 01 detachment when the return date of Lieutenant General Xingdri is uncertain. Rosinandi glanced at the unconscious Polusalino and reluctantly continued: "We discussed the situation and decided to get up from where we fell! San Juan Wolf, this is our target! Okay, disband


"San Juan Wolf... That monster..."

"It's terrible, he's the size of Bullfighting Island!".

"That kind of thing, how can you beat it?".


The soldiers whispered.

Roxinandi's ears were sensitive, and he caught the soldiers' worries, and said: "If you can't kill the 'huge battleship', the trump card of the 'G5' fortress, the zero one detachment will be abolished." "

"'Decide where you fall, get up from there'... It's your decision, little brother~~~", Polusalino muttered, "You have to figure it out." "

"First of all, determine the location of the 'huge battleship'. ", said Rosinandi.


"With the 'Black Fox', you don't need to use your brain, you can use the knife, how easy is it?", Xiliu pulled out a blade.

Rosinandi clapped his hands and said, "Send a reconnaissance ship, contact the other detachments of the 'G5', and find San Juan Wolf! Hurry up! Hurry up! 'Yellow Ape', 'Green Pheasant', you two slackers!".

"Hey, little brother~~~ I'm your boss! Don't be so bad!", Polusalino complained.

Without saying a word, Rosinandi kicked Polusalino off the podium.


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