Navy’s Dark Admiral

Chapter 129 Misty Island

Apophis still underestimated the attraction of the twenty-one sword masters to those swordsmen. Today, when the supreme sword is almost extinct, the sword is already the pinnacle that swordsmen can hope for, let alone the twenty-one sword. Yigong still comes from the country of samurai and the country, and the layer of mystery and legend makes it even more tempting.

Along the way, Apophis has seen many disappearing swordsmen move after hearing the news, either to chase Izumi Mori Kanesada, or to obtain information about the path of the great swordsman from Momonosuke and others, and there are even many of them like him. Think of this incident as someone who honed his swordsmanship.

After all, compared to this vast and boundless sea, there are so few people who can reach the level of swordsmen, so few that the roads connecting them can't be seen clearly.


On the Misty Island, fish and dragons are mixed together. Ever since the news spread that Momonosuke and his party were hiding on the island, all kinds of people have gathered here, bringing some vitality to this quiet and dark island.

At this moment, in the gray mist, two people were fighting. The scattered sword energy tore apart ravines on the ground, and towering ancient trees were cut off and collapsed from time to time. The crowd who watched the battle dared to stand in the distance.

"Thunder-Tiger Hunting!"

One person in the battle had already reached the limit, and the sweat was evaporated into white mist by the scorching body temperature as soon as he appeared, and escaped into the air, but he still used up his last physical strength to strike, as if a raging tiger was roaring in the forest.

However, the man who was fighting with him seemed to be effortless. He shattered the slash with a fluttering sword. The giant tree barely stopped its tendency to fly backwards.

"Pfft..." The defeated swordsman struggled to stand up, but he spit out a big mouthful of blood in "Wow", and his weak limbs couldn't support it at all.

"Why...why didn't you kill me? You shouldn't be the kind of person who is soft-hearted, right? Crimson Swordsman, Apophis!"

"Your swordsmanship is not completely useless, I still have some expectations, you can stand in front of me for the second time." Apophis said indifferently, like this kind of high-quality leeks, there is still the possibility of a second wave of harvest, There is no need to uproot it.

"Damn it, what do you think of me? A whetstone to sharpen yourself?"

"No, at best, you can only be regarded as a condiment to pass the time." Apophis said indifferently, and then turned to leave.

In the foggy forest in the distance.

With two swords hanging around his waist and a top hat on his head, a pair of swordsmen with curvy mustaches sighed, "Tsk tsk! It's terrible. Kataz is a powerful swordsman from the Ice and Snow Kingdom, but he was defeated in this way. In the hands of the Scarlet Swordsman, and looking at his relaxed and casual appearance, it seems that he didn't use all his strength at all!"

The younger brother who was following him couldn't help asking, "Captain Bistar, is that guy named Apophis really a newcomer who just entered the new world?"

"Don't doubt, there are far more monsters in this world than you imagined. Isn't that the swordsman named Mihawk that I met a few days ago?" Bista recalled with amazement, that The swordsman with the sharp eyes of an eagle is said to be six years younger than him, but his swordsmanship is already superior to him.

"Captain Vista, will you fight that scarlet swordsman?" The pirate who asked was a little excited. This kind of collision between top swordsmen is really rare!

"I don't have that time now, I still have to find the little guy from the Kozuki clan quickly. Although Kozuki Oden betrayed the Whitebeard Pirates, I know that my father still regards him as his son in his heart."

Vista lightly twisted his beard and said, "Since Dad still recognizes him, then his son is our nephew. Now that little guy is in trouble, we can't stand by and watch."

The pirate on the side couldn't help asking,

"Captain Vista, I seem to have heard that that guy named Kozuki Oden was once the captain of the second team of our Whitebeard Pirates? Then he defected to the Roger Pirates ship?"

Bista shook his head, "Actually, it can't be said to be a defection. He and Roger admired each other and were poached by Roger. But in any case, the relationship between the Roger Pirates and our Whitebeard Pirates is The hostile relationship, not to mention that Kozuki Oden also helped Roger decipher the secrets of the historical text, let Roger become the One Piece one step ahead."

"Therefore, his behavior is no different from that of a traitor in the eyes of many brothers. Dad was also concerned about other people's emotions, so he didn't send reinforcements from the squadron. But we all know that the captain of the second squadron has always been vacant. It shows that Dad still can't forget his son, even if the other party has left him."

"As for those of us who are sons, we should help Dad share something."

Three people in white coats and funny masks hide in the forest and whisper.

"Have you found any traces of Kozuki Momonosuke? His identity may be a sharp weapon for the government to open the door of Wano Country, and those pirates must not let him take him away." The one who is the closest to a normal person among the three He spoke indifferently, and seemed to be in the dominant position among the three.

"Not yet, the ninjas of Wano Country have always been good at hiding their bodies, and the harsh environment on the island makes the search work even more difficult." The tallest masked man replied.

"Moreover, the hegemony war a year ago also caused our subordinate CPs to lose a lot of money. In the new world, there are not many forces that can be mobilized in a short period of time."

"The Misty Island is such a big place, they won't be able to hide for long."

"Mr. Wasp, Kozuki Oden is a murderous criminal who followed the Roger Pirates to Ralph Drew, and was even on the government's must-kill list. Even if we really win Kozuki Momonosuke, it will be difficult for him Is the government doing their best?" asked the medium-sized masked man.

"Wano Country is a place that pays attention to righteousness and fame. As long as you catch Kozuki Momonosuke, you can use his identity as the heir of the Kozuki Clan to open the gate of Wano Country. As for the life and death of Kozuki Oden, it doesn't matter at all. .” The normal-sized Wasp explained.


At this moment, Kataz, the swordsman from the Kingdom of Ice and Snow, was humiliatingly grabbing the turf on the ground, while Apophis walked out of the forest unhurriedly, a roar mixed with anger and ecstasy caught the eyes of the crowd in the distance. They are all attracted.

"Crimson Swordsman, Apophis! I finally found you, have you figured out how to die? Crap!"

A burly man with an oval head came from a distance, behind him was a group of vicious pirates, and it was the Eight Treasures Navy that was chasing all the way from the West Sea.

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