Navy’s Dark Admiral

Chapter 188 Classmate Weiwei with no

The next day, early morning.

"Baptism? Godfather?" Longinus looked in surprise at Cobra, who was standing beside him with a look of uneasiness and expectation.

Princess Titi also had a tense expression on her face. She didn't have Cobra's thoughts. She just thought about it purely from the perspective of a mother.

With the backing of a superpower like Brigadier General Longinus, at least her child can grow up safely!

"Although it's a bit abrupt, this idea is a decision I made after thinking about it for a long time." Cobra, who had been thinking about it all night, said seriously.

"If there is someone as outstanding as you, Commodore Longinus, as a role model for your children, I believe that he will grow up to be a very good king in the future."

"At least, he must be better than me!"

"It is my honor to be the godfather of a prince or princess." Longinus smiled, "And, King Cobra, you are too humble. In this incident, your courage And responsibility is obvious to all!"

"Because of Saint Sea's excessive brutality, I actually hesitated for a long time on the matter of joining the war." Cobra said with a look on his face, "Being able to make that decision is because of your quotations, Brigadier General. heart."

Now, even Princess Titi, Icarem and the others were a little surprised, and they didn't know that Cobra still had such a mental journey.

"Quotations?" Drake blinked, he didn't even know what it was.

"At first, the pirates chased and killed the workers, but you didn't make a sound because you were not workers; then they chased and killed the merchants, but you didn't make a sound because you were not merchants; later, they hunted and killed the nobles, but you didn't make a sound because you Not an aristocrat."

Cobra chanted in a touching tone, "In the end, when they come to the royal family, will anyone stand up and speak for you?"

"I did say something like this." Longinus recalled without blushing, "It was four years ago, an island country in the Boya Sea area, where the citizens were harassed by pirates, but the royal family has always been Nothing."

"They were afraid of being retaliated by the pirates, and worried that their own interests would be damaged, so that even the navy's active assistance was indifferent and resisting. Therefore, I hoped to wake them up with such a passage at the time."

Cobra said impassionedly, "It was the words of Brigadier General Longinus that made me realize that

If everyone is unwilling to uphold the truth, uphold justice, maintain fairness, and only care about their own interests in the face of evil, then disaster will come to us one day. "

"It seems that His Majesty's transformation is not entirely due to the accident three years ago." Icarem couldn't help thinking in his heart, "The spirit and philosophy of Brigadier General Longinus are what really guide him forward. buoy!"

"It's no wonder Cobra respects Brigadier General Longinus so much. His justice is indeed different from those high-sounding words that only stay on paper!" Princess Titi couldn't help being touched, "His eyes, see Farther than everyone!"

"Is this the teacher's idea? It's really admirable!" Drake was even more passionate, "No wonder the teacher always said that strength is only a means, and faith is the source!"

"King Cobra mentioned the quotations before. Could it be that it is a precious material that records the words and deeds of the teacher?" Drake was extremely enthusiastic. "As the teacher's disciple, I must not miss this kind of treasure!"

"Haha, this is something I didn't expect." Longinus smiled, "But if the words I said can really help King Cobra, those quotations can be regarded as meaningful."

"Of course it is meaningful. I intend to use it as an enlightenment textbook for the child in Titi's stomach." Cobra said with a "fatherly" face.

Not waiting for Longinus to mourn for Weiwei for a few minutes, Jaca came in and reported, "Your Majesty, all the kings in the alliance have arrived one after another."

"Brigadier General Longinus, let's go out to meet the kings now." Cobra suggested.

"Alright." Longinus readily agreed.

As a giant island on the Great Route, Sentine Island has a total of seventeen island kingdoms, and there are as many as eleven kings appearing in Alabasta alone.

On the one hand, it is the threat and persecution of San Xie, and on the other hand, it can also be seen that Cobra's reputation as the initiator of the alliance can be seen.

"King Cobra!"

The kings in the hall greeted each other, but their eyes kept drifting to the figure in the coat of justice following Cobra.

Among them, the two kings of Crete and Xiska are the most important. What happened that night three years ago is still fresh in their memory.

"King Garcia, King Will, King Crete..." Cobra responded one by one with a calm expression, perfectly showing the demeanor that a king should have, "I invite everyone here, first, I plan to introduce you to the kings. Let’s talk about Brigadier General Longinus, the new officer stationed on Sentin Island, and take this opportunity to discuss the war.”

"Major Longinus...haha! I am so confused, it should be Brigadier General Longinus." King Crete deliberately recalled, "I knew three years ago that with the ability of a brigadier general, the major It's just a starting point."

"It's hard for His Majesty the King to remember me." Longinus laughed.

"Three years, Major...Brigadier General!" Many kings were frightened by this terrible promotion speed.

Just as Adkin didn't understand the feats made by Longinus, these kings had already been devastated during the six months that Santiago was shrouded in war. How could they have the time to read any newspapers?

But there were also a few people with normal faces. They had already collected information before arriving, and they knew that this kind of promotion speed was nothing to that man.

Regardless of whether they have understood it or not, after hearing the deep meaning in the words of the King of Crete, these kings also generally know that this Commodore should be far from what his predecessors can match.

Therefore, they did not hesitate to release their goodwill.

After a period of concerned greetings, I finally got to the point.

"Commander Longinus, what is the navy's plan?"

"Brigadier General Longinus, the king of Saint Sea has gone mad. If he doesn't try to punish him, the entire Sentin Island will be destroyed by him!"

The kings who could barely maintain their demeanor before, after talking about the evil king, all looked like they wanted to have their blood drawn but they were afraid.

"The actions of King Sancia are indeed not in line with justice, but he is the monarch of a country after all. Without a proper reason, I, as a navy, don't want to intervene rashly."

Hearing what Longinus said, the hearts of these kings were cold.

"Then what should we do? Just die with those lunatics like this?"

"Don't be impatient, everyone, give me three days, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

These kings looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously unable to accept this statement, which in their view was obviously "dodging".

"Three days, another three days!" A irascible old man with a fierce appearance couldn't help shouting angrily, "I see, you are no different from that guy named Adkin before!"

"Oh? Who is this?" Longinus narrowed his eyes slightly.

"King Gal, please watch your tone!" Cobra said angrily.

"Cobra, it's none of your business here." King Gal walked up to Longinus angrily, raised his head and shouted, "Take your three days as an example, why should I trust you, or do you Dare to use your own life as a guarantee?"

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