“So, flying squirrel, did you come to me for something?”

Looking at the flying squirrel whose jaw was about to drop, Ye Yi asked indifferently!

“That, this matter is not important, let it go first, Ye Yi, you first explain to me what the situation is?” The flying squirrel held up the ring in his hand, looking dazed!

Ye Yi’s hands kept moving, and he replied without looking back: “It’s not simple, what do you think I was playing in the last two years of the game?” These are my loot! ”

“Nazalik’s treasure vault can’t be placed, although the money required to increase the space of krypton gold is not too much, but how can I manage it alone, so I can only retreat to the second place, find some useless space rings to pack all those materials in!”

“This thing is full of mountains in my personal space, how much you want to say directly, not afraid of waste at all, it should be enough for you to create a hundred or so artifacts!”

Listening to Ye Yi’s indifferent words, the turquoise brilliance of the flying squirrel flashed away, and the surging mood gradually recovered!

He had always felt that these were economical after all, it was a non-renewable resource! But Ye Yi said so, then save a fart ah! Ye Yi has so much, even if he doesn’t need to save it, it is enough for him to waste hundreds of years!

The flying squirrel who created the artifact or something is no longer thinking about it, after all, there are a little too many in Nazalik, and he can’t use it alone!

“So, what’s the need for me to come forward?” The complete set of twelve rings had reached the last moment, but Ye Yi still took the time to ask the flying squirrel again!

Looking at Ye Yi’s back, the flying squirrel coughed awkwardly: “That, the workers who came from the empire to send death have arrived at the periphery of the Dragon Tower, so I want you, the owner of the Dragon Tower, to come forward!” ”

Ye Yi’s hand movement paused slightly, and then his speed became faster: “Didn’t you say that there is no business for me?” How do I feel as if you have unknowingly arranged me again? ”

“The owner of the Dragon Tower is you, is there any difference between me and me?”

“Ahem, that, there seems to be something wrong with the plan!” The flying squirrel turned his head in a cold sweat: “The construction of the Dragon Tower is beyond my expectations, and now not only the empire, but even the kingdom seems to have noticed here!” ”

“Moreover, the movement this time is not small!”

“What do you mean?” Ye Yi’s brows frowned invisibly!

The flying squirrel touched his chin: “According to the report of Solyuxiang who remained in the royal capital, the nobles of the kingdom also seem to have ideas about the Dragon Tower, and there seems to be a sign of sending troops!” ”

“And I learned through the eight-fingered intelligence network, and I did confirm this!”

“Oh roar~” Ye Yi snorted coldly with disdain: “The kingdom still has this mood now?” Didn’t they destroy almost a third of their royal capital last time? Rebuild in half a month? ”

The flying squirrel’s gaze turned slightly: “That, the king’s faction is naturally strongly opposed, but several great nobles joined forces to put pressure on the king, and finally seemed to agree with their idea, after all, the Dragon Tower is really … It’s dazzling! ”

“How soon will the other party arrive?” Listening to the words of the flying squirrel, Ye Yi’s usually gentle eyebrows couldn’t help but feel a touch of anger!

“Recruitment has begun, of course, it is very likely to prevent the war that the empire has launched over the years, but this time their main purpose is the Dragon Tower, after all, the rumors in the empire have been revealed to the kingdom, for wealth or something, naturally there are a bunch of people sent to death!”

“What did Dimiurgus plan?”

Eyes converged on the ring in front of him, Ye Yi waved his hand to turn off the main control source, the next thing needs to be done by herself, and the last material is on Ye Yi’s own body!

“Uh… I’d better talk about it later! ”

When the flying squirrel saw this, he also kept his mouth shut at the right time, he also knew that Ye Yi was already at the most critical moment! For such a trifle to make Ye Yi’s twelve artifact rings fail to create, it is estimated that Ye Yi can beat him to death!

Looking at the slowly rotating rings in the sky, Ye Yi’s right hand transformed into the form of a dragon claw, gently placed his index finger at the mouth of his heart slightly, and when Ye Yi actively gave up his body defense, the dragon claw easily broke his chest!

A sore spot flashed between the eyebrows, and even though the twelve golden blood droplets exuding terrifying coercion were slowly taken out of the heart by the right hand, the wound on the body surface healed instantly!

Under Ye Yi’s control, twelve drops of Divine Dragon Blood slowly floated up in the air, seeping into the twelve rings, the seven-colored light flashed slightly, and twelve rings of the same shape suddenly appeared!

Looking at this scene, Ye Yi opened his mouth slightly, and a round bead suddenly flew out, of course, this is not Ye Yi’s dragon ball, but Ye Yi’s exclusive world-class prop, Nine Dragon Ball!

A strong purple-gold light poured down from the Nine Dragon Ball, instantly shrouding the twelve rings, and a moment later, the Nine Dragon Balls automatically returned to Ye Yi’s body, and the ring was completely formed!

Wave your hand and collect twelve rings into your personal space!

“Okay!” Ye Yi slowly turned around with a slight smile on his face!

Snap ~ pop ~ pop~

Looking at the scene, the flying squirrel involuntarily applauded: “It turns out that you can still do this, obey!” ”

“Less compliment to me, tell me what’s going on?” Ye Yi raised his eyebrows!

“Well, in the plan, Ye Yi only needs to come forward and kill the group of stupid people who broke into the Dragon Tower, and after that, he needs to send two guardians to the empire…”

“I see!” Ye Yi nodded slightly: “This is to let me surface first, creating a Dragon Tower itself is a sign of a powerful force, right?” ”

“To the point!” The flying squirrel’s eyes lit up slightly: “That’s it!” ”

Ye Yi raised his eyebrows: “Then, how should Nazalik’s affairs be arranged?” ”

“The specific arrangements have already been made, and after inviting the Blood Emperor over, you can start to implement them!” The flying squirrel said softly!

“Since you want to establish a country, where do you choose the capital?”

“Jerantir! The Dragon Tower is not very suitable! ”

“Direct aggression and attack?”

“No, no, no, we have to wait for an opportunity, the Kingdom of Riestij and the empire are at war, and every time they will forcibly recruit troops from among civilians, that is our chance!”

“So, you’re going to be a lobbyist?”

“Well~ that’s probably it!”

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