“Shatia, how is it now?”

Shatiya frowned slightly: “It’s strange, I did feel the existence of a dangerous aura from the other party’s body, but when she faced the attack of my dependents, she never made a move!” ”

“Moreover, only one of the other eleven people is stronger, and the other ten are far from reaching the level of Suo Liuxiang! What makes me even more strange is that in the face of the attack of my dependents, they seem to be extremely cautious, not at all the slightest rush, completely passive defense, and even a little suspicion of retreat! ”

“Still suspected of retreating?” Shatia’s words made Dimiugoss stunned for a long time, since Shatia felt the danger from the other party… Wait, just felt the danger?

Dimiugos suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: “Shatia, there is something I haven’t taken into account just now, and I’m once again glad I didn’t let you rush blindly!” ”

“What’s going on?” Shatia opened her eyes and looked at Dimiurgos with a puzzled face!

“You just feel the aura of danger from the other person, right?” Dimiugos pushed his glasses and asked again!

“That’s right!” Shatia frowned!

“At first, I kept thinking about the aspect that the other party was likely to be a hundred-level existence, but the information you just gave me reminded me of a detail that I had been ignoring all along!”

“Details?” Shatia was stunned: “What details?” ”

“World-class props!” Dimiugos said five words with a serious face!

Shatia was shocked: “World-class props? ”

“That’s right!” Dimiugos nodded with a serious face: “Even if the other party is not a hundred-level existence, but if you have world-class props on your body, the result you perceive should be the same!” ”

Shatia thought about it, and the final result was exactly the same as Dimiugos, even if the other party was just a scumbag, but if she had world-class props, then it was indeed a threat to her, and it was a fatal threat, so it was natural to feel the danger from the other party!

After all, there are always only world-class props that can match world-class props, and if the other party has world-class props in the control system and you don’t, then there is only one result! That is, you can only be played to death from beginning to end by the other party with world-class props, and no matter how strong you are, it is useless!

Especially among the twenty world-class props, except for the world-class props that are also twenty, other ordinary world-class props cannot even offset their effects!

“Thanks, Dimiurgos!”

Thinking of this, Shatia is inevitably a little afraid, if it is a simple attack-type world-class prop, Shatiya may still have a chance to fight, but if it is a control system, then wait for death! Even the undead who are immune to various controls are still useless when facing world-class props!

Dimiurgos is also a little lucky, fortunately he is cautious enough, otherwise he would have been completely planted today! Facing the owner of world-class props, he has no chance of winning at all!

Without knowing the specific strength of the other party and whether they have the assistance of other artifact-level props, neither he nor Shatia is sure that they can completely destroy each other before the other party launches world-class props, this kind of thing is too risky, or honestly wait for the reinforcement of Lord Flying Squirrel!

Just as Dimiurgos was thinking, a pitch-black portal silently appeared behind the two, and most figures slowly walked out from it!

At the head is a flying squirrel dressed in a god costume, and followed by the fully armed Yalbed and others, basically the guardians of the class that Nazalik can come to come!

On Mare’s hands is a pair of black and white gauntlets, which are one of the world-class props that Nazalik possesses: greed and desirelessness! Yalbed has a world-class prop she already has: the Abyss of Hell! Behind Yaora is a pair of black and white wings, both one of Nazalik’s world-class props!

Behind Yaura is Corsetes, in addition to the God Slashing Sword Emperor that he has, now there is a blade of hundreds of millions on top of his four arms, which is a world-class prop with the strongest single attack power!

This lineup… Huh! Should I say that the flying squirrel is instigated?

“Subordinate Dimiugos (Shatia), see Lord Flying Squirrel!”

Sensing the arrival of the flying squirrel, Dimiugos and Shatia quickly bowed their heads and saluted!

“Excuse me!” The flying squirrel waved his hand with a serious face: “Get up, my guardians, tell me what is the situation now?” ”

“Obey!” Dimiugos and Shatia immediately got up, and then said to the flying squirrel: “Previously, according to the preliminary judgment of the subordinates, the other party was most likely a hundred-level existence, but after a series of tests between the subordinates and Shatia, it was found that this was not the case!” ”

“The average level of the dependents summoned by Shatiya is about level 20 to 30, which should theoretically be quite low-level monsters, but the other party’s performance when facing the attack of Shatia’s dependents is quite strange!”

“According to speculation, the enemy’s twelve, one of them should be slightly higher in strength than Solyuxiang, reaching the most basic strength that the battle maid has, while the remaining ten people, the strength is almost the same as the dependents summoned by Shatia, and the remaining one, Shatia feels the threat from her!”

“However, when facing the attack of Shatija’s dependents, not only did he never make a move, but he was also protected by eleven other people, and the other party had already indicated his intention to retreat under the attack of Shatia’s dependents!”

“So my subordinates boldly guessed that the danger Shatia perceived was not her own strength, but… World-class props! ”

After listening to Dimiurgos’ report, the flying squirrel’s eyes suddenly lit up! There are actually world-class props among a group of low-level natives? So does it mean that there are other players in this world as well?

It seems that whether hostile or not, this group of people has a high value and must be taken down!

Just as the flying squirrel was thinking, Shatia exclaimed: “Lord flying squirrel, the other party wants to escape!” ”

The flying squirrel was stunned, and without thinking, he instantly raised his bone claw, and a brilliant magic array instantly unfolded: “High-level dimensional blockade!” ”

“Yaura, Mare, immediately block the entire Senli, absolutely can’t let them escape!”

“Obey!” Mare and Yaura took the lead immediately!

Ma Lei took the lead in raising his hands with greed and desirelessness, and a three-layer magic array instantly lit up: “Magic Triple Most Powerful Earth Prison!” ”

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