Knock knock~

“Lord Ye Xiu, you have arrived in the royal capital, do you need to notify Sebas to come and greet you!”

After more than four days of long travel, the luxurious horse Chen on which Ye Yi and his party rode finally arrived at King Riestij at noon today!

“Is it so soon?”

“Yes, my lord!” Nabei outside the carriage responded softly!

Ye Yi’s rather impatient voice suddenly came from inside the carriage: “Let Sebas greet or something, don’t need it, let’s go directly!” The boring bones are rusting these days! ”

“Obey!” Nabei nodded slightly, jumped into the carriage again, and motioned for Clementine to move on!

The luxurious carriage passed through the gates of the royal city without any obstacles, directly entered the gate of the royal capital of Rijestij, and drove towards a specific location!

The royal capital of the Kingdom of Rijestij is very large, basically about twice the size of the fortress city of Yelantil, but the degree of luxury is not necessarily high there, and there are still slums!

The faces of the pedestrians on the road did not have this happy smile, and even to some extent, they were not comparable to Ye Yi’s saved Yerantir!

Although it is not lifeless, there is still a depressing atmosphere in the air, and pedestrians on the road and even walking are extremely cautious!

Just because this is the royal capital, the gathering place of the nobles, if you accidentally bump into the nobles because you don’t walk long, then you are finished!

It’s just that it doesn’t make any sense!

Fortunately, Ye Yi’s carriage was luxurious enough, and it seemed that only big people could have, and along the way, there were no guys who did not have long eyes risking their lives to rush Ye Yi, and almost unimpeded directly to the area where they were located!

The carriage stopped again, this time without Nabei reminding Ye Yi that he had arrived at his destination, and before Nabei came down to open the door, Ye Yi directly took Conna off the carriage!

“Although I expected it, Sebas and they lived much better than us during this time!” Looking at the mansion that was quite okay in front of him, Ye Yi smiled softly!

There are no mansions in Yerantil, and the largest building is not open to the public, so the king or nobles will only be used in the luxurious palace!

As soon as Ye arrived in Yerantir until four days ago, he stayed in a hotel!

Ye Yi’s arrival didn’t seem to be noticed by the people in the room, not only Sebas, but even Soluxiang didn’t come out to greet him, which made Nabei behind Ye Yi’s brows frown!

With a slightly displeased look on her face, Nabei quickly stepped forward and knocked on the door, depending on the dissatisfaction with Sebas and Solyuka’s attitude, Nabei knocked on the door a little louder!

Under Nabei’s almost violent knock on the door, the door gently opened a crack, and a strange face appeared in front of Nabei!

Looking at the inferior human in front of her, Nabei did not hesitate to pull out the sword she was carrying, and the long sword directly touched the opponent’s neck!

Just as he was about to splash blood on the spot, Ye Yi in the rear spoke: “Nabei, stop!” ”


After receiving Ye Yi’s order, the long sword in Nabei’s hand suddenly returned to its sheath! Although he withdrew his long sword, the killing intent on Nabei’s face remained undiminished in the slightest!

This is their stronghold in Sebas, and a strange human actually appeared?

So does it mean that Sebas has been exposed?

“Soryuka?” Thinking of this, Nabei frowned and shouted towards the room!

As soon as Nabei’s words fell, an extremely hurried footstep suddenly sounded, and Suo Liuxiang, who was dressed as a maid, almost ran down the corridor!

“I don’t know that Ye Yiren is in charge, Suo Liuxiang failed to go to greet him, please ask Ye Yi Dai to punish!” Kneeling in front of Ye Yi, Suo Liuxiang asked Ye Yi to punish him with a cold sweat on his face!

“Get up, go inside and talk!” Ye Yi looked around, and said without saltiness: “Nabei, be on guard outside, once you find any stranger approaching, I allow you to take him down as soon as possible, if the other party dares to escape, then it doesn’t matter if you live or die!” ”


“Connor, can you help out there too, okay?”

“Well, I listen to Ye Yi!” Connor nodded slightly, holding Kurasuke in his arms and turning to look around!

Since three days ago, that annoying sight is still there, and the outside is not a place to talk!

It wasn’t until Ye Yi walked into the door that the appearance of the strange human woman was seen by Ye Yi, and a slight sense of familiarity came to his face, but Ye Yi didn’t think much about it, and went straight to the sofa and slowly sat down!

Looking at Suo Liuxiang, whose face was full of cold sweat, Ye Yi spoke softly: “So, Suo Liuxiang, what about Sebas?” ”

“Returning to Ye Dai!” Suo Liuxiang bowed slightly: “Lord Sebas has just left, and he should be collecting intelligence in the royal capital at the moment!” ”

“Tell him to rush back immediately!”


Looking at Ye Yi’s expression that did not see the slightest joy or anger, Suo Liuxiang secretly pinched a cold sweat for Sebas, and even directly notified Sebas through information magic!

Although it was already known that Ye Yi would come today, in the absence of a specific notice from Dao, in order not to attract people’s attention, so Solyuka and Sebas had been waiting for Nabe’s notice!

But what I didn’t expect was that Ye Yi would come directly without the slightest sign at all!

After notifying Sebas, Soluxiang stood quietly on the side without saying a word! Ye Yi didn’t even speak, she naturally couldn’t say anything more!

And the human woman on the side seemed to be frightened by this situation, standing motionless at the door!

Without letting Ye Yi wait too long, Sebas pushed the door directly in!

Looking at Ye Yi, who seemed to be resting with his eyes closed in the center, a little cold sweat broke out on Sebas’s forehead: “Ye Yi…”

Hearing Sebas’s voice, Ye Yi slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the human woman who was in a daze at the door, Ye Yi said softly: “Is there anything you want to say to me?” Sebas! ”

As soon as Ye Yi’s words fell, Sebas only felt an extremely deadly huge coercion rushing towards him!

“When you contacted Nabei before, I don’t remember mentioning the existence of this human woman! As the captain of the Pleiades, can’t you even do the most basic intelligence exchange? ”

“Answer me, Sebas!”

Ye Yi, who the creator of Sebas, is very clear, what kind of personality Ye Yi has the other party is also very clear, and what Ye Yi is in Sebas’s setting is also very clear, so even if there are two or three more human women in the room, Ye Yi will not be too strange!

But what made Ye Yi most unforgivable was that Sebas chose to hide everything completely, and he couldn’t even do the most basic intelligence exchange!

Even Nia and Clementine Flying Squirrel who Ye Yi saved knew about it, but the human woman saved by Sebas was not mentioned in the slightest in the intelligence!

This is unforgivable!

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