September 1995, Georgetown University Basketball Hall, USA.

"Han Yi, Chinese, birthday: February 25, 1977."

"Age: 18! Height: 6 feet 10 inches (2 meters 08), weight 105KG!"

"Arm span: 2 meters 30, palm: 30 centimeters. Standing reach: 2 meters 83!"

"Stationary jump: 55 centimeters, running jump 79 centimeters, 84KG bench press: 10 times!"

"3/4 court sprint in the restricted area: 3 seconds 46, baseline return run: 13 seconds 01!"

"100-meter sprint: 14 seconds 11!"

"Body fat: 18%"

"Biggest advantage: excellent learning ability!"

"Biggest disadvantage: Can't play basketball "" Hey, Ewing, you bastard! In the center, we are also the NCAA League League team. No matter how bad, I will not pull the height of the dynamic. Is it worse? "" Do you still recommend this in the inside? " Except for winning an NCAA championship in 1984 by defeating the god of war Olajuwon of Houston University with this big fool in front of him, he has nothing else to gain.

Although Georgetown University has sent all-star players such as Mutombo and Mourning to the league in recent years, Georgetown University is really Wang Xiaoer's New Year in the NCAA, and it is getting worse and worse every year.

But this year John Thompson feels that his last chance to hit the NCAA championship has come, because last year he got the problem genius rejected by all universities: Allen Iverson!

As a freshman, Iverson showed extraordinary combat power as soon as he entered the NCAA world. Not only did he become the top scorer in the NCAA, but he was also the best newcomer and best defensive player in the Big East!

But it is not enough for Iverson to reach the top in the NCAA.

In this year's March Madness, Georgetown University led by Allen Iverson was defeated by the University of North Carolina led by Jerry Stackhouse and Rasheed Wallace in the round of 16.

In this battle, the freshman Allen Iverson was no less inferior to the senior Jerry Stackhouse, but the inside line was fiercely torn apart by the young Rasheed Wallace!

Now Georgetown University's inside line is composed of 2.06 meters, 105 kg Otella Harrington and 2.05 meters, 130 kg Jahidi White, who are ranked around 50th in the NCAA. As the starting inside line of the NCAA, it is not bad.

But when he faced Rasheed Wallace, who could get the top five picks in the NBA, he was beaten to diarrhea!

Half a month ago, his beloved disciple Ewing mysteriously said that he would bring him a talented inside player who was exempt from inspection. John Thompson waited and waited for 15 days, and then...

"That's it??"

John Thompson pointed to a tall and thin Chinese boy who was practicing free throws not far away!




It's terrible. The basket of Georgetown University's stadium was almost smashed crooked by this yellow-skinned guy!

John Thompson has been coaching in the NCAA for more than 20 years, and the most he has seen are geniuses!

And the boy in front of him is really ordinary except that he is taller, has longer arms, and looks more handsome.

John Thompson's smile now looked like crying: "Is this the rare genius inside player you mentioned?"

"Yes!" Ewing shook his big head, his eyes were very serious:

"Coach, he only practiced basketball for a month."

"Oh!" John Thompson said casually: "I can see that my son was more accurate than him when he just started practicing free throws in elementary school..."

Ewing continued:

"This guy named Han Yi has only practiced basketball for a month and he can already block my layup!"

John Thompson smiled:

"The little guy you introduced is indeed very talented in statics. It doesn't mean anything if he occasionally blocks your shot!"

Ewing lookedEmbarrassed:

"The first time he blocked my shot was a month ago. It was really accidental. But after a month of training, he blocked 5 of my 10 shots in our matchup yesterday!"


John Thompson's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Han Yi who was still shooting madly:

"Interesting, that's really interesting!"

Although Patrick Ewing is 33 years old and his physical condition has declined significantly, he is still an All-Star inside player who averages 24 points and 11 rebounds per game!

An 18-year-old freshman can block Ewing continuously and stably?

John Thompson has never seen such a thing in his 23 years of coaching.

Even Mutombo, who is world-renowned for blocking shots, may not be able to block Ewing continuously.

John Thompson smiled:

"It just so happens that there are several other freshmen participating in the tryout today, let them compete, the Georgetown University basketball team will not make an exception just because of your words!"

"Coach!" Ewing was surprised: "Even the freshman who can block me continuously needs a tryout?"

John Thompson showed a look of seeing through everything: "Ewing, you don't think I will believe your one-sided words, do you? You are the king of New York!"

"A person who can block you 5 out of 10 balls is simply impossible in this world "Can——"

Half an hour later, Han Yi looked down at the trial player who was blocked by him and doubted his life. He curled his lips and looked at Ewing who brought him here helplessly:

"That's it? Boring, I'd better continue to practice my free throws!"

At this moment, John Thompson's eyes were already blazing, and his thick lips couldn't stop shaking:

"My God, this is actually true, I'm going to get this kid!"

In the simple group trial just now, although Han Yi didn't score a point, he also exposed his shortcomings in speed and strength.

But when the 2.08-meter-tall Han Yi stood in the penalty area, he was like an insurmountable demon, blowing away all the enemy's attacks without missing a single one!

In the 10-minute trial match, Han Yi handed in 9 big blocks. The reason why the number of blocks was not more than 10 was because the opponent really didn't dare to rush into the penalty area!

It's easy to occasionally block one or two shots in a 5V5 match, but if you can block all the shots by yourself, it's really terrifying!

"Ewing, tell me the truth, did Han Yi really only block five of your shots in the 1V1 match?"

Ewing looked embarrassed and hesitated: "Actually..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter anymore!"

John Thompson was in a good mood and smiled and waved his hand. Based on his rich coaching experience, Han Yi's shot blocking was already invincible in the NCAA game without the defensive three seconds!

These young men who dreamed of joining the Georgetown University basketball team were completely broken-hearted at this moment!

"Oh my god, this guy is tall, handsome and good at playing? How can we compare?"

"It's so unfair, isn't it? This guy's basketball level is almost zero, but I have played basketball for 18 years, why can't I avoid his block?"

"Retreat, retreat, I am just a mortal, I can't compare with geniuses, compared to basketball scholarships, I'd better study hard..."

At this time, Han Yi was too lazy to look at the group of losers around him, and continued to stand on the free throw line and shoot free throws!


Still missed!

But the virtual screen in front of Han Yi showed:

"Free throw training: proficiency +1!"

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