During the tour, Han Yi was madly absorbing the inside footwork skills taught by Otella Harrington!

It is certainly comfortable to dunk over people, but when the opponent defends and makes it impossible for Han Yi to get so deep, dunking becomes difficult!

What Han Yi needs to learn is how to use inside footwork to get close to the basket!

When Otella Harrington turned around and shook Han Yi off again, he looked at Han Yi who was a little depressed and smiled:

"Han, I admit that you are a genius, but it takes time to master the footwork in the interior. It takes repeated training and years of training. Just for that turn just now, how to turn, how to turn, how big the angle is, where to put the feet, all need to be polished little by little."

"After all these are polished, you can start the actual combat. After entering the actual combat, all these theoretical things have to be thrown behind your mind and change with the changes of the opponent..."

"And do you think you have learned this? No, this is just the beginning. When you really When you master the pace of the inside, you no longer need to change according to the changes of your opponent. You will control the position of your opponent and let him change naturally according to your ideas. "

"Of course, to reach this level, you can't just rely on hard training. It requires very high talent. Some people can do it at once, such as Tim Duncan of Wake Forest University. I once played against him. I was like a puppet in front of him, letting him manipulate me. From then on, I knew that someone like me would never be able to reach that level even if I practiced hard for a lifetime. ""

"Hey, Han, what are you doing? What do you mean by spinning in place? "

Otella Harrington was reminiscing about the past and teaching by example, but what was Han Yi doing? He actually started spinning in circles!

If it was a child spinning in circles, it could be said to be cute, but a giant like Han Yi, who is 2.08 meters tall, spinning in circles was a bit scary and weird!

Otella Harrington felt that she was powerless to complain. In terms of hard training, Han Yi's training was indeed hard enough. In terms of training volume, it was more than double that of others, but Han Yi's training programs were always strange.

Sometimes he would run in circles until he stopped. Sometimes I squat until I am exhausted, and sometimes I suddenly do push-ups like crazy...

If you say these are all training, then yes, but these seem to have nothing to do with basketball training, at least not more than 50 cents!

But Han Yi is spinning around! This is not even physical training, right?

Otella Harrington teased:

"Turning is turning, spinning is spinning, you can't be stupid enough to think that you can learn the inside footwork by just spinning a few circles here?"

Han Yi didn't say anything, and turned a full ten circles, and finally stopped, rubbed his temples and said:

"Otella, I'm tired today, I'm going to go back and rest first!"

Otella Harrington:

"Hey, you only practiced for less than 20 minutes today, this is not like you!"

Han Yi grinned: "Please take a day off, please take a day off! "

Otella Harrington said slowly: "Since you perform well every day, then..."

Before Harrington finished speaking, Han Yi had already trotted out of the basketball hall.

"Tsk, this bastard boy!"

Otella Harrington looked at Han Yi's receding back and murmured to himself: "I hope you can fulfill my NBA dream for me!"

When Han Yi returned home, the first thing he did was to continue spinning!

Who said spinning can't improve turning?

In the process of learning Otella Harrington's inside footwork, Han Yi watched his proficiency in the inside attack attribute continue to increase.

But how it increases specifically seems to have little to do with whether the inside attack is completed. After Han Yi confirmed it for several consecutive days, he finally found that it turns out that just spinning can increase the proficiency of the inside attack!

The growth rate of this proficiency is much faster than the hard training of inside footwork!

After all, how many turns can you make in the inside footwork training?

After Han Yi mastered this shortcut, he turned from noon to the moon climbing up the treetops!

Don't worry about whether you feel dizzy or not. Anyway, every time the attribute is upgraded, the physical strength will be automatically restored. Taking advantage of the low level and the required proficiency is still very low, Han Yi's main goal is that as long as you turn fast enough, the dizziness will never catch up with you!

And this is just a small episode of Han Yi's training in rounds of tours!

30 wins and 2 losses!

Allen Iverson averaged: 26.5 points,

4 rebounds, 10 assists, 3 steals!

Han Yi averaged: 18.5 points, 5.5 rebounds, 1.5 assists, 7.5 blocks!

Georgetown University successfully entered the Big East Division playoffs under the dual leadership of Iverson and Han Yi, and won the first place with an absolute advantage!

In the subsequent single-elimination game of the Big East Division playoffs, it was invincible again and won the championship!

This is also the first division championship won by Georgetown University in the 1990s!

Allen Iverson won the Big East Conference Championship's Best Player, and the Big East Conference's Best Newcomer naturally fell on Han Yi's head!

However, when the award ceremony was still in progress, Han Yi's eyes locked on the system again!

Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the task, 50 points of physical attributes have been credited!

New task: win the NCAA championship, reward: 50 free attribute points!

Wow, Han Yi shouted three times in his heart. Wow, this reward...

The system is really generous. Although it is also 50 points of attributes, these 50 points of free attributes can be freely allocated to different items, which means that those attributes that have already reached tens of thousands of proficiency can also be quickly maxed out through free attribute points!

Physical fitness:

Height: 2.08 meters, weight 110KG, wingspan: 230 cm

Speed: 56, strength: 76, bounce: 60, agility: 50, explosive power: 60, toughness: 40, physical fitness: 100!


Inside offense: 20, ball control: 20, layup: 15, dunk: 90, mid-range shooting: 20, three-pointer: 0, free throw: 40!


Rebounds: 20, Steals: 5, Head-on: 20, Single Defense: 20, Assist Defense: 0, Blocks: 100, Pick-and-Roll: 5, Positioning: 20, Lateral Movement: 20!


Passing: 15, Vision: 10

Game Experience: 400 (Game Experience affects the performance of each attribute)

Han Yi's physical attribute has reached the upper limit of the NBA, what does this mean?

It means that he can maintain the best game state in 48 minutes at full power!

For basketball players, the level of a player's strength is one aspect, but physical fitness determines how long he can maintain this level!

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