The third performance was still on schedule in such an atmosphere.

With the gunman incident in the past, the popularity of this episode has been unprecedented before it was broadcast.

If it weren't for the confidentiality, Xie Haoran even wanted to write a thank-you letter to the people of Tianguang Entertainment.

Before the show was broadcast, Qiao Sheng's voting channel had been closed, and many people who didn't pay attention to the show originally also watched the show on time with a mentality of watching the excitement.

The same scene was staged in the conference rooms of several entertainment companies.

Everyone agreed that with such a big scandal in the past, the program team must have spent a lot of manpower to remove all the scenes where Qiao Sheng appeared.

Just like the chicken brother on the earth had an accident, he was directly "cut out" by the program.

Unfortunately, as the show was broadcast, something that surprised everyone appeared.

Qiao Sheng not only appeared in the picture intact, but also had a lot more shots than before.

In particular, his entire stage and the subsequent mentor's comments were all broadcast without deleting a second.

Why is this?

Why did he still appear in the show when there was such a big scandal and even the voting channel was closed?

He has connections?

Impossible. According to the revelations, he was just a child from an orphanage. Where did he get his connections?

Even if Lin Moxue was the "financial sponsor" behind him, she didn't have such great power!

After watching the show, everyone's doubts deepened.

The audience who had already confirmed that the revelations were true began to question their previous thoughts.

The program team's approach was really incomprehensible.

In any case, Xie Haoran was the biggest winner.

After the statistics came out the next day, the ratings and playback volume of this program ranked first in the entire network.

Xie Haoran laughed all morning and never closed his mouth.

Guess, the more you make a fuss, the more popular the show will be.

Two days before the finals, Bai Shu returned from abroad with the crew.

As soon as she arrived in China, she rushed back to the program recording base without stopping.

Recently, although she was abroad, she had been following the domestic news.

After seeing the show crew's tricks, she knew that Qiao Sheng and Xie Haoran had been holding back their farts.

As soon as she returned to the base, she grabbed Qiao Sheng out of the practice room.

The other trainees were still a little surprised to see Bai Shu.

But seeing her angry look, they all thought she was here to ask for punishment, so no one dared to greet her along the way.

Little did they know that after she grabbed Qiao Sheng to the empty meeting room, her face immediately changed to a bright smile.

"Tell me, what are you going to do in the finals."

After some tenderness, Bai Shu pressed down Qiao Sheng's pouting mouth and asked with a smile.

"Can't say it, it's boring if you say it."

Qiao Sheng let go of her waist, frowned and changed the subject: "Are you not used to the food abroad? Why do you feel that you have lost weight again?"

Women are always the most sensitive to the topic of body shape.

Hearing what Qiao Sheng said, she complained: "Alas, foreign food is not called eating, it can only be called filling the stomach. No, it's hard to even fill the stomach. I and the crew members eat instant noodles in the hotel every night."

Although it was a complaint, Qiao Sheng heard from her tone that she was happy about being praised for losing weight.

God has mercy on her. Qiao Sheng was not praising her at all, but felt sorry for her losing weight again.

"But you, your figure has improved a lot." Bai Shu smiled and looked up at Qiao Sheng. When the two hugged each other just now, she could feel Qiao Sheng's angular abdominal muscles.

Qiao Sheng smiled and pecked her on the mouth, complaining: "Alas, with such a large amount of exercise every day here, if the fat on your body still can't go down, it's really a shame for my sweat."

Qiao Sheng seemed to be complaining, but he was actually secretly happy in his heart.

The ability of the two to grasp the key points is simply like-minded.

Regarding the previous turmoil, Bai Shu was a little worried about Qiao Sheng, but seeing him like this now, he is not affected at all.

Qiao Sheng told her what happened in the recording base during his absence, and Bai Shu also told him about his experiences abroad.

Both of them talked about ordinary daily trivialities.

But a short separation is better than a new marriage, especially since Qiao Sheng was confined in the base without a mobile phone, and the two could not talk every day, so they wanted to tell each other how much toothpaste they squeezed when brushing their teeth in the morning.

Bai Shu's return made Qiao Sheng refreshed.

Because he was in a good mood, he greeted everyone with a smile in the next few days, which made other trainees unaccustomed to it.

. . . . . . .

Time kept moving forward as the trainees were preparing for the competition.

The finals repertoire,There is no topic, no team formation, and it all depends on the trainees to perform on their own.

In recent days, the remaining trainees have been preparing for the finals and shooting advertisements for the sponsors.

Today, after shooting the last small advertisement, the trainees will welcome the live broadcast stage of the finals tomorrow.

After shooting the advertisement, the program team thoughtfully prepared a farewell banquet for everyone.

After tomorrow, except for the 9 trainees who will debut as a group, the rest will go their separate ways and may never meet again in this life.

At the banquet, Qiao Sheng could clearly feel that the other trainees were somewhat alienated from him.

In recent days, the program team has also relaxed the management of the trainees, and they have more or less learned a lot of news from the outside world.

Qiao Sheng is in the base, but they are basically clear about the storm he stirred up in the outside world.

They have also received news from their respective companies, which made them stay away from Qiao Sheng.

On the eve of the group's debut, they were afraid of any complications and did not dare to get too close to Qiao Sheng.

Even from the whole incident that was exposed, Qiao Sheng was basically in a semi-victim position.

But a gunman is a gunman after all, no matter how talented you are, you can't be on the stage.

Although they are not very close to Qiao Sheng at ordinary times, but today, that sense of alienation is particularly obvious.

The only happy one is probably the trainee who has been stuck outside the debut position and is in the tenth place.

He knows very well that Qiao Sheng has basically no chance of debuting as a group after such a big incident.

But he didn't dare to show it too obviously.

Judging from the previous operations of the program group, maybe they will give him a chance.

What if the debut position is reduced from 9 to 8, and he is not given a chance to be replaced?

After the whole banquet, the other trainees talked happily.

Only Zhou Cong was heartless, sitting next to Qiao Sheng and eating and drinking, and no trainee came to toast with Qiao Sheng.

Qiao Sheng didn't care at all, and continued to do his own thing, just like Zhou Cong, enjoying the food on the table.

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