The new season has come.

Last season, Han Yi was still a rookie, but today he is the absolute core of Georgetown University!

This year, Georgetown University lost Allen Iverson and a group of seniors represented by Otella Harrington, and the entire lineup is much thinner.

If we talk about reinforcement, it means that John Thompson intercepted Ron Artest, who had been selected by St. John's University, and deceived him to Georgetown University.

Of course, Han Yi's golden signboard is also very important. Ron Artest, who worked hard from the slums of Queens, New York, relying on his own skills, is just average in terms of absolute basketball talent at the NBA level!

The reason why Artest was able to stand out was because he was desperate enough, fighting against his opponents on the court and fighting against himself on the training ground, thus earning the title of "real warrior".

The only guy he admired was the guy who trained harder and stronger than himself!

It is very rare to find someone who can occupy one of these two points, and Han Yi is the first one in Artest's life who can occupy both of them!

When other players who are far inferior to Han Yi and Artest in terms of talent and ability see that the two big guys of the team are so strong and still train so hard, they are also full of energy to do a big job!

As for Ben Wallace, he is still doing more: Big guy, please drink water...

It's not that John Thompson didn't give him a chance, so he let Wallace train as a pure defensive guard for a whole month, and the conclusion he came to is: Not everyone is Han Yi, Han Yi can still train from scratch.

And what about Ben Wallace? How to describe this dribbling?

If it is a recreational game, it is probably enough, after all, Ben Wallace can really dribble, but in the NCAA, John Thompson dares to use his career as a guarantee. Among those white guards running around in the NCAA, Ben Wallace has no chance of dribbling across half court.

He can't dribble, shoot, or even free throws. He has practiced hard for a long time, but still can't break through the 50% hit rate!

John Thompson cursed, even if he taught a cerebral thrombosis patient to shoot free throws for such a long time, he wouldn't shoot so badly!

Ben Wallace's response to all this is to train, train harder, train day and night!

If Georgetown University was in awe of Han Yi and Artest’s hard work, then it was touching to see Ben Wallace’s hard work:

“He’s a senior, he was not selected, he has no chance to participate in the NBA draft, but he’s still working so hard, so why shouldn’t we work hard?”

The enthusiasm of the Georgetown basketball team was so high that John Thompson was moved to tears:

“If I had known this, I should have let Iverson go to the draft. Look at how motivated everyone is now.” Look, think about how lazy everyone was last season, it's all because the boss didn't set a good example! "

Thinking of this, John Thompson was so angry that he hummed:

"Oh, it's all Iverson's fault. If Iverson could train so hard last season, we would have won the championship!"

But there is still a gap between ideal and reality. After the Big East regular season, Georgetown University only achieved a record of 20 wins and 12 losses, which is completely different from the domineering posture of 30 wins and 2 losses last season!

Fortunately, in the Big East finals, facing the University of Connecticut, which also lost Ray Allen, they fought hard and won the Big East championship again, stumbling into the NCAA Championship, that is, the top 64.

Finally, Han Yi didn't let the bragging he blew last season break before the start of March Madness.

But obviously, even if it has not been eliminated, no one is optimistic that Georgetown University, which barely entered the top 64 of the NCAA, can win the final crown!

Han Yi averaged 25.5 points, 8.4 rebounds, 3.3 assists, and 8.8 blocks!

Ron Artest averaged 10.3 points, 6.6 rebounds, 5.5 assists, and 2.2 blocks!

Ben Wallace: 2.5 points, 3.5 rebounds, and 0.5 blocks!

Artest, who was introduced this year, performed well, but when you think about the fact that he replaced Allen Iverson's core position on the outside, it doesn't seem to be very good...

As for Ben Wallace, he has been used as a scrap by the stubborn John Thompson...

What about Han Yi's data?

Looking at the data, Han Yi's data has indeed improved compared to last season, but the improvement is much slower than everyone expected, especially rebounds. As the absolute pillar of Georgetown University's inside line, the rebounds have not even broken 10? This is obviously unacceptable.

As for the offensive end, Han Yi does have more independent offensive means compared to the version that only knew how to eat cakes last season, such as turning hooks under the basket, low-post singles with strength and footwork, and even some mid-range and close-range shots.

This allows Han Yi to put the ball into the basket without any chance, and no longer lose any threat on the offensive end as long as he is forced to the free throw line like last season.

But what's the use of this?

If Georgetown University still has Iverson this season, then Georgetown University is a sure favorite to win the championship, and it is not false to say that it is the only candidate to win the championship. After all, this year's NCAA does not have the NCAA All-Star lineup like the University of Kentucky last year, where all five players can enter the first round of the NBA.

But now Iverson is winning the NBA Rookie of the Week and breaking the rookie scoring record. Among them, the record of 40+ in 5 consecutive games has created a great NBA myth. Not to mention 1997, even until 2024, this record will not be broken!

44 points against the Bulls, 40 points against the Bucks, 44 points against the Bucks, 50 points against the Cavaliers, and 41 points against the Warriors!

As for the hit rate of Iverson, which is often used to blacken him, there is nothing to blacken in these five games. The hit rate in all five games is more than 40%, and the hit rate in four games is more than 45%.

Although the rookies of the 1996 class are full of talents, many experts, media, and even celebrities still blow Iverson up!

But Han Yi found the black spot and called Iverson: "Hey, AI, what are you proud of? You lost all five games!"

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