At Chengtian Entertainment, the boss Liu Geng brought the music director to hold a meeting.

The theme of the meeting was about the new album of Nine-Zone.

Especially the fact that "Honest" was overtaken by "Lie", Liu Geng asked all departments to pay great attention to it.

After the meeting, he had a quick lunch and returned to his office, waiting for the new songs to be uploaded.

He was not waiting for the three new songs of Nine-Zone, but Zhou Cong's.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and knowing the enemy, you can win a hundred battles. He had already listened to the songs of his own boy band, but Zhou Cong's songs made him very curious.

That's right, it was curiosity.

Because the producer of Zhou Cong's album was the popular Qiao Sheng.

Now, every time he thought of this name, he felt a pang of regret.

Why did he believe the words of Li Zhenting, the bastard!

If he had not participated in Qiao Sheng's "gunman" incident, with the relationship between Qiao Sheng and Bai Shu, he would be the producer of Nine-Zone now!

No, he is even the captain of Nine-Zone!

When thinking of Bai Shu, Liu Geng's temples began to throb with pain.

He knew that Bai Shu turned down several big-budget TV series. At first, he thought Bai Shu wanted to concentrate on being a movie actor.

If an actor is asked to choose between being a movie actor or a TV actor, no one will choose the latter.

The charm of the big screen is always greater than the small screen.

If this is the case, it is understandable, and the company also supports her decision.

After all, no matter how well the TV series is made, the company will not make much money.

But Bai Shu turned down several commercial movies and took over art films that have no "money prospects".

Now, the company's shareholders began to get a little restless.

It's okay if you let us earn a few million less, but if you turn away tens of millions, then we have to talk about it.

At the company's high-level meeting, several shareholders of the company proposed several times to teach Bai Shu a lesson and let her understand her status and position.

Liu Geng was caught in the middle, in a dilemma.

On the one hand, he also felt that Bai Shu was a bit too much, but on the other hand, Bai Shu's contract was about to expire. If he fell out with her at this time, it would be like giving a hen that lays golden eggs to someone else.

Thinking of this, Liu Geng pressed his temples.

He was really worried.

But soon, the alarm clock rang at twelve o'clock, pulling his thoughts back to Zhou Cong.

"Let me listen to Zhou Cong's new song." Liu Geng thought to himself, reaching out and clicking on Penguin Music.

"Waste", "Absolutely Infatuated", "Let Go", the first thing that caught his eye was the names of the three new songs.

He listened to the song "Let Go" first.

After listening to it, Liu Geng nodded. It was a good love song, and Zhou Cong performed it very well.

Liu Geng has been following the "Star of Tomorrow" program since its launch, and he also knows Zhou Cong.

Liu Geng even remembers his first stage performance.

Compared with that time, Zhou Cong's level is now incomparable.

Liu Geng couldn't help but sigh at his great progress.

Then, he listened to "Absolutely Crazy".

When Zhou Cong started singing, he felt that the song was good.

And when the chorus came out, he felt that he was hit all of a sudden.

"You will never understand the sadness I pay for you,

Why should I force myself to fall in love with everything about you,

You force me to retreat, my defense.

Quietly close the door and count my tears silently,"

The lyrics are very simple, without any obscure words or difficult metaphors, and even can't be praised for being well written.

But with such a combination of lyrics and music, plus Qiao Sheng's arrangement, people feel that the more they listen, the more they get addicted.

After Liu Geng subconsciously listened to the whole song, he thought to himself that he was doomed.

He originally only wanted to listen to half of the song, but accidentally listened to the whole song!

What this means is self-evident.

That is popularity.

From his own reaction, Liu Geng can already infer that this song is very popular.

There are probably many people who listen to this song and use it as background music for videos.

No, it should be said that there will be more people who use it as background music.

Look at the lyrics.

"Knowing that it is impossible for you to leave his world,

I still foolishly wait for the day when a miracle appears,

Until that day you will find that

The person who truly loves you is alone in sadness"

It is very suitable for shooting the kind of sad video of running in the rain and shouting "I love you".

And not only the chorus, the lyrics that can be picked out separately from the whole song are actuallyThere are too many.

Thinking of this, Liu Geng couldn't help but feel shocked.

Their company has also studied the short video platform. Some songs are suitable for short videos, while some are not.

And these suitable songs can often be blown to the mobile phones of everyone who watches videos with the help of short videos, thus becoming a popular song known to the public.

After all, there are many more people who watch short videos than those who specifically look for new songs.

Many songs that were buried on music platforms have become popular with the help of short videos, and many old songs that were not popular before have regained vitality with the help of short videos.

Zhou Cong's song "Absolutely Crazy" is very suitable for short videos.

Liu Geng felt that his temples were throbbing more violently.

In order to ease the shock of this song, Liu Geng stood up and made himself a cup of ginseng tea. After leaning on the back of the chair for a long time, he reached out and clicked on the last song.


Zhou Cong's emotional voice echoed throughout the office.

"It's been so long, I haven't changed.

I've loved you for six years.

You'd better be prepared.

I don't plan to stop everything."

For some reason, Liu Geng was moved when he heard Zhou Cong sing "six years" lightly.

What a good boyfriend. Even though he has been in love for six years, he still hasn't changed his girlfriend and plans to continue loving her.

But after listening to the whole song, Liu Geng fell into deep thought, and then set the player to loop the single song and played "Waste" again.

After listening to the whole song again, Liu Geng clicked the pause button and leaned back in the chair for a long time without saying a word.

He now has only one thought in his mind, regret, extremely regretful.

He has seen that these three songs of Qiao Sheng are completely the same emotion - infatuation but unable to get love.

Adding a song "Lie", Liu Geng just wanted to pull Qiao Sheng's collar and ask, what is growing in your head, what has you experienced that allows you to write such a song.

I can't believe you, Qiao Sheng, with your thick eyebrows and big eyes, are actually a bootlicker and a spare tire? !

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