The following plot begins to highlight F4's bullying of a student on campus.

In the original TV series, F4's behavior of forcing students to drop out of school was not explained, which made the four of them seem to be a bit of campus bullying.

When Qiao Sheng saw the drama "Meteor Garden", he was already in high school, and it had been more than ten years since the show was broadcast.

At that time, he was always upset about this plot.

Why can F4 do whatever they want in school and bully their classmates just because they have a family?

So at the beginning, he had a bad impression of F4. Although they are handsome, they always feel that they are not good people.

Later, as the plot deepened, the personalities of the four F4 people gradually emerged, and he changed his opinion of them a little.

Here, Qiao Sheng added some new content to this plot.

For example, after the long-haired boy was forced to drop out of school, the four of them walked on campus. Ximen, played by Zhou Hongzhuo, said to the leader, Yan Yuhang, who played Daomingsi: "Hey, look at the way those female classmates look at us. They obviously think we are bad guys again."

Daomingsi said indifferently: "It doesn't matter. What others think of me is none of my business."

"People who dare to abuse cats in school deserve death." Shao Yunzhan, who plays Hua Zelei, said lightly.

Ximen said with a regretful tone: "You are fine, but my reputation has been ruined, which makes it more difficult for me to find a girlfriend."

Meizao, played by Wang Yinle, said: "You change girlfriends too quickly. It's good to make it more difficult for you."

Ximen smiled and said the classic line: "This difficulty is a drizzle for me. You have to know that the shelf life of a woman is only one week."

When Qiao Sheng saw this, memories came to his mind and he couldn't help but say this classic line from the TV.

Wang Liang, the pure love god of war, couldn't bear to watch it and couldn't help complaining: "I don't know what's wrong with your brain. You've never been in love, but you have a lot of scumbag quotes."

"It is said that artistic creation comes from life. I say, Qiao Sheng, can these be your truest thoughts?"

Qiao Sheng scolded angrily: "Get out of here!"

Wang Liang said again: "No, no, I have to ask your girlfriend to be careful. Send her WeChat to me, I want to remind her."

Qiao Sheng looked at Wang Liang with a smile: "Are you still thinking that I colluded with others to cheat you, and want to verify it yourself?"

Seeing that his little trick was exposed, Wang Liang smiled: "No, watch TV!"

The word "scumbag" was also written on the TV screen.

When the plot came to Shancai's return home, when the actors who played her parents appeared, there was a jubilation in the barrage.

At the beginning, when the actress who played Shancai's mother appeared on the screen, many netizens who recognized her shouted in the barrage, "Seeing her so miserable, it's comfortable."

There is no other reason, just because the image of the evil mother-in-law played by this actress is too deeply rooted in people's hearts.

This actress named Ren Lin is in her fifties and has been in the industry for more than 20 years.

Since she became an actress, she has been a professional "mother" and has appeared in many film and television dramas with a negative image.

As soon as she appeared, the audience knew that she must be a bad person.

If this was put on the street more than ten or twenty years ago, if Ren Lin met an audience who was too immersed in the play on the street, she might even be scolded.

However, for an actor, this is an affirmation of her acting skills.

For example, in the first part of "My Fair Princess", which everyone is familiar with, the actor who played Rong Mama was the veteran actor Li Mingqi.

After the broadcast of the part where she gave Ziwei acupuncture, she would be recognized by people from time to time when she walked on the street, and even suffered insults.

It has to be said that she should be the actor who is most misunderstood because of the role she plays, except Feng Yuanzheng in "Don't Talk to Strangers".

It is also because with the popularity of "My Fair Princess" that year, the name Li Mingqi also "disappeared", and was replaced by the notoriety of "Rong Mama".

To describe it in one sentence, as many people are obsessed with Zhao Wei and Ruby Lin, as many people hate Rong Mama.

At that time, because the spread of information was not as convenient and comprehensive as it is now, the audience did not know the true character of Teacher Li Mingqi, and they only remembered the vicious Rong Mama.

It was later with the development of the Internet that everyone knew that this old drama bone was just a kind and amiable old lady in life.

How much hatred there was for her back then, how deep the praise for her is now.

From another perspective, this is the audience's affirmation of her acting skills.

Ren Lin is the same,Although many TV series she has starred in were not very popular, many viewers remembered her vicious image.

In "Meteor Garden", although she changed her makeup to make her look much more amiable, netizens still recognized her at a glance.

Seeing her earnestly telling Shancai how hard she worked and how difficult it was for her to study in this aristocratic school, netizens immediately felt that most of the anger they had suffered before had disappeared.

"Teacher Ren Lin didn't expect that she had tortured other people's daughters before, and now it's finally her turn to be tortured by life."

"Seeing her complaining, I have only one word, it's what she deserves!"

"Seeing her pitiful appearance, I don't feel pity at all, but feel happy instead. What's going on?"

Just when netizens were venting their long-standing resentment, the actor who played the father walked out of the toilet.

The number of barrages on the screen suddenly skyrocketed.

"Zhou Cong!"

"Hahahaha! How could it be Zhou Cong!"

"A good young man, but the makeup artist turned him into a middle-aged father!"

"I am so amused. What's wrong with his little belly? Did he stuff a pillow in it?"

Zhou Cong, who plays the father of the heroine Shancai in "Meteor Garden", appears in a tattered white vest, shorts and flip-flops, and has a little belly. The master is hilarious.

Not to mention that the barrage is very joyful on TV, at the time on the set, Lin Moxue and Qiao Sheng burst into laughter when they saw Zhou Cong's outfit that took half a day to make.

Although Zhou Cong is usually talkative, he doesn't look funny. I don't know why, after he dressed up like this, he was full of humor.

When filming this family scene, Lin Moxue laughed as many as 15 times!

The first two episodes were quickly aired on the first day, and Wang Liang was still a little reluctant, and urged Qiao Sheng to tell him about the next plot.

Qiao Sheng kicked him out of the room.

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