The two-point shot finally put the worries of the fans of the University of Arizona at ease: "What are you afraid of? We are leading now. We are leading by 5 points in less than two minutes. The NCAA is not the NBA. As long as we drag the time of each round to the extreme, the game will be stable, right?" "Now Georgetown should be anxious! They can't drag the time. If they drag it, there will be not enough time. It's not easy to be fast and have a high success rate!" The fans of the University of Arizona were half right! Georgetown University must play fast! The guard of Georgetown University dribbled across half court in just 4 seconds and passed the ball to Han Yi who was ready to receive it in the middle circle! Han Yi dribbled forward generously! This offensive method can be said to be completely similar to Georgetown's style in the previous round, but it can only be said to be exactly the same!

The choice of the University of Arizona is the same as the previous round, continue to shrink!

All the players of the University of Arizona shrank inside, resolutely not giving Han Yi the opportunity to attack the basket. As for Han Yi's three-pointer, that is exactly what the University of Arizona likes to see!

Kobe frowned and said to Iverson:

"This ball is very difficult to deal with. Your Georgetown's strongest attacker appeared in the most unsuitable position for him to shoot, and the University of Arizona chose to let Han Yi shoot a three-pointer without any defense. If Han Yi didn't attack and pass the ball, the others would definitely not have an open shot. They have been defended to death."

"If it were you, what would you do?"

Iverson asked directly.

"If it were me, I would shoot, of course I would shoot, no matter how difficult the goal was, I would not be afraid, right?"

Before Kobe finished speaking, Han Yi's three-pointer had already been shot!

Han Yi did not come to the NCAA three-point line, but shot directly from the NBA three-point line!

This shot made Arizona University coach Rut Olsen feel a little bad, his heart was in his throat, and he cursed in his heart:

"How dare Han this guy!!"


The basketball went into the net again!!


Han Yi scored another three points, and the score in this game reached 43 points!

Time: 1 minute and 39 seconds!

Georgetown University was only two points behind!

The nine-point difference that seemed like a chasm just now has now been caught up to a score that can be caught up in one round.

Iverson smiled at the stunned Kobe:

"Han's choice is the same as yours, because you are the same person!"

"Are you really the same person as me?"

Kobe was stunned:

"Why do I feel that this guy is crazier than me? If I hadn't practiced three-pointers, I wouldn't shoot three-pointers in such a crucial game, and I would shoot two in a row. This is simply gambling with my life, right?"

"Who said he hadn't practiced?"

Iverson smiled: "He has been practicing three-pointers. At the end of last season, he told me that he would no longer be a guy who was powerless outside the restricted area. He would practice a three-pointer. Obviously, he did it!"

"Oh, my God, I really should let the fat guy on our team learn!"

Kobe said angrily: "If O'Neal wants to learn three-pointers, oh, he doesn't need to know how to shoot three-pointers, even if he only knows some close-range shots "Oh, my God, you are the madman, okay?" Iverson laughed: "You are a small substitute, let the big shark give you a position, right?" "Humph!" Kobe curled his lips: "I will continue to practice hard this summer. When I become stronger, I will definitely let O'Neal give me a position!" "Then I suggest you practice with Han Yi this summer," Iverson seemed to recall something painful: "In terms of training, I have never seen anyone crazier than Han Yi!" "What a joke?" Kobe was immediately dissatisfied: "In terms of training, I have never lost to anyone, not even Michael Jordan!" While Iverson and Kobe were joking and arguing with each other, the University of Arizona was consuming time bit by bit according to the instructions of the head coach! Mike Bibby skillfully dribbled the ball outside the three-point line, and always inadvertently showed an unstable dribbling appearance. Ron Artest's forehead was covered with sweat, but he was itching inside. He knew that he must not foul now. If he did, he would be guilty.

The possibility of breaking the rules!

In his heart, Artest knew everything, but when Bibby took a step back and took a shooting posture, he stretched out his hand too early, and slapped Mike Bibby to the ground with the ball, and Bibby was beaten to the free throw line!

Despite this, Mike Bibby still made two free throws, showing his big heart!

On the other side, Artest was so regretful that he wanted to rush up and kill Bibby directly by force. John Thompson could only drag him to the bench to calm down a little and wait for a defensive round.


Only 1 minute and 3 seconds left!

The University of Arizona still has a 4-point lead!

If it was a bit too hasty for Arizona fans to shout "stable" when they were leading by five points in the previous two minutes, but now there is only one minute left and they can really say with confidence that they are leading by four points:

"Stable, completely stable! It can't be more stable!"

And Georgetown University still didn't seem to panic in the face of such an absolute crisis.

Still copying, Han Yi, a seven-foot tall man, was still preparing to attack outside the three-point line!

Although Arizona University had a 4-point lead this time, it couldn't hold on!

If Han Yi made another three-pointer without any defense, it would really destroy Arizona University's confidence!

Arizona University's supporting power forward took the initiative to attack, expanded the defense to the three-point line, stretched his arms to the longest, and wanted to completely cover Han Yi!

Han Yi smiled slightly: "Let me tell you one thing, a real three-point shooter doesn't need to look at the basket when shooting!"

When Han Yi said this, the supporting power forward was stunned, and at this moment, Han Yi's three-pointer came out again!


Another empty-handed shot!


Han Yi scored his 46th point of the game, and Georgetown University was only 2 points behind! ! !

Three consecutive three-pointers! !

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