The ball was thrown out of the window, and the ball was thrown out of the window.

Celtics' McGrady served the ball from the sideline!

The Celtics' two guards quickly pulled up near the free throw line, and Han Yi came to the 45° free throw line to try a short catch!

But how could the Chicago Bulls let Han Yi catch the ball so easily?

Dennis Rodman rushed directly to Han Yi and blocked Han Yi's receiving route:

"Boy, we have seen through your Celtics' tactics!"

Han Yi helplessly spread his hands: "That's it, I can't catch the ball!"

McGrady only glanced at Han Yi and aimed at the basket!

Ben Wallace was trying to block Luke Longley under the basket, but suddenly he pulled away and caused Longley, who had his hand on Ben, to step out as well!

At this moment, McGrady shook his hand, and the basketball flew high over the heads of everyone in the audience and hit the basket!

At this moment, the Bulls players were confused: "What the hell is this? A mistake at the beginning?"

"Not good!"

Michael Jordan's super rich game experience gave him unparalleled game intuition. When the other Bulls were stunned, Michael Jordan rushed to the basket to fight for this flying ball!

But when Jordan looked at the basketball in the air!

A huge black shadow rushed towards Jordan!

Michael Jordan tried his best to rush to the basketball in the air!

But soon, Jordan was shocked to find that a huge black shadow appeared above the basketball that he had not yet touched!

Han Yi, who was gliding in the air, only had the basketball in his eyes at this moment!

McGrady threw the ball really high enough!

After Han Yi jumped up to catch the ball with all his strength, he only touched the basketball with his fingertips with his 2.30-meter wingspan!

Although he only touched the edge of the basketball, Han Yi hooked it with his fingertips!

Then he aimed at the basket and smashed it violently!


Accurate strike! Going through the basket!


Han Yi once again got a 1-point lead for the Celtics! !

If it was just the original 90 dunk, then this ball would most likely miss!

But 100 strength +% 2 bonus!

90 dunk + 2% bonus!

It is enough to ensure that the ball can still be accurately sent into the basket under this extreme state!

When Han Yi dunked the ball into the basket with a domineering posture, his long legs naturally made a forward kicking motion!

But when he kicked it out, Han Yi felt that he kicked something from the feeling of his feet?


I must have kicked someone!

"Sorry, sorry!"

Han Yi flew down from the basket and walked towards the guy in the Bulls uniform lying on the ground!

After two steps, he couldn't walk anymore!

Because...the one lying on the ground was Michael Jordan!

At this time, Jordan was holding his chest and gasping for breath on the ground. The Bulls teammates had surrounded Jordan!

"Jordan, you won't let me break the ribs that should be broken in three years, right?"

"Macco, are you okay? I'm a rookie, and my shots, no, kicks, don't matter!"

"You bastard, if anything happens to our Macco, I'll kill you!"

Dennis Rodman wanted to push Han Yi viciously, but half a second before he touched Han Yi, he was stopped by a thick low wall!

Ben Wallace said in a cold voice: "Want to touch Han Yi? Then you have to get past me first!"

Dennis Rodman bit his lip and said fiercely: "Who are you? How dare you act arrogantly in front of me!"

Ben Wallace said nothing more, but took another step forward, pressed his forehead against Rodman's, and looked at Rodman calmly!

"That's enough, isn't it embarrassing enough?"

Jordan stood up from the ground. He was just kicked hard by Han Yi and couldn't catch his breath. He lay on the ground for half a minute and was fine. He stepped forward and pulled Rodman away from the edge of the fight. He looked at Han Yi and smiled:

"You are pretty good, little guy. It seems that you really want to win this game?"

At this moment, Han Yi also revealed his cards:

"It's true that you are my idol, but for me, the best gift for my idol is to defeat him personally!"

"Defeat me?"

Jordan sneered: "Countless little guys have said the same thing to me, but their endings are all trampled under my feet!"

"Heh!" Han Yi chose to fight to the end:

"But there will always be a first time, idol. After all, you don't have Pippen by your side today. I think I have a chance!"

Anyway, Jordan is already angry, so let him be angry to the end!

What if he gets too angry and loses his mind, affecting the offense?

That would be a win!

But Han Yi still doesn't know Jordan well enough!

When all of Jordan's reverse scales were touched and his anger reached an unparalleled level, his mind came to an absolutely clear state!

He made a big change of direction to play with McGrady. Under the double-team of Han Yi and McGrady, Jordan raised the arc of his shot higher and higher!

Finally, he used a god-level shot to penetrate all the defenses and let the basketball float steadily into the basket!


Like the past ten years, at the last critical moment, Michael Jordan stood up again and turned the tide for the Chicago Bulls!

Only 10 seconds left!

It's the last critical moment again. No doubt, Rick Pidino handed the ball to Han Yi again!

For the Celtics, winning or not is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Han Yi has used his talent and big heart to show the style of the next generation of Celtics leader in this game!

Now for the Celtics coach, it is to hand over more of these balls that determine the life and death of the team to Han Yi, so that he can grow up quickly under this heavy pressure!

But for Han Yi, this game is not allowed to lose!

Can't lose either!!

The reward of 30 vision that is in hand, that is, it can't fly away no matter what!

Han Yi took advantage of the pick-and-roll, received the ball, and prepared to kill inside, but when he looked up, wow!

Bulls Rodman, Luke Longley, and Kukoc squeezed in the inside at the same time!

No matter how long Han Yi's arms are, he can't dunk the ball into the basket through three giants, not to mention that there is Ben Wallace in the middle of the three giants!

And what about in front of Han Yi?

Michael Jordan is defending closely.

Although Han Yi has an absolute height advantage, Han Yi's ball is frozen!

Direct shooting, with Han Yi's height and long arms, can completely ignore Jordan's close defense, but he doesn't have this skill!

As for dropping the ball and breaking through? That's simply courting death!

With Han Yi's current dribbling level, dribbling in front of Jordan is equivalent to delivering food directly!

Time passes by minute by minute, it's originally 10 seconds, and the Celtics are still behind, how can they continue to waste time?

Michael Jordan squeezed out a funny and terrifying smile from his originally fierce face:

"Bastard! This last attack, you can't grasp it!"

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