The game was over.

3 seconds!

2 seconds!

1 second!

The game was over!

Han Yi originally thought that Jordan would come over to fight for the ball with him, or send him to the free throw line with a rough foul.

He was ready for all of this.

But nothing happened, as if at that moment, except for Han Yi, everyone else was frozen!

Just watching these three seconds pass in a flash!

The lights turned red!

The whistle sounded!

The game was over!


At the home court of the Chicago Bulls!

Jordan's fifth ring night!

The Boston Celtics, the second-to-last team in the power rankings, defeated the invincible Chicago Bulls!

Han Yi succeeded in killing the god!

Michael Jordan: 26 points, 6 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 steals, 1 block!

Han Yi: 24 points, 8 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal, 4 blocks!

In the first 46 minutes of this game, the word "mediocre" is enough to summarize it, because it is not only mediocre, but also a bit drowsy.

But in the last two minutes, everything is different, and the situation suddenly changes!

In the eyes of the audience, for some reason, the Celtics' No. 2 pick this year suddenly started a crazy scoring match with Jordan!

Michael Jordan made 3 of 4 shots against multiple defenses, and scoring 6 points was already extraordinary!

And what about Han Yi on the opposite side?

He made 9 points with 4 of 4 shots, and also sent an assist for the winning goal and a fatal steal that could directly put the victory in his pocket!

Of course, in addition to these, what is more exciting to fans is that Han Yi, the second pick who just made his NBA debut, kicked Jordan almost to KO in the game!

In the post-match interview tonight, Michael Jordan naturally accepted the support of 90% of the media.

But the questions they raised today made Jordan, who was already unhappy, even more angry.

"Mac, what do you think of the performance of Han Yi, the second pick of the Celtics today?"

"Mac, what do you think of the Celtics players led by Han Yi who idolized you before the game, but beat up your Chicago Bulls in the game?"

"Mac, has the rookie Han Yi entered your hunting list for the new season?"

"No, no, no!" Michael Jordan waved his fingers gracefully.

"Han is a very competitive guy. I like such guys very much, but I want to say that this is just a regular season game. He played well, but it was just a good play. If you want to enter my hunting list, it is not enough to rely on some small tricks. Find a way to meet me in the playoffs first!"

Michael Jordan, who has reached the end of his career, has learned how to maintain his GOAT image in front of the media, although he has already cut Han Yi, who embarrassed himself, into pieces in his heart:

Han Yi? I remember this name!

In the Celtics' post-match interview, Rick Pidino naturally brought Han Yi, the biggest contributor to the Celtics' victory today, to the screen.

Facing the media's long guns and short guns, Rick Pidino did not hesitate to praise his beloved apprentice:

"Han Yi is the reason why I coach the NBA. When Auerbach handed me this invitation, I was hesitant at first because I was used to the slow pace and atmosphere of the NCAA.

"But when he told me that I could coach Han Yi, I knew I had no reason to refuse, because I believe that I will start something with Han Yi in the Celtics that will shock the entire NBA."

"From my first match with Han Yi in the NCAA, I was sure that he would become a big figure who shocked the basketball world!"

"Han Yi, congratulations on your brilliant performance in your NBA debut. Before the game started, most people were not optimistic that you would become a spoiler, so how did you break the doubts and defeat the Bulls?"

"Confidence! "Han Yi replied: "No one is optimistic about us, which will become the biggest motivation for us to defeat the Bulls. The less people believe in us, the more we hope to create miracles!"

"Han," the reporter couldn't help asking: "Is it true that you said your idol is Jordan? Then how do you pay tribute to Jordan?"

"Of course!" Han Yi nodded:

"Jordan is my idol. Fighting with the idol and then defeating the idol is the best way to pay tribute to him."

"Han Yi, can you tell me what other idols you have?


"My idols include Hakeem Olajuwon, Patrick Ewing, David Robinson, Charles Barkley, Gary Payton, Reggie Miller..."

Dennis Rodman: "Do you really think Han Yi defeated our Bulls with real swords and guns? Bullshit! We were deceived, the Celtics are liars, and Han Yi is the liar among liars!"

The first game of his career not only ruined Michael Jordan's perfect ring night, but also kicked Jordan to the ground. It's impossible not to make headlines!

"Seizing power? The new generation kicked Jordan off the altar!"

"Kill the idol! ”! The No. 2 pick in 1997 is trying a novel way to pay tribute!》

《Han Yi’s hunting list is released, Jordan is only No. 1! NBA bosses are ready to tremble!》

《Shocked! It turns out that the Bulls’ first victory was cheated away!》


“At the end of the noon news, a sports news flash is temporarily inserted. Today, our Chinese young player Han Yi completed his professional career debut in the NBA of the United States. Han Yi is the second pick selected by the Boston Celtics this year. ”

“In today’s season opener against the Chicago Bulls, Han Yi scored 24 points, 8 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal, and 4 blocks!”

“In the last moments of this game, Han Yi and Michael Jordan competed continuously. In the last two minutes, Han Yi scored 9 points, 1 assist, and 1 steal, and finally led the team to a reversal and victory. The performance was perfect! ”

Although the ratings of the noon news at 12 noon are not comparable to those of the evening news broadcast, it is also one of the top programs in CCTV news.

In the 1990s, when there were no smartphones and no videos to watch, students in schools and employees at work usually watched the noon news to kill time during lunch breaks.

If the number of people who watch NBA live broadcasts in the morning on weekdays in China is compared to "1", then the number of people who watch the noon news at noon is "10,000"!

Those who don't pay attention to basketball just glance at this news, but if the Chinese people who know a little about basketball and the NBA, they will be stunned!

"Michael Jordan? Our Chinese boy can actually defeat the hottest man in the basketball world in the first game?"

For professional basketball players in China, they are directly kneeling!

"Han Yi! Han Yi!"

Wang Zhizhi: "Coach, I want to participate in the NBA draft next year! ”

Yao Ming, who was only 17 years old, burst into tears in front of the TV:

“Mom, I want a signed jersey of Han Yi!”

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